Haha forums never change, experiment. Takes 2 runs. You should be able to figure it out or at least start that process. This cant be fun for you lol.
Ions are ions. Your plant can't tell the difference. Your plant is made of light + nutrients you're using. You can't flush the plant with water any more than you can flush your body of its cells with water. Much like your body, you can make your plant very unwell, but go ahead and do you.

Enjoy the mids

Dude if anyone is pushing “MIDS”then its probably you:blsmoke:.. No offence but you sound like your new in the game lol.

if like you say ions are ions and the plant cant tell the difference between water & nutrients then why even give the plant ANY nutrients to begin with since in your opinion she cant tell the difference???:clap: Maybe everyone should save their money and just give water to the plant from start to end no? Lol..

Its ok ill forgive your ignorance on this occasion but come on dude seriously??? Lol..
Soo they didn't do science to come to that conclusion. Only whomever you are stating did proper science. , like the cure for aids man. Many tried their methods and failed. I mean no disrespect but , people back east say it's out west. And folks back west say it's out east.
" don't let your meat loaf" .

Have you read the article?

They don't offer any information as to why they have formed this conclusion. Just because someone posts something on the internet doesn't mean it is correct. My basic school biology lessons tells me why the idea of flushing is complete nonsense.

You want science...

You'll notice how the writer of the article backs up their claims with links to the published research and theories, on both sides of the debate. The view is balanced and doesn't simply back up what you want to believe.

Remember, the biggest selling non-fiction book is about a group of people that started a country and numerous wars because a magic fairy in a burning bush told them to. Then the magic fairy had a son, that got nailed to a tree, was stabbed with a spear, came back to life and now lives in the sky.
wait what:o

please educate me sir, that if a plant ever falls victim of a nutrient deficiency/toxicity throughout its cycle then a flush will do not good because the plants cant “osmotically release them. It's a one way door. There is no process by which plants 'flush' nutrients out of their tissues”.. Am i hearing this right? So a flush is worthless & will never do any good?

I need to sleep now & hope this was all a dream like Biggie said lol..

You're flushing materials out of the soil, not out of the plant. You do it when there is a buildup in the soil of salts and you need to remove the excess. And you're literally washing and pushing the extra nutrients out of the dirt and down into your ruoff. You're not removing anything from the plant.
Imagine if growers and distributors wanted your weed to suck so they could maximize weed sales. Almost like a cannibis conspiracy. :hump:

Imagine if there was a multi-billion dollar industry that made plant food and they wanted you to buy more. Those people would want you to not flush, fuck me that is an even bigger conspiracy.
Dude are you ok?:roll:. Maybe ask someone kindly to explain to you what this thread is all about coz it seems your a little confused sir :lol:

So that's your go to answer. Somebody points out your mistakes and you say that simple minded crap parents use on their kids. Grow up and understand that there are a shit ton of more experienced people here than you.

I don't want to get sucked into yet another boring ass flushing thread because they always end the same. Locked and closed. There is no end because idiots like you just live to argue, get a life.
So that's your go to answer. Somebody points out your mistakes and you say that simple minded crap parents use on their kids. Grow up and understand that there are a shit ton of more experienced people here than you.

I don't want to get sucked into yet another boring ass flushing thread because they always end the same. Locked and closed. There is no end because idiots like you just live to argue, get a life.

so why even comment or come on my thread you weirdo? Lol. And point out what mistakes exactly? This was intended as a “healthy debate”!! I never believed i had the most experience. Maybe you assumed that. Anyway dont come back to this thread unless you have anything positive to contribute. Thank you mr Clown. Locked & closed.
dude you joined in 2021 and i’am the troll ?? and ur on my thread??:clap:

Your very first post after 14 years being a member SCREAMS crusty sock

What exactly does a join date and troll have in common?

I mean your acct joined in 2008 and only became active a couple months ago for the first time posting dumb troll thread, after dumb troll thread.

If the shoe fits eh?

If my posts are dumb then why are you always there to comment? Should u not stay away and avoid no? From
Looking at all ur messages it feels like your wanting some sort of acceptance to be be liked or to even show the world how great “never never land” is? I mean that where ur from right? :lol:.

dont worry dude u will have some real friends soon who will appreciate all the time you spend commenting on everyones posts lol.

oh btw u got a YouTube page created yet? U can call it BK best knowledge -78 maybe?:P

if the shoe dont fit, keep trying huh? :eyesmoke:
Dude if anyone is pushing “MIDS”then its probably you:blsmoke:.. No offence but you sound like your you're new in the game lol.

if like you say ions are ions and the plant cant tell the difference between water & nutrients then why even give the plant ANY nutrients to begin with since in your opinion she cant tell the difference???:clap: Maybe everyone should save their money and just give water to the plant from start to end no? Lol..

Its ok ill forgive your ignorance on this occasion but come on dude seriously??? Lol..
FIFY, and I'll forgive your ignorance as well.
Dude if anyone is pushing “MIDS”then its probably you:blsmoke:.. No offence but you sound like your new in the game lol.

if like you say ions are ions and the plant cant tell the difference between water & nutrients then why even give the plant ANY nutrients to begin with since in your opinion she cant tell the difference???:clap: Maybe everyone should save their money and just give water to the plant from start to end no? Lol..

Its ok ill forgive your ignorance on this occasion but come on dude seriously??? Lol..

The chemicals you are flushing are salts. Salts are an accumulation of ions. A synthetic nutrient solution is literally just ions in water.

Troll harder retard
Imagine if there was a multi-billion dollar industry that made plant food and they wanted you to buy more. Those people would want you to not flush, fuck me that is an even bigger conspiracy.
Wow bro. That's very observational of you. That's 10 more days of newts. Costing maybe 6 teaspoons of bloom , and at least a half a cup of puree'd bat guano. Sighhhh. Lol . U r cool as heck mister.
I flush out excess salts a few times throughout the grow cycle. Nothing wrong with a refresher.

EDIT: Let me qualify that by saying that I don't "flush" gallons of RO water, I flush with a 50% nute solution plus fulvic acid, just one extra irrigation cycle.
When it rains I collect some rain water and use till its gone no nutrients and then start newts again. Maybe a week it will last. And baby formula . Lots of baby formula. Milk based not soy based. That's why the shortage. Lol
When it rains I collect some rain water and use till its gone no nutrients and then start newts again. Maybe a week it will last. And baby formula . Lots of baby formula. Milk based not soy based. That's why the shortage. Lol

Did I read & interpret this correctly, that you're using baby formula to feed your plants?