Examples of GOP Leadership

Time for Clarence's impeachment inquiry and public humiliation on TV and have his lunatic wife raving before the J6 panel on TV.
it's past time for thomas to be impeached, and it's past time to remove the fucking lying pieces of trump shit that sit with him, on a bench they aren't fit to shine, much less sit on
it's past time for thomas to be impeached, and it's past time to remove the fucking lying pieces of trump shit that sit with him, on a bench they aren't fit to shine, much less sit on
Win or hold the line at least in November then the house can hold impeachment inquires for lying and misleading congress during their confirmation process, vetting was incomplete for some. Trump was also a criminal before he became president for the Stormy Daniels election crime and he was committing crimes during their appointments. You might not be able to impeach them, but you can humiliate them, and question their judgement while softening them up on TV. You can do this to prepare the way for packing the court and perhaps force Thomas to retire too. It is easier to pack the court than to unpack it, but you should be able to force Thomas out and burn the assholes of the rest before the bench packing begins. Prepare the way for change, who knows, it's only bigotry keeping the GOP alive, because it is a perfect storm for them with Trump, J6, abortion and guns. Gas and food prices, along with inflation and interest rates are global issues, ya can't blame Joe or the democrats, but some will reach for even the most absurd excuse to support the republicans.
Win or hold the line at least in November then the house can hold impeachment inquires for lying and misleading congress during their confirmation process, vetting was incomplete for some. Trump was also a criminal before he became president for the Stormy Daniels election crime and he was committing crimes during their appointments. You might not be able to impeach them, but you can humiliate them, and question their judgement while softening them up on TV. You can do this to prepare the way for packing the court and perhaps force Thomas to retire too. It is easier to pack the court than to unpack it, but you should be able to force Thomas out and burn the assholes of the rest before the bench packing begins. Prepare the way for change, who knows, it's only bigotry keeping the GOP alive, because it is a perfect storm for them with Trump, J6, abortion and guns. Gas and food prices, along with inflation and interest rates are global issues, ya can't blame Joe or the democrats, but some will reach for even the most absurd excuse to support the republicans.
it is impossible to pack the court unless the democrats pick up a few more seats in both houses...and that is up in the air right now. history says one thing, but the history didn't contain a seditious president and a majority seditious republican party, and it certainly didn't contain a supreme court that had 5 bald face blatantly unrepentant perjurers on it. all i can do is talk to people that i think might change their minds, and vote myself...
i just really am starting to see the country in open warfare soon. the religious right has to fucking get out of politics and stay the fuck out, or they need to be removed, permanently, from our society.
It shouldn't hurt his election prospects, remember where he lives...
it is impossible to pack the court unless the democrats pick up a few more seats in both houses...and that is up in the air right now. history says one thing, but the history didn't contain a seditious president and a majority seditious republican party, and it certainly didn't contain a supreme court that had 5 bald face blatantly unrepentant perjurers on it. all i can do is talk to people that i think might change their minds, and vote myself...
i just really am starting to see the country in open warfare soon. the religious right has to fucking get out of politics and stay the fuck out, or they need to be removed, permanently, from our society.
Here's the thing, like governor's races, senate races are state wide and not subject to gerrymandering and in some of these places J6 and abortion will have a bigger impact than on other states. It could add up by election day enough to make a difference, I say the more of a democratic majority you can get in the senate, the faster and more radical the change will be, provided a house majority remains and the house is highly gerrymandered. Then there are the state elections and the impact these nutty laws they are passing might have too, Texas comes to mind.

Honestly I can't think of anything that could stick a high voltage wire up the democrats asses than the SCOTUS roll back of abortion rights and the radicals passing idiotic laws in the states. The decision left enough time for women (and men) to fund raise and organize an army of election volunteers. This one could be the straw the broke the camels back and often when things break, they snap completely. America is full of surprises, you elected Obama twice and Trump one FFS! So an out of the blue completely unpredicted landslide could happen, because with America anything can happen!
All 34 Class 3 Senate seats are up for election in 2022; Class 3 currently consists of 14 Democrats and 20 Republicans. Two special elections will also be held—in California to fill the final weeks of Kamala Harris's term[1] and in Oklahoma to serve the four remaining years of Jim Inhofe's term.

Six Republican senators, Richard Shelby (Alabama), Roy Blunt (Missouri), Richard Burr (North Carolina), Rob Portman (Ohio), Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma), Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania), as well as one Democratic senator, Patrick Leahy (Vermont), have announced that they are not seeking re-election; 15 Republicans and 13 Democrats are running for re-election.

what a fucking drama queen...i hope the guy who slapped him on the back ends up counter suing and taking whatever little cash rudy has, so he ends up homeless and penniless...just like he fucking deserves
Rudy has one of those, from beginning of time to Jan 20th 2021 blanket pardons in his pocket.

Breaking news the J6 panel is meeting tomorrow with new surprise evidence! :lol:
a presidential pardon is useless in a civil matter...
Or a state one, Rudy goes through money like shit through a goose and Donald cut him off awhile back for squealing, because he has no 5th amendment rights. He talked to the J6 panel a long time and so did Ivanka and they never plead the 5th.

I wonder what the J6 panel is gonna drop tomorrow, perhaps they will leak hints today or some reporter will figure it out. For them to change the hearings like this, it must be really big news for us and bad news for Trump and the republicans.

small comfort, but better than no comfort
They are sowing the seeds of their own destruction, already abortion became less of an issue in the Trump GOP and we never heard a whisper about Jesus, who used to be everybody's best imaginary friend. They are pissing against the wind at all levels and now only cheating, rigging the system and pumping up tribalism and bigotry can help them. They have no policies other than suppressing other Americans and ending liberal democracy in order to maintain minority rule.
Open primaries in all states would get rid of the Trumpers and lunatics and reduce the radicalism, it is a simple solution that comes with it's own set of issues, but might be better than the current setup, many states have open primaries.

Let's talk about a million new republican voters....
it is impossible to pack the court unless the democrats pick up a few more seats in both houses...and that is up in the air right now. . . . .
My memory is fucked. Does it take the simple 60 to get past the filibuster in the senate, or is a super majority of 67 needed to add seats?
My memory is fucked. Does it take the simple 60 to get past the filibuster in the senate, or is a super majority of 67 needed to add seats?
Nope, when the session starts they set the rules, but a simple majority rules on the rules, 60 is a tradition and 67 for impeachment of presidents and officials including judges. The senate represents geography not people and represents minority interests just fine, they don't need 60 votes, that is just to make money from lobbyist these days, like Manchin and Senima are doing by bottle necking change. With those two, the congress could pass laws protecting women's rights by eliminating the filibuster and passing the law and others that Joe would sign. However making money is more important for them than basic human rights, power and the base are more important to all 50 republican senators though.
My memory is fucked. Does it take the simple 60 to get past the filibuster in the senate, or is a super majority of 67 needed to add seats?
Now it becomes a big election issue that will energize the base of the democratic party during a midterm election that J6 and Trump freaking out, might cause some republican voters to skip, or their candidates to be under indictment. It could lead to enough of a win for the democrats for some meaningful change. If Abortion, J6 and all the other shit the GOP is in doesn't do it, noting will, it will mean the majority of Americans are Hell bent on self destruction and chaos.
It will be an election issue, two democratic senators stand in the way of the filibuster and changing the law. Manchin and Sinema are either corrupt or prolife.

Hayes To Democrats: America Is With You On Abortion—What's The Plan?
13,328 views Jun 27, 2022 “Democratic leadership should not sugar coat it or pretend there is a magic wand to reverse this terrible decision. But they need to articulate a plan to fight back. And right now that is shockingly absent,” says Chris Hayes discussing the fallout of the reversal of Roe v. Wade.
Now it becomes a big election issue that will energize the base of the democratic party during a midterm election that J6 and Trump freaking out, might cause some republican voters to skip, or their candidates to be under indictment. It could lead to enough of a win for the democrats for some meaningful change. If Abortion, J6 and all the other shit the GOP is in doesn't do it, noting will, it will mean the majority of Americans are Hell bent on self destruction and chaos.

And a surprise 1/6 hearing today!..gotta ride that wave.

The guy falling forward on the plane was ****p.

McConnell moves to center ahead of midterms
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is moving to the center ahead of the midterm elections, backing a gun safety measure and insisting he is willing to work with President Biden on middle-of-the-road proposals if Republicans win back the Senate majority in November.

McConnell’s message is aimed squarely at suburban voters, whom he believes will make the difference in battleground states such as Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Such voters moved away from the GOP under former President Trump, but McConnell and Republicans feel they can make inroads in a year where the public is frustrated with high inflation and gas prices.

The push for such voters explains why McConnell risked his A-plus rating with the National Rifle Association (NRA) to back a gun safety measure last week that was opposed by a majority of his conference.

It also was reflected in some of the remarks he made Monday at a Rotary Club lunch in Florence, Ky., where he emphasized that if Biden is willing to come toward him, he is willing to make a deal.

“We have pretty big differences,” McConnell acknowledged. “Whether Joe Biden has the dexterity, shall I say, to pull off a pivot or not, I don’t know, but he won’t have any choice. Because if he wants to be able to function the next few years with divided government, he’ll need to come to the middle.”

McConnell appears to be doing everything he can to make independent and swing voters as comfortable as possible with the GOP, despite the noise coming from Trump — who is often at odds with McConnell — and the huge social upheaval coming from a court that McConnell had a strong hand in putting together.

On Monday, he shut down speculation that Republicans would push a law restricting abortion nationwide if they win control of Congress. Instead, he said state governments would decide future limits on abortion.

“Neither side of this issue has come anywhere close to having 60 votes, so I think this is likely to all be litigated out, dealt with by the various states around the country,” he said.

The GOP leader has pointed out several times in recent weeks that he has worked with Democrats to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, postal reform and legislation to help the United States compete with China, in addition to a $40 billion Ukraine aid bill and the gun safety measure signed into law this weekend.

“I’ve already indicated to you I’m not always opposed to doing bipartisan deals. I’ve done infrastructure, I voted for postal reform and I was one of a minority of my party who voted for this school safety, mental health bill, just last week,” he said Monday.

In backing the gun safety bill, McConnell underscored the need for the GOP to win back suburban voters who left the party under Trump.

“It’s no secret that we lost ground in suburban areas. We pretty much own rural and small-town America, and I think this is a sensible solution to the problem before us, which is school safety and mental health,” he told reporters before voting with 14 other Senate Republicans on Thursday for the gun safety bill.

“I hope it will be viewed favorably by voters in the suburbs we need to regain in order to hopefully be in the majority next year,” he said.

McConnell isn’t going too far in saying he’ll work with Biden, warning the GOP will block more Biden nominees if they take back the Senate.

“If I’m the majority leader, we’ll be really picky on appointees,” he said. “There are 1,200 executive branch appointments that come to us. They’re not all as important as the Supreme Court, but many of them are quite important and [need] to be confirmed by the Senate.”

McConnell also warned Monday that large spending packages will be dead on arrival in a GOP-controlled Senate. Biden spearheaded a $1.9 trillion relief measure in early 2021, and the GOP Senate also backed large spending measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic under Trump in 2020.
It will be an election issue, two democratic senators stand in the way of the filibuster and changing the law. Manchin and Sinema are either corrupt or prolife.

Hayes To Democrats: America Is With You On Abortion—What's The Plan?
13,328 views Jun 27, 2022 “Democratic leadership should not sugar coat it or pretend there is a magic wand to reverse this terrible decision. But they need to articulate a plan to fight back. And right now that is shockingly absent,” says Chris Hayes discussing the fallout of the reversal of Roe v. Wade.
I’ve been saying the same thing and I’m not nearly as smart as Chris Hayes.