Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
That sounds good...I think I'll pick one up at the grocery this week! My T-day ham is nearly gone....thankfully!! Made pasta last night for a change!!
The old neighbor already had water, and one of his woman friends....he called her Miss Daisey, lol, was taking him out for a booster...I invited him over for a hot shower at his convenience.

Time to go hang and hook up my DE lights...I only use them in winter due to the heat factor, but bring it on!!
It is cool that you take showers with elderly neighbors. That's pretty progressive ;)

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
We used to get a Christmas tree cutting permit from the National Forest. We would look for a tree when we were out hunting. it was $10 for 2 trees. They gave out a map of where to cut, but we usually just went to where we found some nice silver tips.
I can’t touch one, makes me look like I’ve got chicken pox again lol

I’m glad I use a grinder when I’m out of weed.E27198B0-949F-494A-8C38-11F83AAD797B.jpeg346386FB-5D4F-40B5-82F2-163325D255C2.jpeg