January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
I think today's ceremonies mark a turning point, life is about to get complicated and hard for Trump and his henchmen. NY is gonna take action against him first though and his family could be indicted along with his company. The kingpin will be the last to fall for 1/6 and Meadows, Rudy and others will testify against him and confess the big lie in court under oath, if they want any kind of deal. They will not just want to convict him, but to discredit him too, Donald will be doing time in a NY maximum security prison, muzzled, so tongues will wag. They already know the story and many have talked already, they will want public testimony from top people in the conspiracy for other purposes than convicting him. Donald might appear at his trial via video from his NY cell wearing a jump suit.


Well-Known Member
Election was stolen, your a joke. Stocks Wouldn't surprise me, all you libtards are rich soy boy cowards.
Trump lost even though he had all the advantages. Gerrymandering, the bias in the electoral college, he was the incumbent, voter suppression. In spite of all of that, he not only lost but at the end, he is one of only a handful of incumbent presidents to leave office with his party entirely out of power.

A delusional sociopath like Trump and his toadies like you can't handle losses like that. I can understand why you can't admit it. I don't understand why Trump is not in jail yet but that is all that is left to fight for.

So, yeah, I get where you are coming from.



Well-Known Member
I think today's ceremonies mark a turning point, life is about to get complicated and hard for Trump and his henchmen. NY is gonna take action against him first though and his family could be indicted along with his company. The kingpin will be the last to fall for 1/6 and Meadows, Rudy and others will testify against him and confess the big lie in court under oath, if they want any kind of deal. They will not just want to convict him, but to discredit him too, Donald will be doing time in a NY maximum security prison, muzzled, so tongues will wag. They already know the story and many have talked already, they will want public testimony from top people in the conspiracy for other purposes than convicting him. Donald might appear at his trial via video from his NY cell wearing a jump suit.
Oh yeah,

Biden's speech in summary said Democrats and the Justice Department have taken the gloves off. Everything Biden said about the attempted coup last year was true and he said it all without candy coating. Trump and his co-conspirators need to get ready for litigation hell.


Well-Known Member
Advantage? Your party owns every media company in the fucking nation.
Hey stumble bum,

I listed each and every valid indicator that a politician will win an election. Trump had an advantage in every one of them. Media doesn't decide, people decide and Trump failed to gain support, in fact, he lost support in nearly every population group except ignorant white men.

Tell me again that Trump's incumbency did not give him an advantage and do more than just bloviate.


Active Member
Hey stumble bum,

I listed each and every valid indicator that a politician will win an election. Trump had an advantage in every one of them. Media doesn't decide, people decide and Trump failed to gain support, in fact, he lost support in nearly every population group except ignorant white men.

Tell me again that Trump's incumbency did not give him an advantage and do more than just bloviate.
Negative, highest black vote of any republican in our lifetimes. Your typing out ya ass. When we hang out, I'll teach you about integrity, not your fault you were raised without it. Your full of shit, nothing else to say. I'll pm ya to talk about spider man tomorrow bud.


Active Member
Fox ,Breitbart, newsmax, OAN and hundreds of clear channel networks reveal you as a straight up liar but it is ok patriots recognize you as propaganda
only fox, everything else is the equivalent to the young Turks for republicans. No one's ever heard of them. Your not a fucking patriot, you stand with cowards who hate everything about this nation, YOU KNOW WHAT....... I don't want to be yo friend no more.


Well-Known Member
Advantage? Your party owns every media company in the fucking nation.
Remember this little gem a month before the election? Remember all the secret service people he sickened on his covid death tour rallies? The slob personally infected dozens and went to the debate with Biden crawling with covid.

Only a fucking fool could support or vote for an idiot like that