1st grow. . . Male or female?

Well I kind of get that there's people on here be talking to much but are very inexperienced like I tried to help this guy how asked for it on basic growing then I see him on another thread trying to give advice to someone like dude ur a newbie don't give advice about shit he didn't know but like they say no pic no proof
I kinda get the idea. This argument seeking who's right and who's wrong. New comers getting fended into a corner. Has nothing to do with open conversation or healthy discussion. Bunch of F'ing Cia Nsa shills collecting data on everyone. Just look at that last dude
twentyeight.threefive wtf does that have too do with a Cannabis forum?
Because you assumed so that i did this year LOL! And also assumed that this was my thread. Where are my pictures of accumulating pollen this year? Please show my own proof.
I didn’t assume anything. You said you created your own strain and I said congratulations you chucked some pollen and you said I never said I collected pollen. You’re the one assuming I was talking about this year, I was saying in general. Get your stories straight.
Get your data collection app instead. Make more arguments get more paid by MOSSAD for intel harvesting. HAHAHAHAHA! :D
Bro im getting notifications off the chain because of you 2 squabbling like a married couple, and if you cant remember hours ago when you said you were ok with me, maybe you should lay off for a while. Just saying man. You seem to be kinda all over the place. Now i kinda regret thanking you at the whole goddamn start of this shit.

Im also starting to side with the other dude now cuz you straight talkn out your ass. The last few replies. You arent talking about cultivating either neither of you have been, its been a piss contest and you are actually losing dude. But seriously stfu.
Bro im getting notifications off the chain because of you 2 squabbling like a married couple, and if you cant remember hours ago when you said you were ok with me, maybe you should lay off for a while. Just saying man. You seem to be kinda all over the place. Now i kinda regret thanking you at the whole goddamn start of this shit.

Im also starting to side with the other dude now cuz you straight talkn out your ass. The last few replies. You arent talking about cultivating either neither of you have been, its been a piss contest and you are actually losing dude. But seriously stfu.
Maybe it's time for you quiting the forum Mr social anxiety. Maybe your also a actor playing mister poor guy. Where is your anxiety now? Seems it's cured thx to me. Dumbass. LOL!
Bro im getting notifications off the chain because of you 2 squabbling like a married couple, and if you cant remember hours ago when you said you were ok with me, maybe you should lay off for a while. Just saying man. You seem to be kinda all over the place. Now i kinda regret thanking you at the whole goddamn start of this shit.

Im also starting to side with the other dude now cuz you straight talkn out your ass. The last few replies. You arent talking about cultivating either neither of you have been, its been a piss contest and you are actually losing dude. But seriously stfu.
Hopefully you’ve learned something from this. Take every piece of online advice with a grain of salt. There are a lot of people who like to act like they know what they are doing and spout advice . Don’t even listen to me unless you’ve looked through what I’ve posted prior.

There is a ton of great information on this site unfortunately you have to sift through it. As you gain experience and learn who is who here you’ll figure it out.
Hopefully you’ve learned something from this. Take every piece of online advice with a grain of salt. There are a lot of people who like to act like they know what they are doing and spout advice . Don’t even listen to me unless you’ve looked through what I’ve posted prior.

There is a ton of great information on this site unfortunately you have to sift through it. As you gain experience and learn who is who here you’ll figure it out.
Ok keyboardwarrior if you say so. But not your worthless info.
Maybe it's time for you quiting the forum Mr social anxiety. Maybe your also a actor playing mister poor guy. Where is your anxiety now? Seems it's cured thx to me. Dumbass. LOL!
No im just pissed my phone keeps going off. Trying to leave my volume on cuz i have other threads going about stuff im doing and you keep fucking chiming in for no other reason than to squabble, consider yourself blocked bud, you really are all about that bro science arent ya
Hopefully you’ve learned something from this. Take every piece of online advice with a grain of salt. There are a lot of people who like to act like they know what they are doing and spout advice . Don’t even listen to me unless you’ve looked through what I’ve posted prior.

There is a ton of great information on this site unfortunately you have to sift through it. As you gain experience and learn who is who here you’ll figure it out.
Im kinda getting the feeling its almost not worth it to sift through it. If theres more spam posters like this guy its gonna be hard for me to use this site like i want to. I came to the newbie spot because Im taking growing seriously for the first time, dont get me wrong, ive gotten a lot of great advice already. This is just really retarded. Dont worry tho I got no issue with you, honestly kinda glad you chimed in because you showed me how that guy was on here to troll.
Im kinda getting the feeling its almost not worth it to sift through it. If theres more spam posters like this guy its gonna be hard for me to use this site like i want to. I came to the newbie spot because Im taking growing seriously for the first time, dont get me wrong, ive gotten a lot of great advice already. This is just really retarded. Dont worry tho I got no issue with you, honestly kinda glad you chimed in because you showed me how that guy was on here to troll.
Why don't you two share badge numbers instead.
bro science.jpg