Low Key 2022 Garden

I’m thinking about pulling out a pink mizt and a Big Bruce x Purps #1 and let them flower in my tent, 2 or 3 reasons lol 1 to save on space indoors and out 2 to see what they do n how they look, and prob breed?? But I might take clones as well to do my breeding projects early and to have an indoor grow/crop
So I'll be sending you my self addressed clone shipper then:bigjoint:
The price on everything where I’m at is starting to skyrocket it’s ridiculous I normally have a small veggie garden every season I should start hunting cause you’re right the price of meat is crazy and it’s tasteless most of the time to me
Its also extremely healthy meat in comparison to mist of store bought no different than produce
I have mine processed at a facility now that I'm getting older and that makes it so much nicer. I just have to keep myself from eating too much jerky since it's nothing but sodium damn near. I keep bags of it all around the place for snacks.
I wish I had the time and resources to do 1000lbs of compost a year I thought about burying things during the fall and winter in the bags after harvest to keep the soil alive and what not
The main problem with my compost is seed contamination. But with a little mulch and some extra attention it’s a damn site better than buying it. The real plus to making soil vs buying it is you know exactly what you have.
Would 4 yards worth of soil fill 2000 gals? I wonder if 10 cubic yard would be enough it’ll probably be cheaper option for me than buyin a bunch of soil here and there lol, on top of that I’m tryin to set up an indoor deal
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Using your numbers, it's like 202 gallons for a cubic yard. 27x7.5=202.5. That would last me for quite a few grows. Like about 10. I ordered soil for my raised garden beds a long time ago and I had 3 cubic yards delivered, it was about a third of a dump truck if that helps you visualize it.
You would need roughly 10 cubic yards and I think most dump trucks haul around 8-10 yards by volume depending on the bed. So I'm guessing you would need about a full dump truck by volume but I'm not sure if they can carry that much weight because of the federal weight limits on the trucks. I'd try talking to some landscaping companies maybe they can give you some ideas. They probably order a ton of soil and mulch by the truck load.
You would need roughly 10 cubic yards and I think most dump trucks haul around 8-10 yards by volume depending on the bed. So I'm guessing you would need about a full dump truck by volume but I'm not sure if they can carry that much weight because of the federal weight limits on the trucks. I'd try talking to some landscaping companies maybe they can give you some ideas. They probably order a ton of soil and mulch by the truck load.
I’ve already talked to a local company and I told em I needed 10 and they said no problem I just gotta get the cash for it this week or next
The thought of filling 2000 gallons worth of pots is just a mind fuck to me. I have a whopping 13 gallons of media in my flower room right now lol. Hell watering and top dressing that keeps me entertained and stressed enough. I'll just live vicariously through guys like you on the forum. I can't wait to see them as trees.
The thought of filling 2000 gallons worth of pots is just a mind fuck to me. I have a whopping 13 gallons of media in my flower room right now lol. Hell watering and top dressing that keeps me entertained and stressed enough. I'll just live vicariously through guys like you on the forum. I can't wait to see them as trees.
I’ve learnt that it’s better to have wider holes than deeper, and the 400 gal bags are plenty wider compared to the deeper 100 gal bags, Lol shoot I’m still just a small timer compared to some other fine folk on here! Check out doublejj he’s got some epic threads that I studied and learned from
I love his grows, he does things up right. You could hang a hammock in those trees. I especially like the food they seem to be chowing down on. Seem like my kind of folks.
you could try phoneing your local tip and see if they sell n deliver any green recycled waste, thats what i use. lol doublejj's grows jungles of cannabis plants