

Well-Known Member
I got four seeds from my outdoor season going atm. Two in front are definitely females but the two in back ain’t showing. Looks like one has balls but I’m not sure!
^fron two^
Back right^ looks sorta like a ball

back left^


Well-Known Member
You'll know soon enough. IME the males show first the majority of the time
Ok yea I figure a week or two tops an I’ll know on all em I flipped flower two days agoimage.jpg
I hope they stretch a bit so I get decent colas


Well-Known Member
What size pots are those? You probably should have vegged longer.
It’s not even a 3x3 idk how they will stretch and I don’t mind the smaller plants honestly just wanted see how the tent does dialed in. I got new seeds for next run. If they are all female I’ll keep them flowering then if any catch my eye I’ll keep it. If hsome are male I’ll flip back to veg then chop males then run them longer


Well-Known Member
We got balls so long soldier image.jpgimage.jpg want a secondopinion real quick before I chop. 99% sure I got two malesoutta the four


Well-Known Member
Chopped the known male image.jpg
Other looks the same as before so imma give it few more days then switch to veg


Well-Known Member
I've never reveged before so I'm curious how long does it take? And believe me I have no idea but wouldn't it be better to simply ride those out to finish and put the time lost by reveging toward a future grow?


Well-Known Member
I've never reveged before so I'm curious how long does it take? And believe me I have no idea but wouldn't it be better to simply ride those out to finish and put the time lost by reveging toward a future grow?
See that’s what I’m tossed between lol. I will most likely end up just finishing them! I am so indecisive


Well-Known Member
I've never reveged before so I'm curious how long does it take? And believe me I have no idea but wouldn't it be better to simply ride those out to finish and put the time lost by reveging toward a future grow?
I have no idea how long reveg takes either this my first indoor lol