Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
nice macguyver grow you got going on there. way to use what you have to work with. What part of Germany? I was an international business student and studied german for 7 years. that was 5 or 6 years ago, so I have forgotten a lot of the words. i am going to check out that german forum and hopefully practice like you said with this one. will check in later, good growin; to ya.




Well-Known Member
nice macguyver grow you got going on there. way to use what you have to work with. What part of Germany? I was an international business student and studied german for 7 years. that was 5 or 6 years ago, so I have forgotten a lot of the words. i am going to check out that german forum and hopefully practice like you said with this one. will check in later, good growin; to ya.


Mc Gyver would be jealous^^ +rep :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I was born in Bavaria, close to where the Austrian boarder still was in this time. Now 'couse of the E.U there is no border anymore.

In the E.U. you can buy nice equip for growing. but how I'm living in fuckin' communist Venezuela close to the Colombian border I have to do it Mc Gyver style 'couse here you get no equip. Maybe it's becouse 1KG of weed costs about 80$ here on the border so why the hell grow weed if not for fun and maybe for better quality^^

Here's a picture of today, almost all my plants have their heads up again allready, the others will have it tomorrow, and branches are starting to grow, so it's working.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
I'll say one thing, probably won't have to worry about the cops growing a few plants, they probably got bigger things toworry about.

Bavaria, nice, been there, Munich is my favorite town in Germany. HofBrau Haus is the BOMB!

good luck on yer grow bradda!


Well-Known Member
I'll say one thing, probably won't have to worry about the cops growing a few plants, they probably got bigger things toworry about.

Bavaria, nice, been there, Munich is my favorite town in Germany. HofBrau Haus is the BOMB!

good luck on yer grow bradda!
Here it's not the big deal, with a border to colombia where all the drugs come from and a communist mother fucker president, and even colobian terrorists using our territory wtf can you expect...
Venezuelan cops are corrupt stupid idiots and for shure they don't worry about a few plants, all the stupid hippies here without even knowing what they are doing everytime put very bad bagseeds in soil and with very good waether here lots of hermies are growing in gardens and outside of town, and some hippies don't even knwo that they are not supposed to smoke the leaves... I'm serious man...

By law here you could really get in big trouble even just 'couse you carry a joint, but we smoke amost where ever and when ever we want to, 'couse cops leave you alone for a few bucks if they catch you, and even if you get arrested, public defense will usually not do anything if you were not selling, so after max. 48 houres they have to let you go and nothing further will happen, even if by law it would be minimum 2 years jail for 0-20g of weed, 20g up means 5 years or more, but law in Venezuela is not a fact, it's just a worthless peace of paper for more than one reason!
The bad thing is it's not just good for potheads, it's "good" for criminals too so that sucks a lot...

In Germany a little bit of weed is usually no big trouble.
But specially in Bavaria where the police has really nothing to do anyway, you can get in trouble for growing very easy.
Even the limit of weed you can carry without usually any further trouble is much lower in Bavaria than in other states that sucks!
Bavarians are drinkers not smokers, or at least the Bavarian politicians.

"Prost!" :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Some pictures of today 26 Days Growing Now...

I tied the plants even more down today and put the light lower again!
Branches are starting to grow!

The little cups will get to small soon, so in a few days I'll replant some to some big ones directly for floweing, and some others in not so big ones for still going on veg them a little more...

Group shot with flash:

Group shot without Flash:

The KC33:


The Cripple, I guess tomorrow I'll take it to a nice spot outdoors:

Since this Skunk was too dry for a while it got some stupid issues^^

This Skunk is the most steched one, the short fingers at two of it's leafes it got from being to close to one of the cfls the day I forgot to swich on the fan after taking fotos:

This Skunk has some issues I just don't know wtf it is, take a good look to the leafes:

Ths skunk has two weird leafes, and it's not as dark green then most of the others:

Just a Skunk:

Another Skunk:

The last of my Skunks:


Well-Known Member
Today I took the cripple to a nice spot outdoors, I hope no animals will eat it^^
I'll will post some pics from there in the next days, I didn't take any today 'couse I was afraid to be seen there with all the tools, fert, and lots of other things I needet there today, so I just went away from there fast, even if I think it's a very safe place...

Indoors everything is allright I'll probably post some pics tomorrow, today I'm kind of not in the mood to post some here^^


Well-Known Member
wie gehts meine bruder?

ich komme aus U.S.

lol i took like 4 years of german in school so everytime i meet a german i have to use it. but the grows looking good man


Well-Known Member
"Ich komme aus den USA" *gg* so ist es richtig
Danke für die Komplimente zu meinem Grow, ich selber bin leider nicht ganz zufrieden mit dem bisherigen Verlauf.

Mejor seguimos en un idioma que entienden los demas aqui tambien, dudo que es español, asi que me va tocar seguir improvisando con el poco que se del ingles :mrgreen:


Let's go on with this journal.

Like I wrote yesterday, plants are tied down even more, like this the are gonna stay till I put them to flower!

I'll attach some pictures.

The only really new thing you can see is that my cripple is not indoors anymore...
It has got some better soil underneath wich I did prefert by my self, but on top I just filled up with the usual dirt from around there so in case somebody comes close to it there's nothing that's not looking natural.
Anyway, nobody will get close there but just in case there ist lots of vegitation so even I had to search my plant today for taking the Picture^^



Well-Known Member

Even if it's a little bit to early, tomorrow or on the weekend I'm going to start flower 3 of my babys.(in 7,2L pots under 400W HPS)
There are lots of reasons, but the main reason is the room and the light, Less Plants under those cfls means more space and more light each and I'll be able to transplant some of them wich slowly need a bigger pot.

Some pictures of today!

Group Foto:

This one drives me crazy, with it's deficites or just damages of drying out, I don't really know wtf is wrong with it!

This one has got a funny mutation, theres a branch in the middle between two internodes:

This Plans is kind of stupid and fooling around with me^^

This one has a weard pair of leafes and is a little less dark green than the others...

This is a nice one but I don't know anyway anything I don't like about it :confused:

This is a nice one, finally at least one I just like how it is:

The most streched one with a pair of leafes with short middle fingers, my prognostic is this is a male one^^ But theres no reason for my prognostic, it's just a feeling :weed:

This is "Jesus":

My only but not lonely KC33:


Well-Known Member
Little Update,

three still a little too small plants are foreced to flower from now on...
For Today 400W HPS is on 50cm tomorrow I'll give them 45 and in 3 Days 40...

The Cripple 3 Days Outdoor:

Plants Veging, Day 30:





"Jesus" (Skunk#1)


Group Shot:

3xSkunk#1 Flowering day 0:

Fotos for FUN:



Well-Known Member
Nothing new today, all plants seem to be happy^^
I just don't know about my cripple outdoors 'couse I didn't go there today.

I attached one picture of my veging plants(day 33)
and one of the indoor flowering plants(Day 3)



Well-Known Member
wie gehts miene lieblings duetsche freund? ich wunsche das ich war im deutschland.

you can correct me if my german was wrong actually i want you too.
everything's looking good man


Well-Known Member
wie gehts miene lieblings duetsche freund? ich wunsche das ich war im deutschland.

you can correct me if my german was wrong actually i want you too.
everything's looking good man

Ok, I'll correct your German^^
"Wie geht's meinem Deutschen Lieblings Freund." (or "Wie geht's meinem liebsten Deutschen Freund")
"Ich wünsche mir dass ich ich Deutschland wäre" (or even better: "ich wünschte ich wäre ich Deutschland")

Are you shure you would like to be in Germany?
Not that's a very bad Place, but a place with a cold winter and very little personal freedom. If you go, i recommend Germany just for maybe a summer trip.
But I was in Florida(Miami, Fort Lauderdale) a few years ago for vacations.
Not that kind of problems and no communists like in Venezuela, and no winter like in Germany, imho an almost perfekt place^^
Anyway I'll have to go to the European Union soon 'couse it's the only fucking places where I've a valid ID, so even if it sucks a lot, I'll have to go there soon :(


Well-Known Member
i almost did, one of my friends is an exchange student and we went to alot of lan's (local area network) parties and right before he left he said if i bought a plane ticket to Germany during the summer he'd take care of me the whole summer, and he could he had alot of money