Plant in darkness for 3 days bc of storm


Well-Known Member
My baby is in complete darkness going on 3 days now bc of the never ending winds and cold…is she gonna die looks like the pistols are turning very white
It’s been 50 degrees for a high with 40mph winds so I left her in the shed or I’m sure the wind would snap the branch plus this cold Thursday will be back to 70 so will she be ok in the shed ?? God damn y’all woke up nasty today eh
So when you open the sheds door obviously light gets in but the wind has been insane plus highs won’t go past 50 till Thursday
Might take her out later today just this wind and cold won’t let up later this week looks way better
NY is in complete darkness? Strange.

Can confirm. The sun is entirely out here 3 days running and still like midnight, though the stars are beautiful. Oddly since we're 100% solar powered we also have no electricity, though even if we did, the hardware stores are out of extension cords and lightbulbs, so that would be no help. I'm hearing stories of people turning on each other and cannibalism in the streets.

...I hear it's fine downstate.