Is Biden really that bad?

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That's one of the big problems I have with you guys. You hate anyone with different views. I could care less. I know half of the guys here don't like me just because of my views, but if that's how you are so be it. Unlike you I can still be friends with Democrats even though I think most of you guys have lost your minds.

I don't deny Trump is an asshole, but I liked a lot of his policies and the way our country was headed before this Biden Shit Show. And that little group of losers that talk shit can eat me.

Biden Shit Show? Define? and i hope it's a musical
That's one of the big problems I have with you guys. You hate anyone with different views. I could care less. I know half of the guys here don't like me just because of my views, but if that's how you are so be it. Unlike you I can still be friends with Democrats even though I think most of you guys have lost your minds.

I don't deny Trump is an asshole, but I liked a lot of his policies and the way our country was headed before this Biden Shit Show. And that little group of losers that talk shit can eat me.
I prefer leaders that don't attempt a bloody coup and send people to murder his political enemies.

The economy is doing well, GDP is up, labor market is strong. I don't know why you are doing so badly. But then again, it's your life. Be bitter and throw your life away. Things are going well for me and mine. Both my kids are in college now and getting good grades. My wife and I are doing well in our careers. Planning a trip to Cancun in January.

I'm glad I'm not you.
That's one of the big problems I have with you guys. You hate anyone with different views. I could care less. I know half of the guys here don't like me just because of my views, but if that's how you are so be it. Unlike you I can still be friends with Democrats even though I think most of you guys have lost your minds.

I don't deny Trump is an asshole, but I liked a lot of his policies and the way our country was headed before this Biden Shit Show. And that little group of losers that talk shit can eat me.

I would point out that not liking people over their views is fine and natural. That is what defines it and how not liking people works.
More than 4 in 5 Republicans agreed with the statements that “most college professors teach liberal propaganda” and “high schools are trying to teach liberal propaganda,” compared with 17 and 16 percent of Democrats, respectively.
I don't buy much gas any more so it's possible that prices took a jump without me noticing. We almost always pay a dollar or two more per gallon than the rest of the country. When I saw that image, I was shocked -- 7/gal almost anywhere in the US would mean 9/gal in Oregon, so I went online and checked.

You got me with that one. :clap:
A few years back I went car touring the north coast. While we stayed in Crescent City I made a point of filling up on the Oregon side. Cheaper, and not just a few nickels.
That's one of the big problems I have with you guys. You hate anyone with different views. I could care less. I know half of the guys here don't like me just because of my views, but if that's how you are so be it. Unlike you I can still be friends with Democrats even though I think most of you guys have lost your minds.

I don't deny Trump is an asshole, but I liked a lot of his policies and the way our country was headed before this Biden Shit Show. And that little group of losers that talk shit can eat me.
again, totalibertarians aren’t just decent folk with different views. They’re stealth fascists.
For a bunch of stoners a lot of you guys sure are closed minded. I like Aaron. All the hate you guys have been showing towards people with different views is gonna backfire.

My reply is I halfway get it...but fuckin hell man.

I'm a straight up commie though. It would behoove you weirdos to make a deal with not me as I want collectivize the means of production.

Will point out I'm not, I'm a midwest kid that is used to hellbilly fucks, was gonna post about hank 3....but dammit man, my ideas are good for everyone that isn't worth more than say 5m+.

The "educated elite" people dump on are dudes with ideals that wanted to make things better. Idk what to do with it anymore, im just sorta angry and mean.

*rant rant rant yadda yadda. The big problem I wrassle with is how to not come off like a pretentious dick when explaining views, im pretty hardcore on right/wrong. Will still throw a random "hey how's it going" to the one wheel dudes I see. If a random guy in an xterra with weed smoke rolling out says hi, that's me.
There it is.

glad u watched it for me.....and that's from the UK, not the US which is where Biden who won is define the shit show? Corporate american greed, oil companies shooting the finger at you .....what???
What does that have to do with Biden? UK TV, comedian, not activist. And, yeah, I'd be asking why it was OK to air that. It has nothing to do with trans rights, it was all done for shock value.

The thing is, I would never/did not watch that but he did. And then he posts it to shock and insult others without any context to establish a reason for it. I don't know why the mods tolerate his posts. Def crosses the line.

I'll tell you who did watch that and show it to their audiences. Brietbart. Infowars. Other right wing nut sites. It just goes to show who the real pervs are.
That's one of the big problems I have with you guys. You hate anyone with different views. I could care less. I know half of the guys here don't like me just because of my views, but if that's how you are so be it. Unlike you I can still be friends with Democrats even though I think most of you guys have lost your minds.

I don't deny Trump is an asshole, but I liked a lot of his policies and the way our country was headed before this Biden Shit Show. And that little group of losers that talk shit can eat me.
Considering the fact that the basis of Trumpian thought is to hurt others who are different than you, you shouldn't really be terribly surprised. As far as you liking his policies, there were damn few real policies other than demonizing anyone you consider different.

It has become impossible for me to like anybody that subscribes to these views since they have declared war on the rest of society.

Speaking for myself only, I am fine with you have this problem with me. I don't care - actions have consequences.
There it is.

What does that have to do with Biden? UK TV, comedian, not activist. And, yeah, I'd be asking why it was OK to air that. It has nothing to do with trans rights, it was all done for shock value.

The thing is, I would never have watched that but he did. And then he posts it to shock and insult others without any context to establish a reason for it. I don't know why the mods tolerate his posts. Def crosses the line.

I'll tell you who did watch that and show it to their audiences. Brietbart. Infowars. Other right wing nut sites. It just goes to show who the real pervs are.

i didn't even click on it, especially since i saw the caption at the top....i was like

i didn't even click on it, especially since i saw the caption at the top....i was like

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Same here. I went out and checked to find out if it was a hoax. It wasn't. But it had nothing to do with Biden. Right wing media is in a froth over it. Because Trans. Right wingers are denying what they truly are. Like children giggling over somebody being called poo poo head.
Same here. I went out and checked to find out if it was a hoax. It wasn't. But it had nothing to do with Biden. Right wing media is in a froth over it. Because Trans. Right wingers are denying what they truly are. Or more likely -- Man-children giggling over the word -- poop.

freaking GOPers following the state of Duma's Rehitorics....letter by letter...
For a bunch of stoners a lot of you guys sure are closed minded. I like Aaron. All the hate you guys have been showing towards people with different views is gonna backfire.
Well I for one was hoping you would answer my question. I was hoping you would open my mind, I’ll wait, thanks!
That's one of the big problems I have with you guys. You hate anyone with different views. I could care less. I know half of the guys here don't like me just because of my views, but if that's how you are so be it. Unlike you I can still be friends with Democrats even though I think most of you guys have lost your minds.

I don't deny Trump is an asshole, but I liked a lot of his policies and the way our country was headed before this Biden Shit Show. And that little group of losers that talk shit can eat me.
Here’s some of Trumps policies. Which one did you like the best? How did that wall work out? What a waste of tax payer money that was. :wall:

The president doesn’t set world gas prices so you will have to put that on OPEC who continues to cut production, even with high gas prices.
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gas to the oil companies, they are not nationalized, and i'm pay $3.10 a gal

real to the fat cats and ceo of corporate america, and btw i make $15 an hr js

High Inflation = Corporate greed and btw who got they're corporate taxes reduced and by whom (orange avenger)

Baby Food...that cause the company had to shut down, not biden just fyi

Stock Market...looks like they're making money,

Border Chaos ...i live near the border area and they're isn't any, why don't you talk to Desantis and Abbott, and ask yourself why did 60 migrants die in the back of a big rig here in texas.......
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