Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Well-Known Member
Not the CDC, pfizer et. al. The lancet article explains how they used legalease to justify their "95% effective" stat, using a more useless statistic called relative risk reduction, or RRR, as compared to the much more useful stat ARR, or absoulute risk reduction. Which their peer reviewed study concluded was less than 2% for the best performing vaccine. Not the number j&j's marketing department wants being heard now is it?

Now you're moving the goalposts and admitting the vax is useless for the only reason they're forcing it on us, to help others. That's what I've said since the start. Tell me little nazi boy, are you still going to put me in camp for not getting the vax that does nothing to help anyone besides myself? May as well take someone's rights away for choosing to smoke or sky dive. My body my choice, facist.
I never threatened you or anyone with camp, you liar.


Well-Known Member
I don’t have never done Facebook. I checked it out years ago and couldn’t believe how goofy it was, not my style at all. I try Instagram but there again it’s pathetic. This is my only social media I do and it’s not bombarded with ads that annoy me and you can actually have a conversation and you can pace it the way you want, so it works for me. I only have a cell phone and no at home computer but I am thinking about getting off the grid completely and if I need to use the internet I can go to the library.

I have a rough day today at work because I have a religious wacko coming in who is a complete nut case. I don’t get these people. They refuse the vaccine like it’s poison and then they wait until the very last minute to get treatment for cancer that’s literally oozing from their body and I have to deal with the stench and the non compliance and then they decided, since they are going to die without treatment, that medicine is great and bring on the chemotherapy and radiation . I need another profession .
I love my nurses, Thanks for being there.


Well-Known Member
"if it even saves one life"


lol typical nazi. Remember how hitler was voted into power? You're the kinda guy who'd vote for his policies, to say the least.

Like a fly to honey.....

The only ones being killed and fucked by this now are largely republicans and those are the ones you are harming by spreading this bullshit, the liberals are all vaxxed. When you start killing your own kind, the rest of us know we are dealing with a loser.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
drunk drivers have a 99% survival rate yet we have laws against it because it is a threat to others.......get it?! perhaps we should put a $10,000 bounty on un-vaxed ala Texas
and yet the unvaxxed are not any more of a threat than the vaxxed, as shown by many studies including the CDC's own. Which I have posted for you to see :sleep: Speaking of abortion, which in general I'm in favor of, if it's ok to kill something that 50% belongs to someone else for any reason ranging from "my body my choice" to "I just feel like it", and nobody else's eelings or alleged life if you believe it's a living baby matters then I can choose to not to be subjected to an experimental drug cocktail the governments own data suggests I'm in no need of and wont help anybody else. I'm just not taking it is all lmao


Active Member
Real world data back them up and the data is in, end of argument, reality wins.
Yeah I've been posting the real world data, from the same sources y'all tell me to blindly obey. You've just been whinging and complaining :lol: Come back when you have a rebuttal that isn't "because I said so", and get some bengay for that chapped ass of yours


Well-Known Member
and yet the unvaxxed are not any more of a threat than the vaxxed, as shown by many studies including the CDC's own. Which I have posted for you to see :sleep: Speaking of abortion, which in general I'm in favor of, if it's ok to kill something that 50% belongs to someone else for any reason ranging from "my body my choice" to "I just feel like it", and nobody else's eelings or alleged life if you believe it's a living baby matters then I can choose to not to be subjected to an experimental drug cocktail the governments own data suggests I'm in no need of and wont help anybody else. I'm just not taking it is all lmao
Keep on selling you bullshit lies.

Unvaccinated people are far more likely to get the virus and become super spreaders than any fully vaccinated person.

Yeah I've been posting the real world data, from the same sources y'all tell me to blindly obey. You've just been whinging and complaining :lol: Come back when you have a rebuttal that isn't "because I said so", and get some bengay for that chapped ass of yours
No you have been posting legitimate links and posting bullshit false narratives about what they are saying in them.


Active Member
The only ones being killed and fucked by this now are largely republicans and those are the ones you are harming by spreading this bullshit, the liberals are all vaxxed. When you start killing your own kind, the rest of us know we are dealing with a loser.
see the following :blsmoke:
I love my nurses, Thanks for being there.
aren't nurses the largest group of healthcare workerw refusing the vax?

I never threatened you or anyone with camp, you liar.
No. There are enough destructive jerks who won’t vacuum up without a mandate. They very much should be seriously penalized if they refuse to do the civic minded thing.

For one, anyone unvaxed who gets hospitalized should have to pay the full cost of care without insurer assistance. I consider that a reasonable price to exact for anyone who opposes a vital public health measure without (rare) legitimate medical reasons. This “freedom” fixation is MAGA horseshit.
"this freedom fixation is MAGA horseshit"

"[people I don't like] should be severely penalized if they refuse [the greater good]"

yeah yeah first you ban me from the bars, then my job, then the grocery store.. I'm sure you'll give up after that, you nazi rat bastard. Sounds like you got bullied too much in middle school and this is how you live out your power fantasies lol.

Keep on selling you bullshit lies.

Unvaccinated people are far more likely to get the virus and become super spreaders than any fully vaccinated person.

No you have been posting legitimate links and posting bullshit false narratives about what they are saying in them.

Actually the unvaxxed with natural immunity are 6-13x less likely to catch covid, are 27x less likely to be symptomatic if they do and 8x less likely to be hospitalized than those who have been double vaxxed. Given most people survive covid with either mild or no symptoms at all it is unethical to demand they become participants in an experimental drug trial that is less effective than known immunity boosting alternatives.


If you can interpret my links better than me then walk the walk instead of just posing, it's getting embarassing for you my dude.
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Well-Known Member
and yet the unvaxxed are not any more of a threat than the vaxxed, as shown by many studies including the CDC's own. Which I have posted for you to see :sleep: Speaking of abortion, which in general I'm in favor of, if it's ok to kill something that 50% belongs to someone else for any reason ranging from "my body my choice" to "I just feel like it", and nobody else's eelings or alleged life if you believe it's a living baby matters then I can choose to not to be subjected to an experimental drug cocktail the governments own data suggests I'm in no need of and wont help anybody else. I'm just not taking it is all lmao
then you will pay more for your health insurance...insurance companies know the truth


Well-Known Member
see the following :blsmoke:

aren't nurses the largest group of healthcare workerw refusing the vax?

Actually the unvaxxed with natural immunity are 6-13x less likely to catch covid, are 27x less likely to be symptomatic if they do and 8x less likely to be hospitalized than those who have been double vaxxed. Given most people survive covid with either mild or no symptoms at all it is unethical to demand they become participants in an experimental drug trial that is less effective than known immunity boosting alternatives.


If you can interpret my links better than me then walk the walk instead of just posing, it's getting embarassing for you my dude.
Until those numbers appear in Nature or Jama, I’m staying loose.


Well-Known Member
see the following :blsmoke:

aren't nurses the largest group of healthcare workerw refusing the vax?

"this freedom fixation is MAGA horseshit"

"[people I don't like] should be severely penalized if they refuse [the greater good]"

yeah yeah first you ban me from the bars, then my job, then the grocery store.. I'm sure you'll give up after that, you nazi rat bastard. Sounds like you got bullied too much in middle school and this is how you live out your power fantasies lol.

Actually the unvaxxed with natural immunity are 6-13x less likely to catch covid, are 27x less likely to be symptomatic if they do and 8x less likely to be hospitalized than those who have been double vaxxed. Given most people survive covid with either mild or no symptoms at all it is unethical to demand they become participants in an experimental drug trial that is less effective than known immunity boosting alternatives.


If you can interpret my links better than me then walk the walk instead of just posing, it's getting embarassing for you my dude.
You are incorrect.

But I don't expect another death cult troll to admit it.