Can I switch to 6/2 light schedule when in 18/6 now?

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Well-Known Member
I noticed that but there’s been more positive then negative…. My new batch of girls are day 3 Veg and day 14 micro…I’ll send a pic of the current grow since ppl think I just steal other pics lmao….here’s an article saying otherwise and tons of positive saying try it….so I’m just asking if I can switch light schedules mid grow…I’ve always done 24/0 for micro and 18/6 for Veg but I’m intrigued by the newer studies coming out…not saying max yield is the best source but I know I’m gonna try it…the issue isn’t if it works great or not….the only question is can I switch mid grow or should I wait till my next cuttlings/seedlings

The only answer is….. it’s your first grow and instead of being humble and learning your stuck on some stupid bs.


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Staff member
What??? Not my first grow at all but ok…thanks for nothing dumbass
I’m trying to find out what information to keep track of during a grow, or in this case, multiple grows at one time, and really a lot of things are coming up all over the place…
this is my first grow indoor, 2 tents (1-5x5 and 1-4x8) and a seedling/cuttlings closet….obviously I watch RH and Temp etc while it’s growing but is there a template to use for everyday growing info to track thats sectioned into different grow cycles maybe and has cheat sheets or notes included etc?
I just know to watch the temp and watering…ppm/ph for feeding and then the dates I track are the germination start, sprout/seedling at 3”, transplant date (to 3gal or 7gal depending on grow technique etc) and then the flowering date I’ll put down but not sure what else to track.
Also I tried finding threads on here before just posting and couldn’t, not sure if it’s cuz I’m newer but i found tons of others actual journals but not the individual info they’re recording either daily/weekly/monthly. Thanks in advance for any info given and I hope everyone’s having a great day
Oh dear truth distortion. So whose plants were fuhmypuddy's from Reddit since this is your first indoor?


Well-Known Member
Hahahahah, I’m just sitting laughing at you small minded morons thinking I’ve never grown before or some shit…I’ve just never used 6/2 is all and I have great shit…just trying new shit is all….it’s sad that you guys are all just closed minded drone farmers…guess I’ll head to a better site…with standard sizing
We are going to miss you, if you ever go away...


Well-Known Member
@Trip_G hey man, maybe if you do a few test runs, with clones and all you can draw some conclusions about having 6/2 instead of 18/6. But if a dude can pull 200+ grams of a single plant with 18/6 well, if it ain't broke don't fix it they say.
Although It would be interesting to see what results can pull a 6/2 light schedule.
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