Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
I've only been in a public building maybe 15-20 times since the pandemic started. I don't miss it at all. Going into stores has always sucked. Now I have a legit reason to avoid them.
My work is the get together business. We were closed for 15 months, and I decided I was not going back full time about a year into the shutdown. Now I just work events on week nights. Most weeks that is one night a week. But even with that limited time in the office, I had three possible exposures at work on Monday. If it gets much crazier, I may just stop working all together.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the numbers I saw a few days ago was 91% of team blue had the jab, while only 61% of red team.
Looks like the fear of Jesus is taking hold among them, they are now 39%, up from a few months ago when it was 49% unvaxxed. It must have been delta that drove the reluctant to it and omicron should get a few more to come around. Still it represents around 30 million republican voters!


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering how many republican voters will be killed by covid before the election? Omicron is a wild card, but if it's like other strains, it should put around 1 in 20 unvaxxed patients in the hospital. Now many of these people are in low vaxx states whose hospitals might be swamped, driving down the quality of care and mortality rate up, many might die at home as we've seen before. If it's as bad as the original strain on the unvaxxed and as contagious as omicron, they could be in for a rough ride. Add to this the fact that most unvaxxed democrats are probably young, while many of the republicans are over forty and many are middle aged then the impact could be disproportionate.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
From working this pandemic front line I have seen this omicron wave cause more infections but generally less severe symptoms and fewer hospitalisations. The working hypothesis is that either people have been previously infected or they have enough of an immune response from previous vaccines to prevent the more severe presentations. Omicron is transmissible by aerosols according to a U.K. government advisor. The good news is that so many people will have immunity from omicron infection that it will downgrade the pandemic. Imo
My son in law caught it at a wedding in London and was stuck at a heathrow motel for 10 days before he could fly out but all he experienced was a bad cold like symptoms. Thankfully my daughter tested negative and got on the plane to her home country.


Well-Known Member

New research out of Europe has found that a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine could produce sufficient antibodies to "neutralize" the Omicron variant.

Researchers from the Institut Pasteur and Vaccine Research Institute in France, together with KU Leuven in Belgium and Orléans Regional Hospital, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (AP-HP), Inserm and the CNRS, also in France, studied the sensitivity of Omicron to antibodies.

The results showed that the Omicron variant appeared resistant to most monoclonal antibodies, or those made in a lab to fight an infection, as well as antibodies produced in people fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca vaccines or who were previously infected with COVID-19.

But after administering a booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine, or a single vaccine dose to those previously infected, the researchers found this led to a "significant" increase in antibodies, sufficient to neutralize Omicron.

"We now need to study the length of protection of the booster dose," said Olivier Schwartz, co-author of the study and head of the virus and immunity unit at the Institute Pasteur.

"The vaccines probably become less effective in offering protection against contracting the virus, but they should continue to protect against severe forms."

While believed to be more transmissible than the previous Delta variant, and capable of spreading to those who are vaccinated or have been previously infected, evidence has shown that Omicron may be less likely to result in severe illness or hospitalization, particularly for people who are fully vaccinated.

However, the rapid spread of Omicron has raised concerns about its potential to impact hospital capacity and staffing.


Well-Known Member
Since requiring vaccinations in provincial liquor and cannabis shops, Quebec saw it's vaccination rate increase from 1500 per day to to 6000, a 4X increase! Vaccine resistance in Canada is primarily an immortal youth problem.
Vaccine mandates for Canada
CTV National News: Broader mandates loom in Canada
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Well-Known Member
Finally got boostered today. Could have had it 2 weeks already but being in lockdown and avoiding people in general sort of took off the pressure for me personally. But then my wife booked an appointment so I could no longer procrastinate. Got Moderna, wife got pfizer again. Didn’t have a choice this time, based on age and I just exceeded the threshold. Feeling crap after booster, which just reminds me why I get vaxxed… I hate feeling sick. I felt like I had two bottles of the cheapest wine last night. Nothing a few beers and lots of weed can't fix. Now I feel like I had two bottles of the cheapest wine tonight.

I got the flu shot about a month ago. Nurse couldn't see where she gave the shot cause I don't bleed, so she was like forget about the little band-aid. The lady who gave me the booster today looked surprised as well to see no blood came out of me, couldn't find even the tiniest red dot. Confused as if she wasn't programmed to deal with the situation she took the band-aid and after a second or two doubting just stuck it on some random spot and went on with the routine she'd been doing all day. I continue to discover new levels of boredom... Hat's off to the lady who stuck that needle in me though, to have 7000 people per day walk through the same area you're in, right now with highest infections ever (28K per day, that's 250% of records in previous waves).

Anyway, living in fear is very unhealthy too so I wish you all a fearless yet cautious year. 8 more months and most countries will treat it like a bad flu. This thing will end, just not as positive as we hoped.

Good news is, we're not all going to die.



Well-Known Member

New research out of Europe has found that a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine could produce sufficient antibodies to "neutralize" the Omicron variant.

Researchers from the Institut Pasteur and Vaccine Research Institute in France, together with KU Leuven in Belgium and Orléans Regional Hospital, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (AP-HP), Inserm and the CNRS, also in France, studied the sensitivity of Omicron to antibodies.

The results showed that the Omicron variant appeared resistant to most monoclonal antibodies, or those made in a lab to fight an infection, as well as antibodies produced in people fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca vaccines or who were previously infected with COVID-19.

But after administering a booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine, or a single vaccine dose to those previously infected, the researchers found this led to a "significant" increase in antibodies, sufficient to neutralize Omicron.

"We now need to study the length of protection of the booster dose," said Olivier Schwartz, co-author of the study and head of the virus and immunity unit at the Institute Pasteur.

"The vaccines probably become less effective in offering protection against contracting the virus, but they should continue to protect against severe forms."

While believed to be more transmissible than the previous Delta variant, and capable of spreading to those who are vaccinated or have been previously infected, evidence has shown that Omicron may be less likely to result in severe illness or hospitalization, particularly for people who are fully vaccinated.

However, the rapid spread of Omicron has raised concerns about its potential to impact hospital capacity and staffing.
What’s your opinion regarding neutrophil response to covid infection post vaccination, do you think any change in this response is significant?


Well-Known Member

This is the viral load in the Boston sewer system. Obviously, there are a lot of people that have covid right now, but don't realize it. And omicron is milder, otherwise the hospitals would be completely overwhelmed.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5063317

This is the viral load in the Boston sewer system. Obviously, there are a lot of people that have covid right now, but don't realize it. And omicron is milder, otherwise the hospitals would be completely overwhelmed.
I posted a link to an article showing the same thing in our local sewer system so I’m sure it’s like that everywhere.

I’m not convinced omicron is milder though just because it appears to be easier on the lungs.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
What’s your opinion regarding neutrophil response to covid infection post vaccination, do you think any change in this response is significant?
My first response I thought of was “you go first” if that question would have been directed at me lol.


Well-Known Member
Finally got boostered today. Could have had it 2 weeks already but being in lockdown and avoiding people in general sort of took off the pressure for me personally. But then my wife booked an appointment so I could no longer procrastinate. Got Moderna, wife got pfizer again. Didn’t have a choice this time, based on age and I just exceeded the threshold. Feeling crap after booster, which just reminds me why I get vaxxed… I hate feeling sick. I felt like I had two bottles of the cheapest wine last night. Nothing a few beers and lots of weed can't fix. Now I feel like I had two bottles of the cheapest wine tonight.

I got the flu shot about a month ago. Nurse couldn't see where she gave the shot cause I don't bleed, so she was like forget about the little band-aid. The lady who gave me the booster today looked surprised as well to see no blood came out of me, couldn't find even the tiniest red dot. Confused as if she wasn't programmed to deal with the situation she took the band-aid and after a second or two doubting just stuck it on some random spot and went on with the routine she'd been doing all day. I continue to discover new levels of boredom... Hat's off to the lady who stuck that needle in me though, to have 7000 people per day walk through the same area you're in, right now with highest infections ever (28K per day, that's 250% of records in previous waves).

Anyway, living in fear is very unhealthy too so I wish you all a fearless yet cautious year. 8 more months and most countries will treat it like a bad flu. This thing will end, just not as positive as we hoped.

Good news is, we're not all going to die.

View attachment 5063244
sadly we have a very special situation here in the US; a President who knew it would kill minorities so he kept it a secret,then did nothing when outed. they even subverted states efforts for supplies. 25%+ of the country refuses vaccine. combined with mixed messaging from experienced government people. so yay!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Hospitals are seeing cases rise in Ontario and Quebec. Close to 90% vaccinated. Doesn’t seem mild to me.
Our two local hospitals are still in a very dangerous place with the double whammy of cases and absenteeism :o! So much conflicting info coming from all sides that I take everything with skepticism. and adopted a wait and see mentality while keeping as safe as possible given the situation.


Well-Known Member
What’s your opinion regarding neutrophil response to covid infection post vaccination, do you think any change in this response is significant?
I don't have one, but white blood cell counts do increase with infection. Did they have long term covid where the virus still exits long term? Some people have a persistent infection. I guess I'd have to puzzle my way through the paper to have an opinion or find an expert with one. Lot's of covid survivors have post infection clotting and circulatory issues and the number maimed by this disease is disturbing.

Not much chance of avoiding omicron though, 9 days until my "Get me through the winter boost" after it wanes a bit, I will probably catch covid and no longer be a virgin.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
My work is the get together business. We were closed for 15 months, and I decided I was not going back full time about a year into the shutdown. Now I just work events on week nights. Most weeks that is one night a week. But even with that limited time in the office, I had three possible exposures at work on Monday. If it gets much crazier, I may just stop working all together.
So your business is a “throw the keys in a bowl” type thing? :o! Or shuffle board tournament nights (Florida right)? Sorry just trying to add a bit of levity to your situation which sounds like one of the hard hit business’s and that sucks for people that depend on them to live :(. If your lucky enough to be able to stay away for a bit that’s probably not a bad choice. Good luck and stay safe!
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