Democrat virtue signaling = bad energy policy and inflation

LOL i swear, every time I bring up '08 gas prices in a "discussion", cuntservatives literally respond to me like I said something in Sanskrit.
अयं सर्वमूल्यं दास्यति ayaṃ sarvamūlyaṃ dāsyati...means "this gentleman will pay for everything"...i was trying to think of a funny way to use this when this caught my eye....
क्रिस्तमसपर्वणः शुभेच्छाः । नूतनवर्षाभिनन्दनं च । kristamasaparvanaḥ śubhecchāḥ nūtanavarṣābhinandanaṃ ca....omniglot says this is a traditional CHRISTMAS greeting.....?¿?¿....
What the media won't tell us?

Nothing prevents Haliburton et al from self disclosing - nothing at all.

Except maybe...
the civil service needs to recruit people who understand the mechanics of the industry, because there is no fucking way i trust the oil industry to police itself...nor any major industry really, they have nearly all shown a complete disregard for nearly everything but profit
Meh halliburton says it's because they don't want other companies trying to copy their formulas but yeah they're just another mega corporation that sucks. I'd never work for them after knowing people that have. Yeah roger that's what I'm saying. You need people who are knowledgeable but not beholden to corporate interest. Unfortunately every president since I've been alive have hired swamp creatures to be in their cabinets or run government agencies. At this point they're just suckling on the teat of a corpse.
the civil service needs to recruit people who understand the mechanics of the industry, because there is no fucking way i trust the oil industry to police itself...nor any major industry really, they have nearly all shown a complete disregard for nearly everything but profit
Though, to be fair, our system requires this. Managers and directors have a LEGAL FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to maximize shareholder value. Our reliance on hedge funds and mutual fund managers mean that the time value of the decision window is woefully short. The system is set up for corporations to make profitable short term decisions knowing that the "smart (connected and informed) money" will be long fucking gone by the time the lawsuits get settled... if they ever are. The average citizen will be left holding the bag - and voting Trump out of a misplaced sense of "Leopards Eating Peoples' Faces" loyalty.

leopards copy.jpg1646930772447.png
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Meh halliburton says it's because they don't want other companies trying to copy their formulas but yeah they're just another mega corporation that sucks. I'd never work for them after knowing people that have. Yeah roger that's what I'm saying. You need people who are knowledgeable but not beholden to corporate interest. Unfortunately every president since I've been alive have hired swamp creatures to be in their cabinets or run government agencies. At this point they're just suckling on the teat of a corpse.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Meh halliburton says it's because they don't want other companies trying to copy their formulas but yeah they're just another mega corporation that sucks. I'd never work for them after knowing people that have. Yeah roger that's what I'm saying. You need people who are knowledgeable but not beholden to corporate interest. Unfortunately every president since I've been alive have hired swamp creatures to be in their cabinets or run government agencies. At this point they're just suckling on the teat of a corpse.
not all politicians are bad...
Though, to be fair, our system requires this. Managers and directors have a LEGAL FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to maximize shareholder value. Our reliance on hedge funds and mutual fund managers mean that the time value of the decision window is woefully short. The system is set up for corporations to make profitable short term decisions knowing that the "smart (connected and informed) money" will be long fucking gone by the time the lawsuits get settled... if they ever are. The average citizen will be left holding the bag - and voting Trump.
then we need to also require complete transparency, to let the shareholders, AND the public know exactly how those profits are being earned
that will have to become the price of doing business in America, we want to know how it's made, who it's made by, and how it's disposed of later...because if we trust corporate America (really corporate World) they'll destroy the whole fucking planet because it's cheaper than doing things right
Or they'll just put sawdust in a capsule and sell it as any nutritional supplement is selling.
So here's what the media won't tell you. Yes they do use chemicals for fracking(anti corrosives/lubricants) but for the most part it's just sand and water. Areas where the wells are deep like the haynesville shale and barnette are pretty much safe since they're literally miles beneath the water table. The only time you have problems with the water table getting infiltrated by by oil/chemicals in deep shale areas is when the drilling company tries to save a nickle and does a half assed cement job...which I've seen (same thing that happened on deep water horizon).
“What THE *MEDIA* won’t tell[us]”?

You mean, what the FRACKING INDUSTRY WON’T TELL *ANYONE*…but sure, blame the media for your industry’s consistent stonewalling, that makes sense!

”It’s just sand and water!” The inconsequential remainder is a trade secret…meaning, revelation would lead to legislation to stop pumping anonymous shit into the earth. Perfectly understandable - industry has been ignoring public (and worker) safety for its entire existence; that one fact is why we have OSHA, for one thing, and the EPA (Nixon’s joint, you remember, right?).

Personally, I expect that eventually those non-sand/non-water injectables will be identified, the industry will be found to have deliberately avoided oversight, and be forced to cease operations in order to perform environmental impact studies. I further expect that the industry has NO interest in anything beyond fracking as much as possible, in as many places as possible, just as fast as is possible...BECAUSE they anticipate being shut down entirely once the facts come out. Have no doubt that for every company adhering to the industry’s preferred behaviors, there’s another company cutting even those corners, making even more questionable calls, doing even more damage…and because it all goes on out of sight (underground) they can bullshit their way through for quite a while…as long as they have “Republicans” and other industries running interference for them, eliminating oversight and regulation, pulling the teeth of such regulations as they will permit, and generally acting like piracy is good business.

This all may seem like an attack on you, but I assure you, it’s not: industry’s general character and reputation precedes you by centuries; compared to misleading Congress, the states, and the public, misleading theor in-house professionals & field workers is simple - baked in, in fact.

Thanks for your input.
Because their narrative is a lie.
It's not that it's "a lie" ---- and that's the kicker.

Much like the origin of this entire thread, modern day Republicans are only using a piece of the graph to fit their narrative. . ..and it's not a lie, per se, it's just incorrect because all you need to do is "zoom out" to see the whole picture, and not just the piece they're selling you.

SOME are outright lying, sure. . .. like the whole "Space Jews with lasers" thing, albeit super fucking hilarious is just an outright lie.

. . .. .or IS IT?!?!?!?!?!
I'm curious what the difference is between fracking regulation in Canada, more specifically Alberta, and the area's in the USA that use this technique of extraction. As you can see by the layout of the page I linked, it's not a "simple matter" that people like Peter Doocey and the Arizona boi tend to try to make it out to be.
you said "The dems passed Obamacare through without letting anyone read it."...¿ this is what you misheard, misread, or misunderstood...
one of the authors of a large part of the bill hadn't had the time to read the entire document, republicunts made a huge deal of him not reading basically interchangeable boiler plate became a thing for a short while...then blew away, like all bullshit finally does
It never blew away entirely, Roger - it’s become part of the Bozo catechism for the boils occupying the political hate-o-sphere, & it still goes ‘round and ‘round…the whole thing is a farce, of course: GOP knows perfectly well that the bulk of ANY bill includes pages and pages of amendments to existing laws and regulations - things that only staffers ever read (or write (‘cause it’s the shit-work of Congress)). They never read THEIR OWN bills, either. It’s all part of their dog-in-the-manger strategy.

Then again, the Neo-Feudalist party is & has been all-in on blaming “non-Neo-Feudalists” for absolutely everything. It’s why they built Fox News, why we have the radio hate-o-sphere, the Internet hate-o-sphere, the entire web of traitors, disappointed slavers, performance artists, shills, criminals, and con-artists.

if you want to blame ONE, blame Newt. Gingrich is the one who weaponized Congress, the dirty-trickster who updated Goebbels for the modern GOP, the chief strategist in their war against all but their own GOP ‘army’. The fact that he’s STILL trotted out to explain to the gullible that reality is bullshit is IMO absolute proof that *nothing* has changed in the Feudalist/Confederate war against the USA.