bodhi seeds

Pinball Wizard, smaller pheno going very Lemon early curing, very sour backbite. Powerful and up Sativa high, just full of ideas and active relaxation. Quite gooey and makes for a long vape session to get all she offers. Can stink the place up. I would recommend Pinball Wizard, powerful Sativa. Definitely Hazy.
I have Pinball Wizzard and Silver Sunshine. Im just after the SSH in there and just not sure which one to pop first. This sounds like Pinball Wizzard is the safe bet. Bunch of you guys reported Haze leaning Sativa. Excited for these
Going forward this is a good time to remember that weekly IPM is a good practice to follow. I spray on monday and friday; wednesdays during spring and summer. I circulate between using silica, azamax, and essential oils (mint,clove,rosemary,thyme,geranium) with soap, vinegar and citric acid. With my foliars I also do small amounts of kelp. And just to keep any damn mites at bay a monthly wettable sulfur dip (spraying that indoors NO THANKS) for any new seedlings, clones, and mothers. Hope you can find some relief, leafhoppers arent so much a detrimental pest, more so a nuisance, so if anything thank the cannagods for this blessing, I am still getting over russet and broad mite problems, they are not to be fucked with.
Russet mites, boooooooo, booooooo! They suck! I had a collection of elites at one time and they were destroyed by russet mites. Two that I regret the most are Skywalker OG and Bruce Banner #3. Strong, tasty smoke grown hydroponics or soil they were impressive to all that came across them. Got russet mites from a Blue Dream clone that I quarantined for a week but they are tiny and my sight is not what it used to be and I didn't catch them in time. Since then I buy seeds, make seeds, don't buy clones and wear glasses when I go in my grow area. Lol
I realise I buy more beans than I can grow, and yesterday came time to decide what to part with. I've only traded, or gifted my beans and that will continue. No profits. Period.
Parting with,
2 Sun Ra
1 Dragonsblood HP
1 Dragonsblood HP v2
1 Laughing Lemon
2 Purple Star
Maybe some others, not sure.
These will go to shoe, who can manage as he chooses. Y'all in the know, know where to go. I'll update when I send them so you can be on the lookout.
Not looking for trades here. These will be donated outside of RIU.
This package was mailed yesterday, with a couple of changes.
I subbed 2 packs of of Badger's Batch- Island Glaze (Jamaican HP x Querkle) for the Purple Star as Shoe still has Purple Star in stock.
Added, 1 pack of Bodhi's Nierika Acapulco Gold.
:peace: bongsmilie
My early flowered Guava Wookies indeed are all too compact for training so I’ll let em do what they do. Building buds just fine.

Up potted 4 Sun Ra F2s in veg yesterday.with no root disturbance. Look good this morning and all similar with wide leaves first three bracts. Good vigor also.

Two votes on this hill for Cherry Lotus. Had a couple that went through 2 power outages that I mismanaged and gave a couple “short” nights. No problem. Seems to get more “Cherry” by the day during drying/curing. No couchlock and my wife gets ridiculously giddy sometimes.
My early flowered Guava Wookies indeed are all too compact for training so I’ll let em do what they do. Building buds just fine.

Up potted 4 Sun Ra F2s in veg yesterday.with no root disturbance. Look good this morning and all similar with wide leaves first three bracts. Good vigor also.

Two votes on this hill for Cherry Lotus. Had a couple that went through 2 power outages that I mismanaged and gave a couple “short” nights. No problem. Seems to get more “Cherry” by the day during drying/curing. No couchlock and my wife gets ridiculously giddy sometimes.
Got to love anything that gets the ladies giddy!
Looking at stuff on GLG. Can anyone clarify for me the differences between SSDD and Wookie? They seem kind of similar. Both are Appy crosses. Kinda stuck between Silver Sunshine & Pinball Wizard. Also looking for suggestions on a potent sativa leaner. Thanks!
Looking at stuff on GLG. Can anyone clarify for me the differences between SSDD and Wookie? They seem kind of similar. Both are Appy crosses. Kinda stuck between Silver Sunshine & Pinball Wizard. Also looking for suggestions on a potent sativa leaner. Thanks!
To me the ssdd male used brings pain relieving body high and kinda sleepy. I would say I haven't seen it bring much appy. To me it's mostly bubba The woolie for me has brought frost, lots of terpenes, and relatively quick flower time. Reminds me a bit of what appy brought but still more relaxed and sleepy usually compared to appy.
My two favorites of what I ran for awake flower is mountain temple and goji strawberry. The mountain temples have been well documented here and get big and can have a very awake sativa high. The strawberry goji is not as awake, but energetic, very fun and euphoric and more of a full body high of a sativa leaning hybrid.
For one that's available now if you can't find those maybe strawberry temple. I know that temple cut is great, and although I'm not sure how this specific cross works out I like both parents. Others that may be a little more off the beaten path and closer to heirloom would be soar (running some now, but early on yet), dreadbread or smart move.