Yesterday's Mass Shooting.


Well-Known Member
Sooner or later there is gonna be a Tylenol incident(s) with ammo, someone substituting high explosive for double based powder in rounds. What would a pistol round packed with plastic explosive do when fired? It would not be pretty and there will be radicals against guns and they are at war, like many gun owners. There are other easier to make explosive options than C4, just a fast detonation time is required. So some guns could blow up in the future.
Does the Alec Baldwin incident count as a part of someone's going to come along and..?


Well-Known Member
A huge starting point would be mandatory training of 40 hours then testing. You need a bit of commitment to do that and it’s no longer a free for all. AND no ones talking about taking guns, only a semblance of actual responsibility in owning a firearm.
If you add government to the mix there is accountability just like any other license you apply for..demonstration of knowledge and as you said commitment.

Small government? :lol: Stop doing shit and maybe we wouldn't need so many rules and laws to protect the citizen from you.


Well-Known Member
Fail a future brain scan and no gun for you, or job as a cop, or many other things where authority may be abused. MRI scanners are increasing in resolution all the time and are able to see finer details. This could be the result of compensatory remapping because other parts of their brain are offline or not connected. Sociopaths disrupt all human social organizations, even government, they are antisocial personalities after all, but come in many variations too.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Does the Alec Baldwin incident count as a part of someone's going to come along and..?
no, i tend to think that was shoddy, shitty work on the propmasters part, but it may have been someone with a grudge against Baldwin, he does have a big mouth and a lot of trump supporters hate his guts, and many trump supporters are easily capable of murder in trump's name...
but i don't think it had anything to do with an effort to sabotage the firearms industry, or gun laws in general.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Small government? :lol: Stop doing shit and maybe we wouldn't need so many rules and laws to protect the citizen from you.
the states have entirely too many "rights"...this is a union of states, it's right in the name, "UNITED States of America"....there are some things that need to be the same all across the union, and gun laws are one of those things. all loopholes and fuckery need to be dealt with, shut down, and the same set of rules applies to everyone, everywhere, no room for "interpretation" by weasel lawyers and gun industry toads.


Well-Known Member
Not a mass murder by the definition, just another example of an asshole with a gun he probably should not have had to begin with. I wonder did he have a criminal record, or a history of violence? He obviously thought she had no right to dump him and deserved to die for hurting his feelings, her feelings apparently did not count, or her life and that of another.

A good reason in the future to brain scan everybody who wants to own a gun and deny them based on the results, we're getting there with MRI. Usually the behaviors and history will correspond to the candling of their heads. Using the same criteria on republican politicians would eliminate most of them, since the worse elements of the base are auto selecting psychos as candidates now, only a sociopath or extreme narcist can lead them.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Fail a future brain scan and no gun for you, or job as a cop, or many other things where authority may be abused. MRI scanners are increasing in resolution all the time and are able to see finer details. This could be the result of compensatory remapping because other parts of their brain are offline or not connected. Sociopaths disrupt all human social organizations, even government, they are antisocial personalities after all, but come in many variations too.

Ya that would be accepted ….. let’s discuss things that could have a sliver of hope, brain scans not so much lol.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Ya need firepower to buy donuts in America, at least he was wearing a mask, so do armed robbers though. Too bad he never had an extra set of arms for the extra arms.

View attachment 5143790
i hope that he is at a competition of some kind, and that he's about to walk back around the corner to some kind of quick draw contest...because, just seriously, what the fuck?


Well-Known Member
the states have entirely too many "rights"...this is a union of states, it's right in the name, "UNITED States of America"....there are some things that need to be the same all across the union, and gun laws are one of those things. all loopholes and fuckery need to be dealt with, shut down, and the same set of rules applies to everyone, everywhere, no room for "interpretation" by weasel lawyers and gun industry toads.
I meant on the Federal level.

You want the fuckery to go away? Simple..get Schumer to end Filibuster, bring everything to the floor that's been waiting (over 400 bills) they'll all be passed immediately with VP tie breaker..get it MOVING and into the Media..citizens need to see movement and we can make it happen. If Biden is worried about Midterms, he should be. If I hear another speech from him about gas, inflation etc. like this morning? I'm going to vomit.

He has 4 1/2 months left in which they can do everything or they can continue to wring their hands worrying about the sky falling..this is OUR best chance at winning the Midterms. Biden's number can't get any lower as it is.


Ursus marijanus
I meant on the Federal level.

You want the fuckery to go away? Simple..get Schumer to end Filibuster, bring everything to the floor that's been waiting (over 400 bills) they'll all be passed immediately with VP tie breaker..get it MOVING and into the Media..citizens need to see movement and we can make it happen. If Biden is worried about Midterms, he should be. If I hear another speech from him about gas, inflation etc. like this morning? I'm going to vomit.

He has 4 1/2 months left in which they can do everything or they can continue to wring their hands worrying about the sky falling..this is OUR best chance at winning the Midterms. Biden's number can't get any lower as it is.
Dumb q maybe, but without some bipartisan support and with two rogue Democrats,



Well-Known Member
i hope that he is at a competition of some kind, and that he's about to walk back around the corner to some kind of quick draw contest...because, just seriously, what the fuck?
It reminds me of quadrophonic music, ya only go two ears, so four speakers was a pain. Now this guy only has two fucking arms and is either a fear driven fool or a fanatical fool trying to make a point, similar to dressing in a clown costume. In Canada he would be held a gun point on sight and arrested, or shot on the spot if he fucked up. Being white wouldn't help him at all in our justice system, at least when it comes to something like that. If he was a cop, they would still arrest him, if only for being stupid and embarrassment to the rest of them.


Well-Known Member

Polls show Americans seem united on gun safety. Election results tell different story
3,259 views Jun 3, 2022 CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten explains why polls showing overwhelming support for background checks for all gun buyers does not correlate with results at the ballot box.