Is Biden really that bad?

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I guess I'd really have to classify myself as Independent. I lean right, but I don't completely agree with everything Repubs to, nor do I agree with all the Dems do... I have my own opinions. ... not that it would matter.
With that many fire arms at hand at any given moment, I would find it hard to believe you don't consume a large amount of right wing main stream media.
Thanks for admitting you were consuming a large amount of right wing main stream media. Unfortunately it's kind of like putting the tooth paste back in the tube.
It was everywhere man, not just RWM... you couldn't even turn on the radio without hearing about it. It was just tiring, so I went to Apple music. Im not one to "comply" with what my Government tells me to do if I don't think its for me. Kinda like meth.... I just don't like it.
Also, the best steaks are served at Napsalot manor
I can't remember were I posted this.. but we barter bout a lb for a steer to a local farmer within a few miles from me. We split the steer with a family member, they pay for processing, and we get a half a steer 2 times per year for free (about 500 lbs). And yeah... nobody makes a better steak than one at home from fresh local beef.
Yeah yeah yeah.. I just said in another thread that I'd like to see Dave Ramsey or Ted Cruz... anybody else plz. Just not JB
i'd rather have fucking trump back than ted cruz...or fucking ron desatanis...they're both douchebag cockcuckers...why don't you just fucking resurrect hitler and mussolini and they can run together on the republican ticket...that's a match made in hell.
Ramsey? can we not just get the fuck away from evangelical christians? do you not get it that evangelical christians are the ones who caused your family problems for you? and so fucking many more people as well? they are one of the major problems with the republicans, and THE problem with the supreme court...don't fucking help them fuck your life up.
Hot take: I think those dudes suck, but I commend captain Ron for having views and opinions. 95% of the conservatives (that show up here) are off the walls bullshit and can't string together a logical sentence.

Hotter take: tedrick will never get the nomination. I still think fucker Carlson is going to enter and win, if not DeSantis v. Trump will be awesome shit. Wonder if they are going to do primary debates?
Hot take: I think those dudes suck, but I commend captain Ron for having views and opinions. 95% of the conservatives (that show up here) are off the walls bullshit and can't string together a logical sentence.

Hotter take: tedrick will never get the nomination. I still think fucker Carlson is going to enter and win, if not DeSantis v. Trump will be awesome shit. Wonder if they are going to do primary debates?
someone would kill tucker carlson...i HATE that motherfucker, and i know people that make me look like his best friend...if he ran, he wouldn't make it past his first or second public appearance before someone blew his guts out.
i would personally welcome a trump /desantis pretty much guarantees that if the democrats can come up with a semi decent candidate that is under 70, they'll win in a land slide, with trump taking his hardcore base from desatanis.
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