The problem with libs/dems

I am a person of faith and I can still see why abolishing Roe V. Wade was a terrible thing, there is no longer precedent for autonomy of body and being the ultimate decision maker in your course of medical treatment. They already put the news articles in place to say you can have had cowid and not know it, and it could have done brain damage... you might not be able to make these important medical choices since your brain is damaged... now we can make that decision for you if you NEED to take the wax or boosters. This is crazy.. I'd rather let women make that choice and likely pay for it in the end, than have zero legal precedent for autonomy of body and have idiots in butcher coats who can't think for themselves make the decisions in my life for my medical treatment. They gonna have to kill me first.
Who was forced to take the vaccine?
Rape victims?
I see what yuh did here clever clever, likelihood it’s won’t be available is pretty slim, also being on birth control reduces that risk by 90% so better to play on the safe side. Rapes a horrible thing and hopefully a woman never has to experience it, and hopefully any man who commits it is found dead the next morning.
I see what yuh did here clever clever, likelihood it’s won’t be available is pretty slim, also being on birth control reduces that risk by 90% so better to play on the safe side. Rapes a horrible thing and hopefully a woman never has to experience it, and hopefully any man who commits it is found dead the next morning.
A woman should be on birth control to prevent getting pregnant if she's raped?
what about the 14yr old girl that get prego by a pedo? who's responsible now?
The fucks she doing with a pedo to begin with and why have her parents not explained about the dangers of meeting up with strangers you don’t know? I’ll assume it had to be an internet fake like you see on to catch a pred but as a parent you sit your kid down and make ‘em watch that show then explain this is more than likely who you’re gonna meet so don’t be a dipshit or tell me or mom and we’ll go with you so if it ain’t a kid your age we’ll have him in the slammer by mid afternoon takin it up the ass from gen pop
A woman should be on birth control to prevent getting pregnant if she's raped?
If they’re already on birth control and a rape occurs it significantly lessens the chances of a resulting pregnancy. It’s not illogical to take bc whether your currently sexually active or not
"Justice Clarence Thomas argued in a concurring opinion released on Friday that the Supreme Court “should reconsider” its past rulings codifying rights to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage."
The fucks she doing with a pedo to begin with and why have her parents not explained about the dangers of meeting up with strangers you don’t know? I’ll assume it had to be an internet fake like you see on to catch a pred but as a parent you sit your kid down and make ‘em watch that show then explain this is more than likely who you’re gonna meet so don’t be a dipshit or tell me or mom and we’ll go with you so if it ain’t a kid your age we’ll have him in the slammer by mid afternoon takin it up the ass from gen pop

so who's responsible??? the girl, the pedo, or the family?
So the burden is on the women to pay for and take birth control so that when she's raped she won't get pregnant? This is considered common sense?
Odds are she’s already of the age of sexual maturity, has been active or continues to be and should be exercising her due diligence in not getting pregnant if she’s not ready. 50% of abortions are women not ready to have a child or can’t afford one yet, 20% are women who already had kids are in the late 30s and don’t want anymore (shoulda had tubes tied when they were done or told the hubby to get snipped or both) 10% don’t wanna be single moms (one night stand whoopsies) then you have her health babies health career interference doesn’t feel mature enough which I’d throw into the 50% but they don’t, and 6% listed as other which will encompass your rape incest and whatever else that didn’t make for a large denomination.
Yes your hypothetical situation sucks but the majority, 80% of them are because they aren’t ready can’t afford or had kids don’t want more but didn’t do anything to prevent it. So basically in a nutshell women should act more responsibly with their uterine responsibilities if they don’t want to be knocked up. The majority of the women getting them are 20-24, the next highest is 25-29 then 35-39. Basically girls gone wild college years and moms going I’m too old for this shit but my dumb ass didn’t tell my hubby to get snipped or I’m a new divorcee who let a college boy rail me and whoopsie apparently I still can get pregnant at my age. A little responsibility from females will go a long long way
This applies to lesbians too? Women who've decided the penis isn't for them and who found a loving soul in the body of another woman should be taking birth control too, to prevent getting pregnant in case they get raped?
This applies to lesbians too? Women who've decided the penis isn't for them and who found a loving soul in the body of another woman should be taking birth control too, to prevent getting pregnant in case they get raped?
Dude you really have a thing for thinking all abortions are rape they make up less than 6% and we don’t even know what the full 6% entails because it’s listed as other
Dude you really have a thing for thinking all abortions are rape they make up less than 6% and we don’t even know what the full 6% entails because it’s listed as other
Are you one of those chauvinists that think a husband forcing his wife to have sex 'or else' is not rape?
Dude you really have a thing for thinking all abortions are rape they make up less than 6% and we don’t even know what the full 6% entails because it’s listed as other
I just don't feel like we should subject one portion of the population to misery because we're being judgmental about another portion of the population.