Stealing from the MAN

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Well.Stealing if you're hungry....justifiable. Stealing lights to grow pot...not.All you're doing is setting the entire cause back.Confirming that stoners are lazy, shiftless thieves who can't EARN enough to support their grows.With that being said, I myself have stolen things, when I was younger.Was it right? No, and I knew that.I'm not trying to justify it.I did it, I was wrong, move along.
Lazy? There's nothing lazy about climbing a lamp post at 2 in the morning with a set of screwdrivers and some wire cutters, taking the light to peices with one hand while hanging on to the post with the other then carring it down again being careful not to break it. I can't EARN enough to support my grows because I'm at university and have to spend my money on other things, taxes for example. My point in my earlier post was that stealing a street light probably is technically wrong but so is everything else we do, finding a pound coin/dollar note on the street and picking it up "making no attempt to return it to it's rightful owner" is stealing but we all would do it. So stealing a street light is technically wrong but I don't care. I wouldn't steal more then I needed though(1) because that would be out of order.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's sure a lot easier than earning that money by working a week or two and then spending your paycheck on it, so yeah, it's the lazy way out.If you don't care, why are you arguing with me about it?Go do it and be done.
Lazy? There's nothing lazy about climbing a lamp post at 2 in the morning with a set of screwdrivers and some wire cutters, taking the light to peices with one hand while hanging on to the post with the other then carring it down again being careful not to break it. I can't EARN enough to support my grows because I'm at university and have to spend my money on other things, taxes for example. My point in my earlier post was that stealing a street light probably is technically wrong but so is everything else we do, finding a pound coin/dollar note on the street and picking it up "making no attempt to return it to it's rightful owner" is stealing but we all would do it. So stealing a street light is technically wrong but I don't care. I wouldn't steal more then I needed though(1) because that would be out of order.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts on stealing from "the man" are this,i consider the man to be federal/state & local governments,governments who have never done anything good to directly benifit myself or my family.governments who have gladly used my hard work to fund their terrorist style anti drug war,government who's taxed me beyond belief to the tune of roughly $1,000 us dollars a week,fuk them,if i can get anything from them im taking it,i pay for federal employees to have a better job than i have,then have to kiss their asses,i strongly reccomend to all if ya can get it then take it,if not government will just squander it all away.

I feel the same way about the leeches at the top levels in the insurance indistry,homeowners/renters insurance is a rip off,take what ya can get,if they can afford luxury vacations paid at the policy holders expense for the big wigs then they can afford to lower my rates,since i know they aint lowering jack shit i take from them, & gladly too i might add.


Well-Known Member
HAHA! I kinda wanna print that out and put it on my wall and live by it. (panhead comment). If that didnt just hit the nail on the head i dont think anybody will. You pretty much shut all those bleeding heart liberals up and put them in their place. I say fuck our government and i worship you panhead. Damn thats got me so fucking crunk now.


Well-Known Member
HAHA! I kinda wanna print that out and put it on my wall and live by it. (panhead comment). If that didnt just hit the nail on the head i dont think anybody will. You pretty much shut all those bleeding heart liberals up and put them in their place. I say fuck our government and i worship you panhead. Damn thats got me so fucking crunk now.
Put who in their place?

My point has always been that it's still stealing. I don't care what you say to justify it, and I don't even care that you do it, but stealing is stealing.


Well-Known Member
I put stealing in there to speak in your language so u might understand my point. In my words -taking whats rightfully mine aka. taking 1 street light isnt stealing at all. Taking 20.. then ur right, then im stealing from you and whoever else.=P


Well-Known Member
I put stealing in there to speak in your language so u might understand my point. In my words -taking whats rightfully mine aka. taking 1 street light isnt stealing at all. Taking 20.. then ur right, then im stealing from you and whoever else.=P
lol, no, don't kid yourself, you're stealing.

If a cop rolled up on you while you were doing it, you'd be busted for stealing. Just because you haven't been caught doesn't mean you're not stealing :razz:


Well-Known Member
So what happens when everyone gets your attitude... a fuggin free for all, steal all you can marathon?


Well-Known Member
Put who in their place?

My point has always been that it's still stealing. I don't care what you say to justify it, and I don't even care that you do it, but stealing is stealing.

panhead amen...and as too youl..well then that cause then how about you walk down to your local po po station with your lights and fans and plants and turn your self in for growing..cus thats wrong as well...


Well-Known Member
panhead amen...and as too youl..well then that cause then how about you walk down to your local po po station with your lights and fans and plants and turn your self in for growing..cus thats wrong as well...
Not if you live in California and have a medical card :cool:


Well-Known Member
And even if that weren't the case, what does growing pot have to do with stealing? They're two very different things.

My growing pot doesn't effect anyone but me. Stealing effects whoever you stole from. Stealing from the community effects everyone in that community :grin:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I love how you put the smile at the end to keep yourself from cussing, lol.Stealing is stealing.There are varying degrees of justification...such as hunger.But its still stealing.If the OP didn't want opinions, they wouldn't have posted this thread.:blsmoke:
And even if that weren't the case, what does growing pot have to do with stealing? They're two very different things.

My growing pot doesn't effect anyone but me. Stealing effects whoever you stole from. Stealing from the community effects everyone in that community :grin:

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
"Stealing is stealing is stealing is stealing" Blah blah blah blah blah. I that the root of your argument? Yes stealing a street light is stealing, that's why this thread is called "STEALING from the MAN" The government seems to think that there's something wrong with growing weed, thats why you can go to jail for 15 years for it, longer then most murderers get, so don't give us all this holier than tho shit. I don't think theres anything wrong with growing pot or STEALING one street light from the government. You can let the government walk all over you as much as you want WIKIDBCHOFTHEWST but I won't, I'm going to take a bit back from them, or I would if I wasn't so lazy and could be bothered to climb a lamp post.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've stolen before.Still not right.Would never steal from an actual perosn.I see what you're saying with the government and corporations are evil thing and all, but why go to jail, man?Cuz nothing you say will convince THEM it's not stealing.I think that's the point wikid is trying to make.
"Stealing is stealing is stealing is stealing" Blah blah blah blah blah. I that the root of your argument? Yes stealing a street light is stealing, that's why this thread is called "STEALING from the MAN" The government seems to think that there's something wrong with growing weed, thats why you can go to jail for 15 years for it, longer then most murderers get, so don't give us all this holier than tho shit. I don't think theres anything wrong with growing pot or STEALING one street light from the government. You can let the government walk all over you as much as you want WIKIDBCHOFTHEWST but I won't, I'm going to take a bit back from them, or I would if I wasn't so lazy and could be bothered to climb a lamp post.


Well-Known Member
stealin is for kids, you do that shit when you little so if you shall get caught the first time you get off...
2nd you still might get off, third you might spend a month in the lockup:confused:

If you grown get ya own cake I say.
Edit; BTW yes I have stolen before, alot actually. From MP3 players to kid toys to sell to mothers. but I stopped that shit after I graduated.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
I've stolen before.Still not right.Would never steal from an actual perosn.I see what you're saying with the government and corporations are evil thing and all, but why go to jail, man?Cuz nothing you say will convince THEM it's not stealing.I think that's the point wikid is trying to make.
Your right about that, it's probably not worth it, Im going to buy another set of fluorescent tubes instead.:joint:


Well-Known Member
You know what appart from the cost to the community for replaceing the bulb, there are also karmic issues like what happens if the light outage causes someone to get run over, or invites a burglary or robbery...?

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Well, i suppose one light missing wouldn't hurt, there all in rows and the light from the ones next to them more or less illuminate what they would have anyway, plus the bulbs go all the time and the council take weeks to replace them.