Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I may be the only one not melting in the country. High 70°s low 80°s with low humidity......perfect weather.
Same here...I was just reading the paper, hearing about the heat wave....It is perfect here!

We deserve it after the long winter we had!!!

I'm going to start my day by lugging the old soil up and out, for renewal.

Orthopedic doctor this afternoon...Well his PA actually. Apparently I don't rate high enough to see an actual doctor. Not sure why I even bother going.


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone....yeah it's gonna be another hot one.....looks like the main part of the dome is heading a little north now.....

woke up this morning to a 80F and humid like a MF, high today 99F but it will feel like 102F, thank god for a heafty breeze from the south......

just made a fresh pot...so coffee is ready

now to get some breakfast in me.......


Well-Known Member
Them darn rascally rabbits throw in some cats and you have it. Odin wants to play but don't ask me how he see them lolView attachment 5149708
there are a couple of kitties around but i don't think they do much against the rabbit population.....but those pesky rabbits always tease Charlie almost get close to him sometimes just out of reach......i let him loose one time, it didn't end so well.....he went for the rabbit so intent, rabbit just sat there, bout the time Charlie is on it, boof there goes the rabbit, big cloud of dust and dirt, Charlie didn't make it in time, he stand up looks at me like "i ment to do that".....


Well-Known Member
there are a couple of kitties around but i don't think they do much against the rabbit population.....but those pesky rabbits always tease Charlie almost get close to him sometimes just out of reach......i let him loose one time, it didn't end so well.....he went for the rabbit so intent, rabbit just sat there, bout the time Charlie is on it, boof there goes the rabbit, big cloud of dust and dirt, Charlie didn't make it in time, he stand up looks at me like "i ment to do that".....
I used to tell Odin he could not catch rabbits after he ran into the fence twice headlong even but he now has 1 adult that he bit to hard it didn't make it and 2 babies that got slimed but unharmed now he has his sites set on the neighbor's cat


Well-Known Member
I used to tell Odin he could not catch rabbits after he ran into the fence twice headlong even but he now has 1 adult that he bit to hard it didn't make it and 2 babies that got slimed but unharmed now he has his sites set on the neighbor's cat
eh Charlie doesn't have a problem with cats since he was raised with them in his early years....but Rabbits eh no.....seems like they're motal enemies now....funny than hell to watch too....


Well-Known Member
If it moves in the yard Roxy is all over it. She lizard hunts constantly and I have to keep her out of the veggie garden to protect them. The tomatoes need to hurry up and ripen, I need some BLTs.
i had those last night with some fresh tomatoes....yum......lost my 2 cherry tomatoes to the heat, the other 2, which are large are still going...surprisingly..

Mornin Raratt


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Someone just took 2 rapidtests and they both came out positive. She's going back to bed. Thought she had the usual chronic sinus infection coupled with seasonal allergies, got a script for doxycycline which doesn't work that well. Then she went to Boston last week and burned the candle at both ends.