What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Pic from this morning. It,s what I got done yesterday

And done


Doing this a little backwards.
Gonna empty the pool soon. Water is going straight to the ground to soften it up. Gonna dig out a few inches and we're going to cement or pavers or both. Or planter boxes and cement or pavers. I don't know, ask mamashark.

Still got the other half of the yard that's gonna get a face lift, too.

It never ends when you have a house


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Broke drill bit #2, definitely don't have another 7/16 laying around. It will be here Tues. :(
Got the wall and floor cleaned up behind/under where the fish tank was. 15 years of yuck.
dude...seriously, go to the cheap ass tool store in every mall in the country and buy a couple of drill bit sets....they don't have to be good, they just have to be there....