Question about Sea Of Green??


Well-Known Member
I have a a question about SEA OF GREEN GROWING.

I only want to do 10 plants just for my first Sea of Green just so I can learn. I was going to take rooted clones and put them straight into flowering.

I know that the point of having small pots is so that you can cram as many in as you can but I was wondering if I used 2 gallon pots will the plant still grow straight up and not bush out.

I am under the impression that when you use like 1 or .5 liter pots for SEA OF GREEN the reason why the plant grows 1 big cola is beacuse of the small bucket.

Is sea of green only good with small pots or will it work with the two gallons.


Active Member
I have a a question about SEA OF GREEN GROWING.

I only want to do 10 plants just for my first Sea of Green just so I can learn. I was going to take rooted clones and put them straight into flowering.

I know that the point of having small pots is so that you can cram as many in as you can but I was wondering if I used 2 gallon pots will the plant still grow straight up and not bush out.

I am under the impression that when you use like 1 or .5 liter pots for SEA OF GREEN the reason why the plant grows 1 big cola is beacuse of the small bucket.

Is sea of green only good with small pots or will it work with the two gallons.
Whether or not your plants will "bush out." depends allot more on light intensity ,light proximity to foliage & dark period temp's ,
As for pot size's
I have seen 5ft plants grown in 1gallon pots ,
The main thing that you may notice is the smaller the pot size the thinner the stock/steam's will be.
That in turn means you may run into problems supporting bud weight on those flimsy steams.
A good remedy would be to use a mesh screen and use them to support the colas (for more info look into Screen of green which i think would work very nicely with your setup)


Well-Known Member
Whether or not your plants will "bush out." depends allot more on light intensity ,light proximity to foliage & dark period temp's ,
As for pot size's
I have seen 5ft plants grown in 1gallon pots ,
The main thing that you may notice is the smaller the pot size the thinner the stock/steam's will be.
That in turn means you may run into problems supporting bud weight on those flimsy steams.
A good remedy would be to use a mesh screen and use them to support the colas (for more info look into Screen of green which i think would work very nicely with your setup)
What up about zip tying the stalk to a stake or a poll?


Well-Known Member
youre talking about lollipopping, you cut the bottom 1/3 off the plant at 1 and 3 weeks of flowering so that you only grow the single cola, just my opinion but for 10 plants that might not be the best idea but its your grow


Active Member
Yeah that would be fine, it's called Low stress training or LST if you wanted to
get some more info on it.

Some will say that doing it during flowering might not be the best idea due to the stress, but if you go slow and don't do anything too dramatic too quickly
it's not going to hermi.

Keep in mind a trained plant will usually readjust its self to the light source within 15 minutes.



Well-Known Member
youre talking about lollipopping, you cut the bottom 1/3 off the plant at 1 and 3 weeks of flowering so that you only grow the single cola, just my opinion but for 10 plants that might not be the best idea but its your grow
I was wondering why you might not think it is a good idea. I want to do a big grow in March but before then I just want to test it out just so I can see if i can get it down with a small # of plants.

Let me know why you dont think it would be a good idea?



Well-Known Member
just because of yield reasons, its great if you just want to try for experience reasons but if thats the case id urge you to try different methods and find out which one worked the best for you, like say take 2 and grow them normal, take 2 and top them, take 2 and lollipop, take 2 and LST them....get what im saying, experiment with different things


Well-Known Member
just because of yield reasons, its great if you just want to try for experience reasons but if thats the case id urge you to try different methods and find out which one worked the best for you, like say take 2 and grow them normal, take 2 and top them, take 2 and lollipop, take 2 and LST them....get what im saying, experiment with different things
That would actually be a good idea.

I know what lillipop is, I know what normal is

Topping is when you chop the top off like 3 or 4 inches from the top about a week into flowering and you get 2 colas, corresct?

What is LST?



Well-Known Member
no more so than just doing all one way....somebody mentioned LST already, its low stress training....basically your tie the plants down and thus the lower braches get more light and bigger buds, its just to get more out of your light and plants.


Well-Known Member
no more so than just doing all one way....somebody mentioned LST already, its low stress training....basically your tie the plants down and thus the lower braches get more light and bigger buds, its just to get more out of your light and plants.
which one is known for best yield.

at what phase of the plant do you use LST and how long do you veg them for usually?/


Well-Known Member
LST is usually early in flowering and as for which has the best results it really depends, it you were just growing one plant id say veg it for like 6 or 7 weeks and top it during veg and then LST it as well


Well-Known Member
oh since your doing 10 plants id veg for a month, if you are gonna lollipop you only need to veg for like 15 days maybe


Well-Known Member
How you should grow your 10 plants is decided by the space you have, the lights you have, and everything else about the stuff you grow with.

If you just want to fart around you can experiment with different styles or you can give a lot more info and someone in the know then can truly tell you what styles would be the best for your situation, skills, and to meet your desires.

SOG is typically single cola plants packed as close as possible and grown in as short a time span as possible for maximum yield per watt, per space, and per time.

You're not going to acheive any of those with the pots and plan you have. You can't pack those tight enough, pots are too big. You could grow single cola plants in that setup just like you could in 20oz containers but the question would be why because it only uses more space and resources. You'll end up with huge amounts of dirt, water, light and nutrients wasted depending on method.

Do you have enough light to even cover the floor area that ten 2 gallon pots will take up? Note that even if you do have enough light, you'll be wasting most of the light you run.

If all you want is 10 single cola plants of typical SOG size grown with zero veg time regardless of your room size or lights then save yourself a whole lot of hassle and money and just go buy 10 small pots, 1 litre or less. Plants will top out at about 1.5' tall max, more like 1'. It'll take a cabinet or closet or fit in a corner of a room and yield a crop from 10oz to 20oz for most beginners.

IF you insist on using 2 gallon pots, then the optimum size plant would be around 3' tall or so and as bushy as possible. That will take a long veg time, as much as 4kw of lights, and could fill an entire small bedroom. Yield could be a couple pounds, maybe, but you'd have to really do your homework.

Finally most everything anyone has told you so far seems questionable at best since nobody asked a damn thing to know what would even do you right in your situation, and some were just flat wrong. 15 days veg time would never include rooting time, neither has anything to do with the other. Rooting alone can take 15 days, and rooting doesn't ever ever ever count toward veg, it doesn't gain you plant size (well it shouldn't) it only gets it started.


Well-Known Member
How you should grow your 10 plants is decided by the space you have, the lights you have, and everything else about the stuff you grow with.

If you just want to fart around you can experiment with different styles or you can give a lot more info and someone in the know then can truly tell you what styles would be the best for your situation, skills, and to meet your desires.

SOG is typically single cola plants packed as close as possible and grown in as short a time span as possible for maximum yield per watt, per space, and per time.

You're not going to acheive any of those with the pots and plan you have. You can't pack those tight enough, pots are too big. You could grow single cola plants in that setup just like you could in 20oz containers but the question would be why because it only uses more space and resources. You'll end up with huge amounts of dirt, water, light and nutrients wasted depending on method.

Do you have enough light to even cover the floor area that ten 2 gallon pots will take up? Note that even if you do have enough light, you'll be wasting most of the light you run.

If all you want is 10 single cola plants of typical SOG size grown with zero veg time regardless of your room size or lights then save yourself a whole lot of hassle and money and just go buy 10 small pots, 1 litre or less. Plants will top out at about 1.5' tall max, more like 1'. It'll take a cabinet or closet or fit in a corner of a room and yield a crop from 10oz to 20oz for most beginners.

IF you insist on using 2 gallon pots, then the optimum size plant would be around 3' tall or so and as bushy as possible. That will take a relatively long veg time, as much as 4kw of lights, and could fill an entire small bedroom. Yield could be a couple pounds, maybe, if you start reading more and learning more so you do it all right and optimally.
Thanks Oregon You are helpful.

I dont have a problem buying smaller pots, so you said they should be at least a liter right?

All I am running is 1 600 W in a 4 x 4 closet. I can fit 10 two gallon pots easy. Those are just the pots I have on hand.

I am trying to figure out the best and easiest way to grow for the next place that I move into. I plan on having a whole room where i can set up about 4 lights and a seperate section for veg.

Basically I am going to start to take cloans from my plants now and start to flower around the 1st of the year. I have about 2 and a half months till i move out and move into a new spot.

I just want to figure out which method is the best. If I can try all the methods under 1 light that would be great but I have no problem going with 1.



Well-Known Member
600w is fine for 4x4 then, but again pots are so cheap don't waste the soil or nutrients even if you can fit the large pots in there. Yes 1 litre or so for a plant with no veg time, but even 20oz is fine. For each month of veg time add 1 gallon to the container size.

If you want to try different grow styles you would have to have another light and another area for veg so you can veg some longer than others before you put them in the flower room.

There would never be any reason to lollypop a single cola plant with no veg time going under a 600w light. All that would do is chop off future bud and stunt growth of the rest of the plant. You can't go testing different trimming styles on plants in flower. You never trim plants in flower period.


Well-Known Member
600w is fine for 4x4 then, but again pots are so cheap don't waste the soil or nutrients even if you can fit the large pots in there. Yes 1 litre or so for a plant with no veg time, but even 20oz is fine. For each month of veg time add 1 gallon to the container size.

If you want to try different grow styles you would have to have another light and another area for veg so you can veg some longer than others before you put them in the flower room.

There would never be any reason to lollypop a single cola plant with no veg time going under a 600w light. All that would do is chop off future bud and stunt growth of the rest of the plant. You can't go testing different trimming styles on plants in flower. You never trim plants in flower period.
I do have another light that houses the mothers, and vegging. So if you think I should try some different methods under the 1 600 let me know what you think i should do. I want to start January 1st so I think SOG might be the way to go. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. I can take clippings in the next week so I will have enough for the 1st


Well-Known Member
If you want the most bud the fastest possible just fill that 4x4 space with all the 1 litre single cola plants you can. Anything else is screwing around which you can do but I wouldn't suggest.

If you are afraid to run that many plants, then you can grow them bigger, in those 2 gallon pots, and add a month or more of veg and just wait longer to crop out. Top them a handfull of times and lollipop them a little, don't flower until they're all 1.5' tall and as bushy as you could get them. You don't have to trim a lot off the bottom to lollypop with a 600w light, it has decent penetration.

Both methods yield a pretty decent amount of smoke, the small plants do it in half the time though.

It's far far easier and better to do them all the same. They will then all grow and crop the same, run dry about the same time, need food about the same time, need the light around the same height, take the same time to finish etc. Start mixing them up and you can end up overwatering small ones or large ones or loosing track of what needs water when, or have to use a bunch of crap to stack smaller ones on to get them all close to the light, etc. Overwatering may not scare you but it's an easy mistake to make when you have a bunch of different shit going on and it will sure as shit lead to root rot which also attracts bugs. Things that may sound simple may lead to large trouble...

Just try different styles with each crop if you like.

My 2cents anyway