January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
Do your own work - its really easy.

Just google "Trump" - if you still cant see how the whole was laughing at you, you have absolutely no hope at all.

I am stunned a touch that someone would ask for a link - have you not been watching the news over the last decade?

Come and spend a night with me in the pub - we'll soon tell you about the laughing stock that is America.


Well-Known Member
Yeah - thats right.

Good to see you've been over here, to form that opinion, right? Have a look at the laughing stock your country has become before starting to throw shade on others.
my opinion of the Brits is from Downton Abbey and the British baking show. bunch of cock smugglers it seems to me that dress up like fancy boys.

and the 2 funniest comedians are the ones that don't talk: mr bean and benny hill.


Well-Known Member
Like you're a good judge of character.

Go ask anyone outside of the US.

Links??? What on earth do they prove? Nothing at all - far too subjective. Try asking someone instead.


Well-Known Member
100 pounds UK to Rubles?
I actually think you owe me money! lol.
If Vlad makes a move on the Ukraine, Rubles will be cheaper than toilet paper.

I wonder while Vlad is making all these moves that upset markets, are his buddies and perhaps him, profiting off it? They already know what will happen and markets are international and where there's a market, there's a futures market...


Well-Known Member
my opinion of the Brits is from Downton Abbey and the British baking show. bunch of cock smugglers it seems to me that dress up like fancy boys.

and the 2 funniest comedians are the ones that don't talk: mr bean and benny hill.
Way to show the level of your intelligence.

I wish you wouldnt talk either.


Well-Known Member
Do your own work - its really easy.

Just google "Trump" - if you still cant see how the whole was laughing at you, you have absolutely no hope at all.

I am stunned a touch that someone would ask for a link - have you not been watching the news over the last decade?

Come and spend a night with me in the pub - we'll soon tell you about the laughing stock that is America.
The links we provide inform just as much as their content. Your disdain for showing us who you are is also a classic troll tactic.

You say you cannot abide idiots. Why then are you so determined to perfectly mimic one such’s behavior. “Google Trump”. quod erat demonstrandum


Well-Known Member
You can call me a troll all you like - I care little. To me, its an easy way out of accepting a few home truths. You call me a troll, I call you a troll - so what?


Well-Known Member
You can call me a troll all you like - I care little. To me, its an easy way out of accepting a few home truths. You call me a troll, I call you a troll - so what?
be proud of be English, you guys are the only country to make a worse car than the French.


Well-Known Member
Du bist ein eier peller, Eischlog.

Yeah right - The good old US of A saves the whole world!!!

Your arrogance is astounding.