I use a Raspberry PI to control and monitor parts of my grow tent. Not that I really need to, but I've been learning how to program in Python and I thought it would be a fun pandemic hobby to cobble together a system. Also, sensors for the RPi are shockingly cheap; I have temperature, humidity, CO2, and luminosity senors, as well as a camera, which altogether cost less than $100. It's also able to control the power to the fans, lights, and humidifier. Right now, it collects data every minute and stores it to a cloud-based server, which I can also use to send commands to the RPi. Obviously this is all absolute OVERKILL for a 3x3 home tent, but I've had a blast figuring it all out

. I haven't put my code on GitHub, but if anyone is interested I'd be more than happy to share.
View attachment 5046552
Oh, and I can put together fun dashboards with all kinds of bells and whistles!
View attachment 5046558