Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
let the mudslinging begin down here...Abbott and Beto......

let's spread that misinfo Abbott.......your only ahead in the polls by 5 point.......
Don't believe the polls, women don't make a lot of noise before they vote, remember Kanas, people from red states are reluctant to even tell pollsters their true feelings on some socially sensitive issues. Abbott is hard right on abortion and I figure he will pay at the polls for it. If he does, all Hell will break loose in Texas, you ain't seen election denial yet! :lol: The feds will end up putting a lot of Texas fascists away for one thing or another.


Well-Known Member
Don't believe the polls, women don't make a lot of noise before they vote, remember Kanas, people from red states are reluctant to even tell pollsters their true feelings on some socially sensitive issues. Abbott is hard right on abortion and I figure he will pay at the polls for it. If he does, all Hell will break loose in Texas, you ain't seen election denial yet! :lol: The feds will end up putting a lot of Texas fascists away for one thing or another.
i usually don't believe in polls at all, i just know that ol Abbott is shaking in his wheelchair right now, since now he's actually got a contender running against him.....there is also another run happening too...and that the race for Lt Govonor too.....seem people wanna get ride of the yes man next to him too.....


Well-Known Member
Biden is boring as hell. Big stories are he fell off a bike and gave a speech with a red lit background. BTW, in case you aren't aware the red lit background is an impeachable offense on par with a tan suit.

No attempts to buy Greenland, bomb Mexico, create a joint cybersecurity team with Russia, nuke hurricanes, inject bleach, no stolen top-secret docs, he doesn't eat, flush, or shred presidential papers, no diapers, ordinary skin and hair, no pussy grabbing, no incitement to violence, not surrounded by whackos lke Lindell, Paula White, et al, doesn't admire brutal dictators,,,

It's great. Boring is terrific.
The democrats bowed down to BLM violence, so I dont know what planet you are living on.


Well-Known Member
Just think, Trump will be stumping at rallies while the J6 panel is doing weekly public hearings, what do you think will happen? Donald is the ugly face of fascism in America, the safety of democracy is the number one issue and abortion might not be far behind in reality. Much depends on what the ladies do and the republicans are worried about that whole woman's wrath thing as they got a taste of in Kanas, women are still registering in record numbers, especially in red and swing states...

Once Trump and idiots like you destroy the republican party and leave a smoking ruin, the way will be wide open to destroy the rest of you with law and regulation. It's not some kind of revenge, it's a constitutional duty. :lol: There's still 2 months to go Cletus and plenty of history to be made. Have faith in Donald, he's fucked up everything he owns or controls and he owns you, but yer fucked up already, which is why I suppose he owns you. I dunno if an African ever had as heavy a chain on him, as you have around yer own neck and it's getting jerked real hard by your master.
The real question is, are you getting help? Trump Derangement Syndrome is severe, but can be cured.


Well-Known Member
Always looking to the past, there should be reparations to African Americans, not for slavery, that was paid for in blood, but for the 140 years of white domestic terrorism and massacres that were inflicted upon them, the massive social assault of American bigots like you. The government was a participant in this genocidal behavior and should pay for it. It should come in the form of education and free health care for Black people, while your type pay a fortune for your own, because that would be socialism.

The world moves on and changes, but you are stuck in the past of your conditioning, get an update and stop being such a pain in the ass to humanity. Someone was fucking you in the ear and came in your brain.
Another evil white man speech. Eye roll.


Well-Known Member
Why don't people like biden? Same reason we don't like democrats in general. Shit like this.

I bet you liberals love this shit. It's probably why you're moving from places like CA, NY, OR to places like TX/FL. Why not stay? You love it so much, right?

Libs are the MOST self ritcheous dipshits the world has seen.
They remain in denial. Like most issues, they find ways of distorting the facts. Flip masters of democrat logic..


Active Member
They remain in denial. Like most issues, they find ways of distorting the facts. Flip masters of democrat logic..
Exactly! They "rewrite" history over n over n over and wonder why none of them know if they have an inny or an outty! Lol

They should travel. The majority if the world lives in improvised conditions. They're too comfortable to see how good they really have it.


Ursus marijanus
Why don't people like biden? Same reason we don't like democrats in general. Shit like this.

I bet you liberals love this shit. It's probably why you're moving from places like CA, NY, OR to places like TX/FL. Why not stay? You love it so much, right?

Libs are the MOST self ritcheous dipshits the world has seen.
Epoch Times?



Well-Known Member
The real question is, are you getting help? Trump Derangement Syndrome is severe, but can be cured.
The cure is at hand, Donald going to prison and he won't be alone, but don't think it will end there, they are coming for you too Cletus, so keep your nose clean or it might cost you your guns.


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