Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
We will see what happens after 24, I have a feeling the republicans are gonna take an ass pounding in the election, there seems to be a perfect storm brewing for them and internally they are in disarray and the shit has yet to hit the fan over J6. Abortion and guns will probably drive the most turnout, the women have lots of time to organize and get out the vote this time. Before then there could be a few republican senators caught up in J6, anybody that Jack indicts for conspiracy is as guilty as Trump and that should terrify almost all of them. If they have anything to sell for deal, it will be a senator or congress person. Once the indictments drop, there will be a traffic jam at Jack's office door, first in with the most to sell gets the best deal. If Jack scoops up a large number of them and indicts them for conspiracy, the prison sentences would terrify them. Round two is where he nails Gym and others in congress, some wanted pardons for a reason, and we only know about a few, there are probably more.
Once indictments drop, it’s too late to seek a deal: you’re already in the bullseye; your secrets only have value if they make the bullseye go away - and only stay secret if the grand jury thinks they’re unimportant - fat chance of that if they indicted you.


Well-Known Member
i could give a flying fuck at a rolling rat's hemorrhoidal asshole if thomas goes to prison, i want the fucker off of the bench. If they put him in prison, and don't remove him from the bench, then he can't be replaced until the democrats actually get a 2/3rds majority. The shameless garbage republicans will leave him on the bench until they get in power again so they can hand pick his successor...even without thomases vote, they still have a majority...There are 6 of them, and 3 liberal justices...without thomas it's still 5 to 3...We need to not only remove thomas and one of the others, we need to do it at a time when we can control who replaces them, and that ain't at the moment.
I thought the last 3 justices appointed during tRump were all asked specifically if they would vote to overturn Roe v Wade and they all swore they wouldn't.

Isn't that grounds to get rid of them as well? Basically lying on your resume.



Well-Known Member
Once indictments drop, it’s too late to seek a deal: you’re already in the bullseye; your secrets only have value if they make the bullseye go away - and only stay secret if the grand jury thinks they’re unimportant - fat chance of that if they indicted you.
They will put the fear of Jesus into them one way or another and deals are made on threats of indictment for certain individuals who might be of value as witnesses. That could be happening now, and they might have to plead guilty to conspiracy and testify against the others, that is how it often works, one or two cut a deal for a reduced sentence and testify against the rest, they already have two convictions and no doubt emails, texts and documents. They would be looking at very serious time for conspiracy of any kind and conspiracy cases are often easier to prove than the individual crimes.

If they are convicted and even sentenced, they can still cut a deal if they can cough up a senator or congress person, the more the better, for a greatly reduced sentence. 5 Years out in 2or3 instead of 20 years or more. The earlier they talk the better the deal and if the evidence leads into congress, that is where he will go. J6 could not have happened without senators and congress people being part of the conspiracy too and some had planning meetings at the WH.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I thought the last 3 justices appointed during tRump were all asked specifically if they would vote to overturn Roe v Wade and they all swore they wouldn't.

Isn't that grounds to get rid of them as well? Basically lying on your resume.

i certainly think so, but once the fuckers are in, you gotta go through the whole process for each one...
But you wait till they try to get anyone on the bench, they'll get stonewalled for the entire 4 years they try...


Well-Known Member
And you still need 60 votes, the truth is not enough.
66 votes, but they can still hold impeachment investigations in the house and if there is evidence impeach them. Have the trial and present the evidence to the public on TV. Even if they can't convict them in the senate, they are still impeached, just like Trump. Also use the criminal justice system against them, so what if it ends up in their laps after being found guilty by a jury, let them say they are above the law and not under it, because the constitution doesn't. They don't need to sit back and take this they can turn up the heat starting with Garland and in the Senate, a corrupt high court is a real and present danger to the constitution. Organize protests in front of the SCOTUS building every day and get the women's rights people to help. Make them drive through a picket line to get to work and have people out front too for the cameras with lots of signs. DO NOT make this shit easy for them.


Well-Known Member
66 votes, but they can still hold impeachment investigations in the house and if there is evidence impeach them. Have the trial and present the evidence to the public on TV. Even if they can't convict them in the senate, they are still impeached, just like Trump. Also use the criminal justice system against them, so what if it ends up in their laps after being found guilty by a jury, let them say they are above the law and not under it, because the constitution doesn't. They don't need to sit back and take this they can turn up the heat starting with Garland and in the Senate, a corrupt high court is a real and present danger to the constitution. Organize protests in front of the SCOTUS building every day and get the women's rights people to help. Make them drive through a picket line to get to work and have people out front too for the cameras with lots of signs. DO NOT make this shit easy for them.
Darn, even worse. It will never happen.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
66 votes, but they can still hold impeachment investigations in the house and if there is evidence impeach them. Have the trial and present the evidence to the public on TV. Even if they can't convict them in the senate, they are still impeached, just like Trump. Also use the criminal justice system against them, so what if it ends up in their laps after being found guilty by a jury, let them say they are above the law and not under it, because the constitution doesn't. They don't need to sit back and take this they can turn up the heat starting with Garland and in the Senate, a corrupt high court is a real and present danger to the constitution. Organize protests in front of the SCOTUS building every day and get the women's rights people to help. Make them drive through a picket line to get to work and have people out front too for the cameras with lots of signs. DO NOT make this shit easy for them.
No...the house is republican...remember that mccarthy loser monkey?...They aren't going to impeach anyone they put in place. Ever. If the hand of GAWD descended from heaven and placed the mark of Cain on thomas's forehead, in full view of thousands, they would try to find a way to spin it..."Touched by the hand of GAWD himself!"...and they would continue doing the same fucking shit they're doing...


Well-Known Member
Darn, even worse. It will never happen.
There are the criminal courts too and packing the court, new laws governing them to set ethical standards if they don't set them themselves, because they can't enforce them and Clarence won't give up the cash cow over mere shame, since he has none. As I said, what would happen if they were "liberal" justices? The public freak out and protests would be endless, and they would have dozens of people investigating them not just pro publica.


Well-Known Member
No...the house is republican...remember that mccarthy loser monkey?...They aren't going to impeach anyone they put in place. Ever. If the hand of GAWD descended from heaven and placed the mark of Cain on thomas's forehead, in full view of thousands, they would try to find a way to spin it..."Touched by the hand of GAWD himself!"...and they would continue doing the same fucking shit they're doing...
Not now, after the election, because if you lose that the country is fucked anyway. There is no statute of limitations on this shit and that includes their confirmation hearings. Some might not even go to a house vote for impeachment, others will go to trial in the senate, which hopefully the democrats control too. Try them with a real case and evidence on national TV and even if found not guilty like Trump, they are still impeached, like Trump. I would drag the fuckers through so much public shit they would drown in it. Including hundreds protesting at the SCOTUS every day.

What would the republicans do, if it were "liberal" justices? See above.