Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Man this is great to hear now! Im stoked you guys chimed in. Im much more excited to pop his NL now Im gonna jump that in line now. I have a ton of shit to run Im doing it in little bits now. Meaning I will pop 3 or 4 bean each strain but from like 4 or 5 packs. Im doing light sifting and just rotating them until I find keepers for my breeding project.

What do you guys know about Kentucky Organics? He is claimed to have a real old school Kentucky burnt rubber stunk he's on Instagram. I was in communication with him about buying a pack. $150 for 12 regs.
He is legit.
I’ve run sensi ,seedsman, nirvana, and several other skunk seeds over the years. Nothing is even comparable to the skunk I smoked back in the early 90’s. Every time I drive by a roadkill I take a deep inhale,my wife and kids think I’m deranged,,,boy does that take me back to better day z … if anyone finds it,,,please fill me in!
Skunk is Mexican change my mind lol
Its got mexi in it but it isnt pure Mexican mexi x afghani maybe give you something skunky but i think alot of Americans especially cos they next to there would know that already if it was so and yet everyone is hunting for it still also there wouldnt be huge threads on every weed forum going dedicated to rks/old school skunk etc
It's all about the pollinators. The terpenes/aromas that a plant emits are designed to attract pollinators. A rank, dead animal smell is likely to attract carrion eaters, beetles and such. This would indicate a more challenging environment. Mexico certainly has these types of environments, but it is more likely from the middle east somewhere. Hard to say, it's likely a hybrid.
It's all about the pollinators. The terpenes/aromas that a plant emits are designed to attract pollinators. A rank, dead animal smell is likely to attract carrion eaters, beetles and such. This would indicate a more challenging environment. Mexico certainly has these types of environments, but it is more likely from the middle east somewhere. Hard to say, it's likely a hybrid.
Interesting idea but i think it mabye could be the opposite certain plants give off dead type smells as a defence so id think thats more likely considering weeds also wind pollinated mainly so i dont see why not as a defence it could be trying to mimic dead insect smells who knows why theres alot we dont know yet
Interesting idea but i think it mabye could be the opposite certain plants give off dead type smells as a defence so id think thats more likely considering weeds also wind pollinated mainly so i dont see why not as a defence it could be trying to mimic dead insect smells who knows why theres alot we dont know yet

Indian Landrace team wrote about this after they put together the Durand Line project. They found rotten protein (dead animal) smells on some of the Afghanistan fields they visited, and the most likely bugs there are carrion beetles.

I can't remember now where they wrote about this but I remember seeing it.
Yes it could be an evolutionary adaptation for pollinators however Kevin Jodrey in his skunk project videos talks about how the smell of death and decay in the ester alcohols is very similar to the smell of a dying cicada swarm. When the swarm of insects all die off in mass it leaves behind a very foul smell that is acidic and nasty and this sharp smell is thought to deter other insects from landing nearby. An evolutionary trick to potentially avoid herbivory. But Im open to both potentials mother nature always finds a way they could both be correct.
He is legit.
Cool I just hit him up again on IG hopefully I can get an order in. His Burnt Rubber Skunk is supposed to be killer. I want to get that killer mix of nasty skunk but personally I also like that Catpissy ammonia/rubbing alcohol vibe too. You guys may recall some of the catpiss stuff in the 90s was REALLY loud like the SD Catpiss and the SSH Catpiss. My personal favorite was the Trainwreck/Skunk catpiss cut I grew that one out. That was also referred to as SoCal catpiss it had a skunk/sativa vibe that was probably Mexican to go along with the old school Train-wreck. The old Mexican skunk lineage is way loud.

My goal is to pick out my stinkiest male catpiss pheno one with the dirtiest stem rub then pollinate that on a handful of legit old school skunk cuts. The single best ammonia style male piss variety splashed all around on like 5 different versions of the oldest skunks. Then once I start seed popping through all of them Im hoping to find a super loud skunk that also has the ammonia/alcohol piss nose burn to go with it. I personally like both skunky and nose burn ammonia together.
Picking out mothers is easy, picking the male,,,well that’s the trick isn’t it, good structure tight nodes, smell, and pollen sacs… hard to find a great male even if you have a separate space for them,,we all know how pollen travels.it’s like you need a separate house, clothes and shower between…I guess if you have room for a hundred males to pick the best one…but I’m betting most of us here have neither the time or space for a man hunt…so much easier in a room full of ladies!,,!
Picking out mothers is easy, picking the male,,,well that’s the trick isn’t it, good structure tight nodes, smell, and pollen sacs… hard to find a great male even if you have a separate space for them,,we all know how pollen travels.it’s like you need a separate house, clothes and shower between…I guess if you have room for a hundred males to pick the best one…but I’m betting most of us here have neither the time or space for a man hunt…so much easier in a room full of ladies!,,!
Yeah males are super important. I just kinda let mother nature decide for instance if there is one male out of all the strains that is just towering over the rest and pushing everything out of the way then it catches my eye. Nose is very important too I like to look at vigor and smell and structure. As soon as I pick my couple males Im gonna chop everything and razor blade them back to clones of only the keepers. I keep plants outdoors and indoors too so I will have my males in the backyard. Your right that pollen is a bitch you gotta be careful!
Too much emphasis on ammonia.
Good piss is not offensive.
It smells like incense when burnt. If it doesn't have lingering incense then all you have is ammonia smelling weed.
It's not all like catpiss either
Ive had piss that smells like a filthy public restroom (manpiss) but burnt into beautiful smelling incense.
Ive also had batpiss that is very different from cat.
But everyone hunting needs to get beyond the ammonia. That exists in lots of stuff that doesn't incense.
Too much emphasis on ammonia.
Good piss is not offensive.
It smells like incense when burnt. If it doesn't have lingering incense then all you have is ammonia smelling weed.
It's not all like catpiss either
Ive had piss that smells like a filthy public restroom (manpiss) but burnt into beautiful smelling incense.
Ive also had batpiss that is very different from cat.
But everyone hunting needs to get beyond the ammonia. That exists in lots of stuff that doesn't incense.
What piss strain in your opinion has the best incense when burned? Im open to everyones suggestions. I like loud ass cannabis and thus far I have been trying to follow my nose. Im very aware that the original skunk in the 80s didn't have ammonia. But the loudest weed I smoked in the late 90s did have the ammonia smell along with skunky smells and I happen to like it. I haven't had it in a long ass time but I remember it being killer.
What piss strain in your opinion has the best incense when burned? Im open to everyones suggestions. I like loud ass cannabis and thus far I have been trying to follow my nose. Im very aware that the original skunk in the 80s didn't have ammonia. But the loudest weed I smoked in the late 90s did have the ammonia smell along with skunky smells and I happen to like it. I haven't had it in a long ass time but I remember it being killer.
could that strain have possibly been white widow? thats what i knew to have them smells in that time.