last concert you saw?


Well-Known Member
The last concert i saw was a Pink Floyd tribute by the Machine. I am curious too hear what yours was. Post it up!:weed:


Active Member
Last concert as in ticket sold out. Was Ash on sunday night after they played download. missed rocked a few but know it was this. Be at concert every night if had the will power. As concert i mean ticket and headlines, theirs nuthing else needed like bar.


Active Member
last band i saw was mindless self indulgence on halloween in toledo. they ROCKED!!! also saw a couple pretty cool local bands, almost got trampled in a mosh pit i wore heels like a dumbass :wall: but you can't dress up as a naughty school girl and NOT wear heels :wink:! plus i was stoned out my mind hahah :bigjoint:
i've also seen system of a down (they were AMAZING!!:clap:)


Well-Known Member
last band i saw was mindless self indulgence on halloween in toledo. they ROCKED!!! also saw a couple pretty cool local bands, almost got trampled in a mosh pit i wore heels like a dumbass :wall: but you can't dress up as a naughty school girl and NOT wear heels :wink:! plus i was stoned out my mind hahah :bigjoint:
i've also seen system of a down (they were AMAZING!!:clap:)

1. i would kill to see MSI 2. i would chop my left nut to see lucky lucky person.

My last concert was at the ice-n-air comp. It was 3oh!3, crazy fun.


Active Member
The last show I went to see was Tool, in Jacksonville Florida.

They had mind blowing visuals and laser light shows throughout the whole show.

Anyone who is thinking about seeing this awesome band, EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM, YOU WILL ENJOY THEIR SHOW I PROMISE.

:joint: time -- Nintendude


Well-Known Member
The last show I went to see was Tool, in
Jacksonville Florida.

They had mind blowing visuals and laser light shows throughout the whole show.

Anyone who is thinking about seeing this awesome band, EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM, YOU WILL ENJOY THEIR SHOW I PROMISE.

:joint: time -- Nintendude

i saw tool at bonnaroo. they were awesome!


Well-Known Member
Last show I went to was Vayden. Other than that the only other show recently was Tool in '06.


Well-Known Member
Last concert I went too was Van Halen!! For being dormant for 23 years or whatever it was, they rocked pretty good!


Well-Known Member
a radio station was having this little festival of sorts called Wingstock. Peter Frampton and Southside Johnny were there. It was supposed to be Kansas but they dropped out. I didn't really watch the bands perform though, I really just hung around with a few people.

last concert I actually was at was Iron Maiden and it was fucking AWESOME!! The place it was at have lawn seats and I was up there, but at the front of it. It started POURING RAIN and by the time Trivium got off stage(they're not that great live) and Iron Maiden got on, everyone was soaking wet. Flat out the BEST concert I've ever been too what with the thrashing around in the rain and such. Almost as good as the time I saw Ringo Starr in '05 and Edgar Winters was on stage playing Frankenstein and it started raining and again, I was in the lawn seats, but they let us underneath the dome that time. His hair was waving in the wind and there was thunder and lightning and OMG!! Awesome.


Active Member
Saw Melvins w/ BigBusiness a couple months back. Waitin' for Soundgarden to collectively pulled their heads outta their collective assess and gig some more.