Kevin's House?


Well-Known Member
Probably not a lot of exposure anyway. I’m sure they just drive to the gym and back.
The 'fuck Biden' truck is still around and added double American flags..drives up and down historical district.

The street says.


I love good street art..tells you what the people are really thinking.


Well-Known Member
Man that Obama speech was good. "Holy shit! That dudes going to be the next president." was the sentiment of the night.

It was the best speech and delivery I have personally seen during my lifetime. Would put it up against anything from history as well, tbh.
Obama light.

I have several DVD's of Obama's speeches I collected back during the 2008 election. I'm not going to but I could go back through them and find lines identical to Jeffries speech.


Well-Known Member
Some more so than others. Obama actually wrote the majority of his speeches. But he had that gift that most do not.

Cody Keenan would dispute your claim.

I just starting reading his book, “Grace”, and it’s a really good description of Obama’s speech writing process while he was president. Like every president, he was more involved in the process for the important speeches but there is no way a president could possibly find the time to write every speech. Obama had a staff of speech writers.

You sound like you’re a fan of Obama. Me too. You’ll probably enjoy the book, I am so far.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Charlie Dent is a former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania who was chair of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2017 and chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies from 2015 until 2018. He is a CNN political commentator.
this is his opinion of mccarthy's speakership.
he seems to know what he's talking about.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Cody Keenan would dispute your claim.

I just starting reading his book, “Grace”, and it’s a really good description of Obama’s speech writing process while he was president. Like every president, he was more involved in the process for the important speeches but there is no way a president could possibly find the time to write every speech. Obama had a staff of speech writers.

You sound like you’re a fan of Obama. Me too. You’ll probably enjoy the book, I am so far.
they all had speech writers, probably all the way back to Washington...
a president's day is usually planned out in 15 minute increments, and they probably don't have many to spare for writing speeches.
i am speculating, but i would assume the speech writers go over it quickly with him, and then make any changes they both think are necessary.
most of those quotable quotes were really made by guys in sweaters and round glasses, who have studied the presidents previous speeches and mannerisms...


Well-Known Member
Charlie Dent is a former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania who was chair of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2017 and chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies from 2015 until 2018. He is a CNN political commentator.
this is his opinion of mccarthy's speakership.
he seems to know what he's talking about.
Charlie is one of the more reasonable republicans.


Well-Known Member
they all had speech writers, probably all the way back to Washington...
a president's day is usually planned out in 15 minute increments, and they probably don't have many to spare for writing speeches.
i am speculating, but i would assume the speech writers go over it quickly with him, and then make any changes they both think are necessary.
most of those quotable quotes were really made by guys in sweaters and round glasses, who have studied the presidents previous speeches and mannerisms...
The book I’m reading touches on that.


Well-Known Member
Charlie Dent is a former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania who was chair of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2017 and chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies from 2015 until 2018. He is a CNN political commentator.
this is his opinion of mccarthy's speakership.
he seems to know what he's talking about.
Charlie Dent is a Republican. He's not one of the maga's which is why he sounds intelligent and reasonable.

"Rational Republicans must stand, fight and resist."

Hopefully they will but most are going to look at Kinzinger and Cheney, see what happened to them, and then just go with the flow.


Well-Known Member
Cody Keenan would dispute your claim.

I just starting reading his book, “Grace”, and it’s a really good description of Obama’s speech writing process while he was president. Like every president, he was more involved in the process for the important speeches but there is no way a president could possibly find the time to write every speech. Obama had a staff of speech writers.

You sound like you’re a fan of Obama. Me too. You’ll probably enjoy the book, I am so far.
Of course once Obama became President he didn't have as much time to work on his speeches but prior to that he was the main author. His speeches during his first campaign are his best probably due to the fact that he did write them for the most part. The early speeches were a higher level of oratory than the one later on that were mainly a product of speech writers.

Now I have to dig out those DVD's.



Well-Known Member
Of course once Obama became President he didn't have as much time to work on his speeches but prior to that he was the main author. His speeches during his first campaign are his best probably due to the fact that he did write them for the most part. The early speeches were a higher level of oratory than the one later on that were mainly a product of speech writers.

Now I have to dig out those DVD's.

His nomination speech for Kerry in 2004 was one of his best speeches and that was mostly him.

I still get emotional hearing this one,

Last edited:

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
No, that is both sides are the same bullshit, she is not the same at all, neither are the journalists at CNN or any of the other normal networks, foxnews is the outlier.
By the metrics of Media Bias Fact Check, they are equal opposites:



PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Obama light.

I have several DVD's of Obama's speeches I collected back during the 2008 election. I'm not going to but I could go back through them and find lines identical to Jeffries speech.
He must have learned how to plagiarize from watching Biden.


Well-Known Member
By the metrics of Media Bias Fact Check, they are equal opposites:

View attachment 5246382

View attachment 5246383
MSNBC has guest reporters from all the major media outlets and does interviews with WP and NYT, not the kinds of guests Hannity or Carlson have and they haven't been caught in nearly as many lies. Sure there are two sides, but one happens to support treason to the constitution, promotes corrupt moral failures, racists and fascists. To not see the difference is to be blind to a few things that the TOS prevent me from going into. Both sides are not the same, unless one is morally blinded by something else, a "greater cause" and it has nothing to do with promoting liberal democracy like they do on MSNBC, CNN and others. Foxnews fucks it's views over with false narratives and spun news, it is a propaganda network, not a news network, it does not serve America's interest, it serves Murdoch's whims. Studies have shown that those who watch foxnews know less about current events and politics than those who don't watch the news at all.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
MSNBC has guest reporters from all the major media outlets and does interviews with WP and NYT, not the kinds of guests Hannity or Carlson have and they haven't been caught in nearly as many lies. Sure there are two sides, but one happens to support treason to the constitution, promotes corrupt moral failures, racists and fascists. To not see the difference is to be blind to a few things that the TOS prevent me from going into. Both sides are not the same, unless one is morally blinded by something else, a "greater cause" and it has nothing to do with promoting liberal democracy like they do on MSNBC, CNN and others. Foxnews fucks it's views over with false narratives and spun news, it is a propaganda network, not a news network, it does not serve America's interest, it serves Murdoch's whims. Studies have shown that those who watch foxnews know less about current events and politics than those who don't watch the news at all.
LOL. Personally I don't watch the news (unless it's the local weather), I do this thing called reading.

I will say that this part of your quote is hilariously funny.. "MSNBC has guest reporters from all the major media outlets and does interviews with WP and NYT" ... "and they haven't been caught in nearly as many lies."

Thank you for admitting that MSNBC does indeed lie, and has been caught lying (just not as much as FOX). So that makes them the good guys? Come on now.