
I had some MSR stoves I gave to my son, loud but efficient, easy to field repair if needed.
They fold up and stow in a small cookpot.
I liked the dual fuel one, used canisters for short trips.

Convincing a minor to get lost in the woods for an hour would be a bigger barrier than a bath
these parents have the secret. lol.

So how was the camping trip?
Do any snipe hunting?View attachment 5175123

We're leaving tomorrow after work! Hope to be hitting the road no later than 3. Supposed to rain all goddamn weekend. And a couple in the group got the covid. So it's now just us and 1 other family. So we're sadly missing a musketeer. But we're going to try to make the best of it. I stole 3 pool covers from work. So going to try and make one hell of a rainforest tarp city.
We're leaving tomorrow after work! Hope to be hitting the road no later than 3. Supposed to rain all goddamn weekend. And a couple in the group got the covid. So it's now just us and 1 other family. So we're sadly missing a musketeer. But we're going to try to make the best of it. I stole 3 pool covers from work. So going to try and make one hell of a rainforest tarp city.
Hell yeah.. dont let the rain stop you.. i have done the same thing
We're leaving tomorrow after work! Hope to be hitting the road no later than 3. Supposed to rain all goddamn weekend. And a couple in the group got the covid. So it's now just us and 1 other family. So we're sadly missing a musketeer. But we're going to try to make the best of it. I stole 3 pool covers from work. So going to try and make one hell of a rainforest tarp city.
The first time my dad took us camping it rained all weekend.
Got to the site late, in the rain, too wet for a fire or lantern and batteries were to last all weekend.
Using the flashlight to setup camp, in the rain, was not an option.

We slept in the car that night.

Got the tent and site setup the next morning, in a light rain, and cooked breakfast on a coleman stove.

Even wet going camping is still some of my most favorite family memories. Many times it became a small reunion.
open to all that lived close enough to travel.

I hope you have a good time.
It is sure to be lasting memories in the making.

Pro tip:
Tents are a false sense of privacy. Remember when to turn the lantern off.
Awesome advice so far guys. Thank you so much. I am sold on the steaks. Never developed a taste for fish. I'm a bitch, I know. My wife and kid remind me all the time. I've bought a bunch of shit so far. Because I'm hoping this turns into an annual or couple times an annual thing. And my wife feels bad about all the investments I've made lol. So far I bought some new coolers. A grill basket. A little portable wood burning stove, that I figure I'll just use to boil water for coffee etc. There is a fire pit with grate there already. A rechargeble fan/light combo for the tent. A mess kit. I actually did buy those coffee singles @raratt !! I'm a coffee whore. I bought a USB charger that connects to my Makita batteries. So I can charge phones and lights etc. Gonna bring some of my tools like my blower to inflate the air mattress and Stoke the fire. Some rechargeable flashlight/lantern things. A picnic blanket. Tarp. Survival kit. I'm dropping like a grand lol.
Expensive as fuck to be homeless for a weekend isn't it?
Well, camping was a monumental success. From the very start to the very end. We are most definitely going to try and go again before winter. This trip had everything. We. even managed to get up there an hour early.

Weather wise Friday thundered all day and night with the threat of storms. But the only thing we got was an absolutely magnificent displays of lightning Friday night over the ridges. Saturday it rained for only about 10 minutes and then blessed us with an incredible double rainbow. Saturday night cleared up and we laid looking up at the stars and catching a bunch of satellites. Then today the weather was overcast and but let us pack everything up and head out rain free.

We did creek swimming. Hiking. Smores. Steak. Glowsticks. The kids out got along great. Was hard to tell who had more fun. The kids or adults. And yes. It takes a lot of money and work to live like you're homeless lol. But the disconnect is nice.


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Next time you go or in the future, since it looks like you're far enough away from light pollution, take a telescope (our local library loans them out believe it or not) and/or try to schedule the trip during a meteor shower. Glad it was a great first experience for the fam and gives you a better idea what was needed or better left behind :)
Next time you go or in the future, since it looks like you're far enough away from light pollution, take a telescope (our local library loans them out believe it or not) and/or try to schedule the trip during a meteor shower. Glad it was a great first experience for the fam and gives you a better idea what was needed or better left behind :)

I thought my wife would be better left behind lol. She's a neat freak and I thought it'd be too much for her. But she rolled with the punches, actually had a great time and wants to go again. So that's good. I did bring way too much stuff. But a lot came in handy giving to my buddy, his wife and their kids.

There's a little more to this whole story. I've been best friends with this guy since intermediate school. Literally 20+ years. And he's one of those tortured geniuses. Too smart for his own good. When covid first hit he basically locked himself and his family inside for 2 years. Like literally didn't leave the house. This was the 2nd time. The first time being last month when our other musketeer convinced him to go camping as a way to softly rejoin society. So we tried it again. To much success. So this was just a good time for everybody with much success all around.