Rate my first grow! 3.5 weeks in

Justin E

I decided to start growing for myself recently on a whim so I invested a little money to set up two hydroponic 4x4x8 rooms to try to grow perpetually. I’ve done a lot of research but I still don’t feel very confident in my chances for the level of success I’m after. I find a lot of conflicting information about certain things like what nutrients to use or whether or not to trim fan leaves to let light in during early veg.

I started off with the fox farm trio with the hydro variant of “grow big”, but I’ve been seeing people arguing that their product has degraded in quality over the years. To be honest I picked it because I’ve seen it used before and I liked the art lol. I’ve got the GH flora trio on the way now along with hydroguard.

They sprouted out of the cubes on December 12th and took a little while to get going think but they seem to be going strong now.

I’ve got one pump to bring the water to the hydro halos for two minutes straight every 10 minutes and one pump to agitate the water because the fox farm nutrients were doing weird things to the water before I set that up...

I’ve got four 5 gallon cloth planters filled with clay pebbles as the medium, they’ve got some algae growing on top of them though so I cut out some reflective discs to try to keep the light off of them and reflect light back up into the plants. The planters are sitting in some dishes that I have draining back into the reservoir which I keep between 60F and 70F. The pH keeps creeping up to around 7.2 for some reason... I think that will become easier to handle after I switch to the GH nutrients, but maybe it’s the pebbles? I washed them as suggested everywhere.

The planters are having a bit of a salt/algae buildup issue on the outside of them, not sure if that’s a problem on the inside too. The plants look pretty healthy to me for the most part so far though.

Oh and my light is a spider farmer SE-5000 and the strain is Cheese.

What do y’all think? How do my precious babies look? One of them has a couple mutant leaves it seems. There’s a double pointed blade and one with 10 points with two coming out in odd directions...

I am most concerned about the algae and salt but I’m not totally sure how to handle those. Could it be that I’m watering too frequently?


Justin E

I'd really like to try a RDWC system but my space and noise constraints prevent me from getting that set up right now. Maybe this summer I'll be able to build a shed or something just for this but I'm not sure.

A bag full of hydroton being top fed. That's a new one but shows you're thinking.
I was under the impression that using hydroton like this was common?


Well-Known Member
I'd really like to try a RDWC system but my space and noise constraints prevent me from getting that set up right now. Maybe this summer I'll be able to build a shed or something just for this but I'm not sure.

I was under the impression that using hydroton like this was common?
It's very expensive. I think I'd just go with perlite myself. Basically automatic hempy bucket.


Well-Known Member
Suggest setting up a RDWC system while waiting for these. A bag full of hydroton being top fed. That's a new one but shows you're thinking.
Any suggestions on a good start to finish read on RDWC? Maybe it's my search phrases but I just get bits and pieces. Mosts are build and kinda ignore grow medium and nutrients. I guess they "ass u me" you know that stuff. :(

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on a good start to finish read on RDWC? Maybe it's my search phrases but I just get bits and pieces. Mosts are build and kinda ignore grow medium and nutrients. I guess they "ass u me" you know that stuff. :(
The medium is water. I would just go watch some youtube videos honestly. Its extremely simple when you see it.

Edit, There is some medium involved, be it hydroton, shredded rockwool, or coco pellets, but the roots grow into the water.

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
I'd be skeptical of relying on YouTube as an information source. To be generous, over 1/2 is just plain wrong. Until you know a little something, it can be hard to discern the valid from the bullshit.

Dr. Bugbee from Utah St. has some good videos on YouTube.

"Hydroponic Food Production" by Dr. Howard Resh is a great resource.

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
I'd be skeptical of relying on YouTube as an information source. To be generous, over 1/2 is just plain wrong. Until you know a little something, it can be hard to discern the valid from the bullshit.

Dr. Bugbee from Utah St. has some good videos on YouTube.

"Hydroponic Food Production" by Dr. Howard Resh is a great resource.
I agree, but building your own DWC isnt rocket science. Its one of the more simple DIY hydro set ups. You can get a general idea from the videos and fill in the gaps when you know what youre looking for.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but building your own DWC isnt rocket science. Its one of the more simple DIY hydro set ups. You can get a general idea from the videos and fill in the gaps when you know what youre looking for.
Well, that was my point. I've seen enough build videos. I get the impression it's kinda like DWC+? But, filling in the gaps is what I'm trying to do now. Plus most of the videos I've seen are made by people that really need to learn to edit content. 'Here's where I hook my water up to the spigot and this is how I turn it on, now walk with me 100 feet to the greenhouse as the camera rolls and I talk about the birds in the sky'. Geez.

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Well, that was my point. I've seen enough build videos. I get the impression it's kinda like DWC+? But, filling in the gaps is what I'm trying to do now. Plus most of the videos I've seen are made by people that really need to learn to edit content. 'Here's where I hook my water up to the spigot and this is how I turn it on, now walk with me 100 feet to the greenhouse as the camera rolls and I talk about the birds in the sky'. Geez.
Here is a good place to start. https://www.rollitup.org/t/how-to-dwc.468072/

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I'd really like to try a RDWC system but my space and noise constraints prevent me from getting that set up right now. Maybe this summer I'll be able to build a shed or something just for this but I'm not sure.

I was under the impression that using hydroton like this was common?
Hydroton is the worse
You haven’t lived till you try cleaning it a couple runs
You’ll find it with your feet years after you quit running it too :spew:

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
I'll see. I stopped reading that because reading a 11 year old post with content missing because of the age is kinda what I'm talking about. Read 23 pages to see if the missing detail gets filled in? Better than the 800+ page one I guess. ;)
Only thing missing on my end is the video. Hes pretty thurough in his explanation. Not sure what else you're looking for.

Not a whole lot has changed in the last 11 years in terms of what a DWC system consists of. You can buy more new shit, but its the same concept.


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on a good start to finish read on RDWC? Maybe it's my search phrases but I just get bits and pieces. Mosts are build and kinda ignore grow medium and nutrients. I guess they "ass u me" you know that stuff. :(

Go here. There's guys there who live and breathe hydro including RDWC.

And check this out.

No pictures during the build but c'mon. If you can't picture it Google a picture. Very complete parts list.


Well-Known Member
Only thing missing on my end is the video.
That and the pictures are all covered over with some photobucket garbage. As someone just starting to look at this stuff you wonder if it hasn't been updated is it still valid? Video gone, pictures aren't clear because of 'crap' over top, 11 years old. Most people are going to wonder if it is worth reading. If it is, then it needs to be updated. Thanks for the tip.

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
That and the pictures are all covered over with some photobucket garbage. As someone just starting to look at this stuff you wonder if it hasn't been updated is it still valid? Video gone, pictures aren't clear because of 'crap' over top, 11 years old. Most people are going to wonder if it is worth reading. If it is, then it needs to be updated. Thanks for the tip.
lol its basically old school tumblr. Would an instagram filter make the information more relevant?

Its growing plantsl. People have been doing this for tens of thousands of years. Hydroponics is relatively new, but the concepts are all well documented. There isnt a whole lot of mystery to it, just alot of reading, and all the new stuff exists because people took the time to read the old and usually make it more complex than it needs to be, hence KISS or Keep it simple stupid.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. If you say the info is still valid I'll take a look. I'm just trying to convey if a newb like myself comes by and sees it, they'll move on. I have no idea if this is current best practice or not. Imagine a newb coming across an 11 year old outdated post on led, vs hps, vs fl lighting.

Justin E

I hope it’s not considered bad form here to post in a thread that hasn’t had activity in a while. I just wanted to give an update. It’s day 46 of veg and I’m about two weeks until I throw the switch to start flowering. Here’s how they’re doing:

This one still gets kind of sad when I turn the lights to full blast, but the other three like it. I’m not sure why but at this point I’d rather have a low yield on just this one than turn down the lights for all of them.

The stalks are slowly turning into monsters, I’m very excited.

Check out this weird double branch I got too

I have a camera set up that I’ve been using to create timelapse videos so I can see what they like more clearly, and just for fun.

Some close up shots

I switched to GH Flora nutrients and have had a vastly better experience so far, FF was definitely a mistake for hydro. For me, at least.

How am I doing for day 46? Not too bad I hope. I feel like they’re a bit small for their age


Well-Known Member
I hope it’s not considered bad form here to post in a thread that hasn’t had activity in a while. I just wanted to give an update. It’s day 46 of veg and I’m about two weeks until I throw the switch to start flowering. Here’s how they’re doing:

This one still gets kind of sad when I turn the lights to full blast, but the other three like it. I’m not sure why but at this point I’d rather have a low yield on just this one than turn down the lights for all of them.
View attachment 5075789

The stalks are slowly turning into monsters, I’m very excited.
View attachment 5075790

Check out this weird double branch I got too
View attachment 5075788

I have a camera set up that I’ve been using to create timelapse videos so I can see what they like more clearly, and just for fun.
View attachment 5075785

Some close up shots
View attachment 5075786View attachment 5075787

I switched to GH Flora nutrients and have had a vastly better experience so far, FF was definitely a mistake for hydro. For me, at least.

How am I doing for day 46? Not too bad I hope. I feel like they’re a bit small for their age
Looks healthy and has very tight internode spacing. Make sure you keep airflow up during flower if it stays squat.

They are only looking small as the internode spacing is very close...once the plant goes into flower stretch it will elongate and double in height pretty quickly.

I'm at day 33 ATM and flower stretch has just begun. A few days beforehand it was stout.
23rd of Jan
26 Jan
Yours is likely to stretch a bit more as mine is an auto and stays on 18/6...with 12/12 switch you will notice rapid stretch.

Good luck.

Justin E

Looks healthy and has very tight internode spacing. Make sure you keep airflow up during flower if it stays squat.

They are only looking small as the internode spacing is very close...once the plant goes into flower stretch it will elongate and double in height pretty quickly.

I'm at day 33 ATM and flower stretch has just begun. A few days beforehand it was stout.
23rd of Jan

26 Jan

Yours is likely to stretch a bit more as mine is an auto and stays on 18/6...with 12/12 switch you will notice rapid stretch.

Good luck.
Wow, that is a lot of growth in such a short time! I’m so ready. Up to now it’s been like watching paint dry. I had some small clip-on fans coming but I guess they were lost in transit, not sure what else I can fit in here but I was worried about airflow, thanks for the tip.