What did you accomplish today?

Baby eagle hatched today, Been watching her for a couple weeks.
She's got it under her at times, if you don't see it right away.

Looks like it's bonding to mom, already wants attention and food. :D
Moved the microwave and put the bakers rack it was on out back to be cleaned and sold. Need to move the stereo cabinet that has been used as a pantry out of the way so I can move the fridge. So it begins...
I've been using a steel tool chest as a kitchen cabinet for a long time. It's going to be hard to find cabinets that satisfy me. My full kitchen design incorporating multiple chests was shot down hard...
I transplanted a big houseplant a few weeks ago, into a bag of cheapo soil with fertilizer I picked up at the garden store...I have been battling gnats ever since. So annoying...I'll be on the laptop and they buzz the screen. I've slap killed at least 20 out of mid air. They found there way into the bathroom and were having a good old time in there. When I cleaned the other day I found about 20 dead around the base of the toilet. I think the war is nearly over....I hope.
@Bareback … I was wrong about the inline fan not having the power cord. It was my dumb ass mistake. I did t push the connector cord hard enough into the digital wall mount so it never powered on. After reading the instructions I went back to see about it and sure enough it wasn’t shoved up into the outlet enough. It’s an awkward connection and you really have to push it up hard. Ac infinity makes so many different style fans and they all work differently. I though the 4 inch would be just like the 6 inch but not the case at all.
Started out at 4am today again working on the garden. Stake/tie/lollipop time. Each crop in there, 3 of them going, takes me two solid mornings to do. I got some work in on the bathrooms tile today too. Had been feeling like shit lately cause of covid. Feeling allot better today.
I can legit say i’ll be ready to grout in a week. I’m slow i know.