Horticultural Lighting Group's Bursting with Buds Light giveaway!

I want to say, that I changed the rules to give a better selection to choose from. I had expected more entries than we actually got and that there would be more entrants with HLG lights. I apologize to anyone whom I may have disappointed. This has been a learning experience for me. I feel though that my effort to expand the field of entrants was a reasonable thing to do. Next time, the rules will be tighter.
I think you did fine and it was fun and I'm one of the ones who wasn't eligible and didn't even realize it. I'm still VERY happy and grateful you would do something for our community. It's a gift and I stopped doing dentistry on gift horses a long time ago, now I just say thank you for thinking of us.
@pop22 I think two comps would be a good idea. One for existing HLG users, always good to luck after paying customer base and another for non-HLG users which will give HLG more reach into the wider community.
That's a brilliant idea. Make the prize an entry level light for the non LED or non HLG LED users and the higher end lights could go to the HLG users. It would be a great way to get dedicated HID users into the LED game and non HLG LED users a taste of their light.