Pandemic 2020

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No car key/forehead issues?
I'm good to go,all I can say is I've been jabbed 5 times,2 of those were compounded w/flu shots also,and other than some lethargy no probs.,Anybody reluctant out there roll up your sleeve(no big deal).Shit on my own I have the immune system of a bulldog,I've only done all this to protect the more vulnerable among us and some people very dear to me.
I'm good to go,all I can say is I've been jabbed 5 times,2 of those were compounded w/flu shots also,and other than some lethargy no probs.,Anybody reluctant out there roll up your sleeve(no big deal).Shit on my own I have the immune system of a bulldog,I've only done all this to protect the more vulnerable among us and some people very dear to me.
Some experts say in a year or two there could be a killer strain of covid or even flu, by then we should have effective vaccines to meet it quickly. These antivaxxers might end up really fucking themselves then because they believe bullshit, there is an emerging measles epidemic because people believe bullshit. People kill their kids because they believe bullshit and the law it is unclear if it is illegal to kill your own children or tell other people to kill theirs by spreading antivaxxer bullshit. Bullshit kills, it killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with covid according to one recent study and it is conservatively estimated that the vaccines saved 3.2 million lives and kept over 13 million Americans out of the hospital. That would be on top of those killed by covid already and would be as many as 5 million Americans dead, most of them over 50.
Some experts say in a year or two there could be a killer strain of covid or even flu, by then we should have effective vaccines to meet it quickly. These antivaxxers might end up really fucking themselves then because they believe bullshit, there is an emerging measles epidemic because people believe bullshit. People kill their kids because they believe bullshit and the law it is unclear if it is illegal to kill your own children or tell other people to kill theirs by spreading antivaxxer bullshit. Bullshit kills, it killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with covid according to one recent study and it is conservatively estimated that the vaccines saved 3.2 million lives and kept over 13 million Americans out of the hospital. That would be on top of those killed by covid already and would be as many as 5 million Americans dead, most of them over 50.
Scary future,possible epidemics,war,climate,tribal politics,etc,but we can only hope.The world has been on the brink since since the cold war in reality,remember the Soviet Lt.Col commanding a ICBM brigade rec. launch codes and holding back knowing it is prob. equip. failure as just one of several "close calls". As for diseases, the future Covid vaccines are trending to being in a easier more effective nasal mist and I believe a MNRA flu vaccine is being developed. As for the BS around anti-vaxxing,I still can't believe so many resisted a simple shot,I swear the reason some people refue things due to their Constitutional rights are being contrarians just because they can."It's my right to say no",so they do and get off on it regardless of data or truth or common good.
Scary future,possible epidemics,war,climate,tribal politics,etc,but we can only hope.The world has been on the brink since since the cold war in reality,remember the Soviet Lt.Col commanding a ICBM brigade rec. launch codes and holding back knowing it is prob. equip. failure as just one of several "close calls". As for diseases, the future Covid vaccines are trending to being in a easier more effective nasal mist and I believe a MNRA flu vaccine is being developed. As for the BS around anti-vaxxing,I still can't believe so many resisted a simple shot,I swear the reason some people refue things due to their Constitutional rights are being contrarians just because they can."It's my right to say no",so they do and get off on it regardless of data or truth or common good.
Well if we get serious pandemics natural selection will take care of them and unfortunately their kids too, so it will be common sense and facts or Darwin's way.
I'm good to go,all I can say is I've been jabbed 5 times,2 of those were compounded w/flu shots also,and other than some lethargy no probs.,Anybody reluctant out there roll up your sleeve(no big deal).Shit on my own I have the immune system of a bulldog,I've only done all this to protect the more vulnerable among us and some people very dear to me.
Good on ya mate. I’m rockin the full load also. We have some stealth variants walking past the defenses, and I hope there are capable updates soon. Pandemic fatigue is understandable but not smart.
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Good on ya mate. I’m rockin the full load also. We have some stealth variants walking past the defenses, and I hope there are capable updates soon. Pandemic fatigue is understandable but not smart.
Thanks man,and your damn right about pandemic fatigue,if our attention span is this weak" Houston we have a problem",look at what the people of Ukraine are enduring in comparison to our inability get shots and follow safe procedures and politicizing this shit,pretty disheartening.
My buddy Smoke was dying, so we let his family use the riverhouse for his last days. He lasted about two weeks, and the night after he died we had a wake of sorts. Everyone had a good time playing with the grandkids, drinking, smoking and telling Smoke stories, until the next morning when we found out the girls had covid. We tested, and had it too. It's been about a week, so I tested again this morning, hoping there was a trip to the diner for pork steaks, but sadly, I'm still positive.

Hacking and coughing I can deal with. But I have fucking ringing in my ears that really sucks.

splains why Repugs have a Fauci hate boner. He keeps effectively debunking their bunk.

splains why Repugs have a Fauci hate boner. He keeps effectively debunking their bunk.
i'd love to see Fauci go off under questioning, on television...tell the fucking morons that they are indeed, fucking morons, and how dare they try to trump his lifetime of experience and good work with 5 minutes of listening to a joke rogain pudcast...i would dearly love to see him put desantis in his place...which is a fucking trashcan.
i'd love to see Fauci go off under questioning, on television...tell the fucking morons that they are indeed, fucking morons, and how dare they try to trump his lifetime of experience and good work with 5 minutes of listening to a joke rogain pudcast...i would dearly love to see him put desantis in his place...which is a fucking trashcan.
nah. His unruffled dignity is an asset. Folks will demonize him regardless; no point handing them a tactical victory.
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