Another gun thread

So a guy in Florida was found not guilty of shooting a fellow movie goer who threw popcorn in his face after being admonished not to use his phone in a semi-dark theater before the movie began. His kid wasn't feeling well so he texted the baby sitter. The creepy old fuck with a gun (a retired SWAT commander, no less) ignored his wife's advice that they just move (stand your ground mutherfucker!) and berated the phone user who got pissed and threw a bag of popcorn at his face (lethal force, yo). Creepy old fuck immediately drew his gun and murdered him.


Florida is a sick fucking state
So a guy in Florida was found not guilty of shooting a fellow movie goer who threw popcorn in his face after being admonished not to use his phone in a semi-dark theater before the movie began. His kid wasn't feeling well so he texted the baby sitter. The creepy old fuck with a gun (a retired SWAT commander, no less) ignored his wife's advice that they just move (stand your ground mutherfucker!) and berated the phone user who got pissed and threw a bag of popcorn at his face (lethal force, yo). Creepy old fuck immediately drew his gun and murdered him.

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Florida is a sick fucking state

I agree that the creepy old fucker should have handled it better. So could the popcorn tosser guy.

That's not a reason for everyone to have restricted gun rights though. If there had been hot oily butter on the popcorn and it burned the old cop creeps face would you start a campaign to get rid of all buttered popcorn?
I agree that the creepy old fucker should have handled it better. So could the popcorn tosser guy.

That's not a reason for everyone to have restricted gun rights though. If there had been hot oily butter on the popcorn and it burned the old cop creeps face would you start a campaign to get rid of all buttered popcorn?

If hot butter were designed and commonly used to burn people's faces then yes.
You see, a gun is like a penis.

Both can be used to express your love by either defending or pleasuring a loved one.

Both can be used to express malice or self hate by murdering or raping another person.

So, all you brave men who want to get rid of guns, please hand in your dangerous penis too! It's only right!!!
So, you're saying you'd be willing to give up your penis, to prevent rape? A penis is designed for fornication and is dangerous!!!

Where did I say anything even close to that? I tire of the constantly inane comparisons made in order to justify gun ownership as the only "real" right.
A gun is not a car, or a punishment, or popcorn. It has a different and unique purpose.
So, you're saying you'd be willing to give up your penis, to prevent rape? A penis is designed for fornication and is dangerous!!!
False dichotomy, and you know it...That's not even a good try...You're not very good at this, are you?
You should have at least thrown in a straw man to distract from how bad you are at this.
back to ignore, you once again prove you aren't ready for polite society.
Where did I say anything even close to that? I tire of the constantly inane comparisons made in order to justify gun ownership as the only "real" right.
A gun is not a car, or a punishment, or popcorn. It has a different and unique purpose.

A gun can be used to defend life or murder. A penis can be used to make love or rape.

Are you willing to get rid of your penis to help reduce rape ? Makes as much sense to ask a person with no intention of raping anyone that as it does to ask a person with no intention of murdering to get rid of a gun.

So, are you willing to help reduce rape or not ?
False dichotomy, and you know it...That's not even a good try...You're not very good at this, are you?
You should have at least thrown in a straw man to distract from how bad you are at this.
back to ignore, you once again prove you aren't ready for polite society.

So, that's a yes or a no on the penis removal to help reduce rape ?
Where did I say anything even close to that? I tire of the constantly inane comparisons made in order to justify gun ownership as the only "real" right.
A gun is not a car, or a punishment, or popcorn. It has a different and unique purpose.

When will you be organizing protests for gun violence done by governments ? I

I assume you know the highest "gun violence" body count isn't free lance thugs, it's "offical thugs" ?
Of course, he's not guilty he is forever a member of the Blue Line Gang. They are extended special privileges and held to different standards than most citizens.

Police officer " The alley was dark and I thought I saw him reaching for a weapon, so I shot him." Sentence-Paid vacation
Average Joe " The alley was dark and I thought I saw him reaching for a weapon, so I shot him." Sentence -Pound me in the ass prison
When will you be organizing protests for gun violence done by governments ? I

I assume you know the highest "gun violence" body count isn't free lance thugs, it's "offical thugs" ?

Do far, we as a people have some direct control over the behavior of our government. We have no such control over individuals or "militia"

You can, i hope, see the difference. Nor has this anything to do with equating cars or popcorn to guns.
A gun can be used to defend life or murder. A penis can be used to make love or rape.

Are you willing to get rid of your penis to help reduce rape ? Makes as much sense to ask a person with no intention of raping anyone that as it does to ask a person with no intention of murdering to get rid of a gun.

So, are you willing to help reduce rape or not ?

Rape is not murder. Please link us to evidence of mass penis murder.

Or mass rape for that matter.

Do better.
Do far, we as a people have some direct control over the behavior of our government. We have no such control over individuals or "militia"

You can, i hope, see the difference. Nor has this anything to do with equating cars or popcorn to guns.

You don't have any control over your government. None. Zero. Zilch.

War on drugs. Foreign empire. Highest prison population by % of population in the world. Endless wars. Why haven't you controlled that?