Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

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If Federal law enforcement was interested in identifying members of this board it's relatively easy. First, assume they've met a probable cause threshold-- in other words, is there evidence of criminal activity? PC is low threshold. This is not hard to do-- tons of photos, etc... Next they would issue a subpoena to RIU. Technically first to Go Daddy, because that's where RIU is registered. RIU (assuming RIU is US-based) would be required to turn over relevant records (login datetimes, IPs, etc). From the IP address (and datetime) you now can determine the ISP. Next a subpoena goes to the ISP for subscriber data. Busted.

Located overseas? that's where mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs) come into play. It's a little more complicated, but can do the same thing.

Did you use a vpn? Whose VPN? Where is the vpn HQ'd? Are you using other websites? Same user name? Same photos? There's a lot of ways to skin the cat here.
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If Federal law enforcement was interested in identifying members of this board it's relatively easy. First, assume they've met a probable cause threshold-- in other words, is there evidence of criminal activity. This is not hard to do-- tons of photos, etc... Next they would issue a subpoena to RIT. Technically first to Go Daddy, because that's where RIU is registered. RIU (assuming t would be required to turn over
"ASSUME "more absolute proof :lol:
How do I post them? I’m on lunch now. I said I’d snap pics if someone gave me an idea what to put in them. I could put any plant but doesn’t prove shit. Also I need to figure how to get these posts to stop going to my email.

what grow shop do you use?
You came off as smarter than this in your initial return to RIU

Google is your friend
Dude I’m at work. God damn. I have not seen where to load a pic yet. I usually don’t take pics of weed. It’s work. Boring. I will snap some today. Maybe some from harvest Monday.
what grow shop do you use?

Sure, first you ask what grow shop we use, then you'll have the shop busted and they'll have all our sweet sweet precious personal data. Next thing you know Johnny Law comes by in his navy blue windbreaker with its yellow print and they'll bust us all for our basement knock off handbag sweatshops.

Jesus invented the internut so we don't have to use 'grow shops.'
Azzies aren't Psilocybin? Either way I'd like to see a mushroom garden. Sounds cool
I'll take pics of a anything i think is interesting in the wild
Psilocybe azurescens. You guys are in a weed forum. And find it hard to believe what can be accomplished? These are real numbers. Usually with the mushroom crowd they have an understanding of what is possible and are excited to meet a fellow shroomerite. This is one of the main reasons I don’t waste my time reading online weed forums. Bunch of blowhards. I’ll get to k if you guys and figure out where things are and start posting some questions I actually want to look into. God damn. Lol
Psilocybe azurescens. You guys are in a weed forum. And find it hard to believe what can be accomplished? These are real numbers. Usually with the mushroom crowd they have an understanding of what is possible and are excited to meet a fellow shroomerite. This is one of the main reasons I don’t waste my time reading online weed forums. Bunch of blowhards. I’ll get to k if you guys and figure out where things are and start posting some questions I actually want to look into. God damn. Lol
"FAKE NEWS" :hump:
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