The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

I've 4 days left and after a couple of days rain the river is almost perfect!
It's just falling onto the ideal fishing height, unfortunately by law i can't fish for salmon on a Sunday?
I fished for a couple of hours last night i only gave up because of darkness i left the river at half seven.

I'll on be on it for daylight on Monday morning.
Unfortunately when ever money is involved this is a possibility. It’s happened in the pro bass world too and id bet in just about any fishing tournaments. Glad they’re caught and i hope/ assume , that titles will be stripped as well as a ban on that guy/ team from ever entering any tournament let alone a pro tour
They're going after previous winnings too. I just heard about this yesterday. Fishermen are supposed to be cooler than this.
So yesterday I had an epic day of fishing.

caught 9 Large Mouth and 3 spotted bass. 4 of which were over 5 lbs tanks.

Unfortunately When setting the hook on a large jig bite my phone went flying out of my pocket into 20 feet of stained water.

I am not bothered by the phone as I have a new one on the way already. I am however fucking agitated that the pictures of this day are lost. my only hope is that my phone uploaded the pics to google before it took a bath.

Worst part of this whole thing is when I set the hook the fish was gone. 3/4 oz
jig with a thick skirt with 4 inch rage craw for a trailer. that bite wasn't from a dink. That is for sure. I may take an additional day off next week to try to recreate yesterdays masterpiece.

If I was fishing a tourney my bag would have won yesterday.
I was ready to go at daylight but the river was too high, i went back at 2 o'clock and fished until dark but I didn't catch anything not even a knock.

I slid down a embankment and in the process management to hook a rapala into my wading jacket right past the frigging barbs :-(

The day i landed that whopper of a trout i thought for a minute I'd lost my phone afterwards, for a few seconds i had a horrible raw fear in the pit of my stomach at the thought of losing the pictures of it lol, i was pleased as punch with catching it, it's a personal best naturally i wanted a picture of it.

Wizz I'm pleased to hear you had a great time and sorry to hear that you lost your phone i can only imagine how pissed you are at that mate.