Examples of GOP Leadership


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Who better to know the system than someone...

...or the Right is running out of people with integrity.


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Nobody is this stupid and still breathing, they are racist assholes driven by white cultural tribalism to madness. Imagine how biased you would have to be to have a favorable view of Trump after 5 years? Now imagine what would drive such a self destructive antisocial mass pathology? Disinformation helps, but racism is at the root of this bullshit, it's why the republicans will probably retake the house in 2022. Sure gerrymandering and disinformation help, but they only help what is already there in abundance for a very long time. Even mass covid death and gross incompetence wasn't enough, they simply rolled in the shit like a dog and stank of it. It shows the way forward for other demigods, they just need to convince the suckers that they will do anything, like Trump, destroying the constitution is a given.
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I don't think you understand today's GOP, criminal and deviant sexual behavior is a positive on a job application for them.
They need people who will break the law and constitution, these people have demonstrated their qualifications. They are a majority in many states full of bigots and fools and will probably win the house in 2022 and the first order of business will be to impeach Biden. The second order of business will be to set the country on fire and destroy it, until Trump is released from a NY state prison, illogical I know, but facts don't matter. Remember, facts don't matter, I wish the media would stop going on as if mere facts mattered, they don't matter at all, fear and hate matter.


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Due to Voter Suppression from the Righties, Colorado takes it seriously and has gone to BallotTrax tracking system. Just got my EM that my ballot is on it's way and to look for it..they're with me every step of the way to make certain it's accounted for and doesn't disappear with that new-fangled mail system that Louis DeJoy instituted.



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I think Joe might have to fire Garland and replace him with someone who will defend the country and constitution AGGRESSIVLY. Garland appears to be a pussy and not up to the job, they need someone fanatical about justice and especially defending the country. Every one of the people on the capitol grounds should be looking at jail time, those who went inside should be imprisoned, every one of them along with those who was involved.
'It's evil': Jim Acosta reacts to Trump's remark during interview