Active Member
How brainwashed are you guys in here ? Still afraid of covid, which actually is a flu?? Its the pfeizer injections killing people. Wake up
I doubt you have the links to back that pair of bold claims.How brainwashed are you guys in here ? Still afraid of covid, which actually is a flu?? Its the pfeizer injections killing people. Wake up
I doubt you have the links to back that pair of bold claims.
I doubt you have the links to back that pair of bold claims.
The Daily Expose!Have you guys been livin under a rock? In my country a lot of people knows covid is damagin for old/sick people. So why should you get a vaccine if you are not old or sick?
This is straight bizarre facts about the vaccines and covid
SHOCKING – At least 77K Dead & 7.3 Million injured due to COVID Vaccination across USA, Europe, UK & Australia
The latest reports released by medicine regulators around the world reveal that there have been at least 7.3 million injuries reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections up to late May…
Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?
The ongoing “pandemic” involving the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus (SARS-CoV-2) has several characteristics that make it unique in the history of pandemics. This entails not only the draconian measures that some
How brainwashed are you guys in here ? Still afraid of covid, which actually is a flu?? Its the pfeizer injections killing people. Wake up
The Daily Expose!
The Daily Expose!
I leave a similar analysis of Epoch Times to the reader.
Media Bias/Fact Check News
We are the most comprehensive media bias resource on the internet. There are currently 3900+ media sources listed in our database and growing every
RealScience (goodsciencing)!So you dont know the fact checkers are the same sponsoring the vaccines ?
2111 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1483 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection - Real Science
It is not normal for young athletes to suffer cardiac arrest or death while playing sport, but most of these come shortly after a COVID
RealScience (goodsciencing)!
Real Science ( - Bias and Credibility
QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or
I hope fred never gets vaccinated.
Fun fact, chances of long covid for the vaccinated is around 15%, chances of long covid in the unvaccinated is around 40%.
Please never vaccinate fred.
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The execrable info hygiene of a far-right delusionist, on display.
cue the race hate!So according to your "fact checker" it doubting a media which got references/links to all the sudden deaths happened for athletes? Open your fckinn eyes. You live in a corrupt world, leaded by satanic zionist politicians, and served by dumb fools like you..