What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
got a pot of chili simmering today, to eat tomorrow...you can't eat chili the same day you make it....i'll make some buttermilk cornbread to go with it, supposed to be rainy and ugly tomorrow, that just makes it better
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Ya just gotta make cornbread ! I'm hungry now, thanks a lot....I gotta get to the f'ing store, do some f'ing grocery shopping then f'ing put it all away....nice looking concoction!


Well-Known Member
Last i looked the voting ends November 8th
For the Halloween comp I am in....last I looked Its a tight race and I could use every vote I can possibly get to win this one.
Farmerfisherman was the winner of another Halloween comp that just wrapped up and I was skimming and speed
Reading a few pages of it of it but never saw the winning picture. The 600
Club had some really fun comps back in the day. OMG they were crazy. One guy even hacked into the system to beat me. Like on the last day at
The last minute he somehow came
With 1,000 more
Votes even though I was a head of him the entire time . Lol. He just couldn’t bear to lose. Lol.
Had to of been luck of the draw. These plants were all receiving different types of nutrients, amazed I managed to get them to the flip. One turned out to be female, center plant in the last picture. Good luck with the contest you are in!
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Bobby schmeckle

Well-Known Member
Just a quick PS. Some of you in here (you know who you are) were there for me during some rough times (2016-17?)
I just want you to know I’m eternally grateful for your friendship and I love you forever. Lemme see if I can pull a few names out... @curious2garden (my grandma) @cannabineer @srh88 @Gary Goodson @Indacouch2.0 @Aeroknow @420God @blueghost

Living 10 hours from my friends and family, drinking too much, kid on the way and depressed. You guys (and others) were like family to me. And you still are. :)