Elons Little Plan

The Quiet Room (padded).

Elon's a Demon who comes directly from Hell- he purchased Twitter for Donald to destroy America.

The Universe is unkind to Demons; they can be defeated.
they're both pathetic jokes, caricatures of human beings, with much too much wealth for their own or anyone else's good. but Karma appears to be correcting, we'll see what the near future brings.
I forgot what a beat-me-up-please frightful name they gave him. Now they coo over his emerging narcissism. Dang. Talk about a recipe for one doomed unhappy human.

i wonder how old he will be when he A. changes his name B. divorces his freaky parents?
I'm still convinced the kids name is Elon's password. Doesn't 'Grimey' mean dirty.?
Æ is a digraph, a dipthong...it's supposed to represent a changing tone within a single syllable.
how the fuck are you supposed to pronounce a letter that represents a changing tone within a single syllable.
parents that think they are being clever or different are usually the ones who have the most fucked up kids, that kid is going to go to school and tell people his name is X Ash A12.....and then get into a new fight about it every day...kids are not kind to each other, despite idiot parent's fantasies.
your "originality" doesn't have any consequences for you, but it sure as fuck does to them. just rename the poor little fuck Ash Musk, and save him a lot of grief, and save yourself from the justified resentment he will feel for the fucks that named him that idiotic jumble of shit.
Æ is a digraph, a dipthong...it's supposed to represent a changing tone within a single syllable.
how the fuck are you supposed to pronounce a letter that represents a changing tone within a single syllable.
parents that think they are being clever or different are usually the ones who have the most fucked up kids, that kid is going to go to school and tell people his name is X Ash A12.....and then get into a new fight about it every day...kids are not kind to each other, despite idiot parent's fantasies.
your "originality" doesn't have any consequences for you, but it sure as fuck does to them. just rename the poor little fuck Ash Musk, and save him a lot of grief, and save yourself from the justified resentment he will feel for the fucks that named him that idiotic jumble of shit.
The way we say A is a diphthong, and I don’t think it’s pronounced Ash. Don’t forget the dash in A-12, either.
Æ is a digraph, a dipthong...it's supposed to represent a changing tone within a single syllable.
how the fuck are you supposed to pronounce a letter that represents a changing tone within a single syllable.
parents that think they are being clever or different are usually the ones who have the most fucked up kids, that kid is going to go to school and tell people his name is X Ash A12.....and then get into a new fight about it every day...kids are not kind to each other, despite idiot parent's fantasies.
your "originality" doesn't have any consequences for you, but it sure as fuck does to them. just rename the poor little fuck Ash Musk, and save him a lot of grief, and save yourself from the justified resentment he will feel for the fucks that named him that idiotic jumble of shit.

Agreed. I posted about names and how it almost determines your life (at least in the past). Not everyone here agreed with the YT where we live and die by Social Media now and hang on it's every spew.
I forgot what a beat-me-up-please frightful name they gave him. Now they coo over his emerging narcissism. Dang. Talk about a recipe for one doomed unhappy human.



Is she Elon's Dominatrix?

I thinky Nimoy should've been offered a ride to space; damint :cuss:he died too soon..think he would've done it? Not everyone offered does it.
I’d like to think that he played the role well but was his own man after Trek. I don’t think he had the same starship-sized ego hole to fill as Shatner. So while he might have liked the ride, I’m wagering against his hypothetically buying one.