
What I expect from an adult is not to clutch pearls and trash the messenger when called on bullshit. I’m sort of a hardass that way.
So am I about nit pickers, this is a conversation thread, not a courtroom and get as anal as you want, you won't get me to work for you. Do you demand everybody back up what they say about Trump with a link and evidence good enough to prosecute him? This guy is a major asshole and if you took one minute to look at his human rights record you would not be so eager to defend him on a thread. The goggle link I posted was more than enough proof for conversation purposes. An interview I saw on a video will not show up on a google search though, so until then you'll just have to assume I lied about it.
So am I about nit pickers, this is a conversation thread, not a courtroom and get as anal as you want, you won't get me to work for you. Do you demand everybody back up what they say about Trump with a link and evidence good enough to prosecute him? This guy is a major asshole and if you took one minute to look at his human rights record you would not be so eager to defend him on a thread. The goggle link I posted was more than enough proof for conversation purposes. An interview I saw on a video will not show up on a google search though, so until then you'll just have to assume I lied about it.
Also, I find researching this person's character and atrocities unpleasant to say the least.
The part I suggest you meditate hard on is calling people who dislike bullshit nitpickers. It’s not a good look. Random atrocity does not cover the specific and outlandish claim about boiling people in olive oil. In the public square, no less.
you can say they're just poor misled children...but they aren't.
Magats are stupid, and misled, but they have minds the same as anyone else, and they CHOOSE to believe the shit that makes them feel safer, better about their own fucked up life, superior to people they haven't ever met...
I don't see any difference between the russians i'm seeing in those interviews and the magats i see online and at the fucking store...
people who believe nasty shit are usually nasty people...they believe it because they know they're capable of it...
The part I suggest you meditate hard on is calling people who dislike bullshit nitpickers. It’s not a good look. Random atrocity does not cover the specific and outlandish claim about boiling people in olive oil. In the public square, no less.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but it would not be extraordinary in the context of his known behavior.