Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Tea is good too :] and one of you horrible influences made me make cannacaps with caffiene in, and those are cool... I don't remember who it was, haha
Mainly just high quality h20 (insert waterboy voice) every now and then I'll get a little wild and crack open a Dr pepper. Another fun treat and super simple is to throw a nice glob of cannaoil in a cup of hot coco. One of my favorite treats in the winter.
toss in some onions and fry it up; ambrosia

My mind immediately went to this vile concoction.

My mind immediately went to this vile concoction.



Never tried it. Might have to give it a try. Did a quick Google search on it and first thing I saw was "may improve brain function" and this dusty thing needs all the help it can get.

There's a lot of good reasons. I feel much more hydrated and just all around better.