This will be a mistake on my part haha.
I consider myself a conservative but tend to agree with liberals on certain issues as well. With that being said I'm not tribal I will not defend any politicians of either party when they fuck up. I think that's what drives me nutty about both sides is their ability to turn an obvious fuck up and defend it. Trump is a shady pos, doesn't change my personal "conservative values just means I'm a conversative and trump is a fuck. Afghan withdrawal was a joke, you can say it, doesn't make you less of a liberal but for some reason people feel the need to defend either side at all cost. For some reason people seem to think their political party actual cares about them haha.
If it's acceptable on one side it must be acceptable on the other, if its criminal on one side it must be criminal on the other and I think that's what we're is people reverting back to tribe mentality to make excuses for their "Side". The yeah well trump did this, well Biden did that. Cruz said this, yeah well what about what Maxine said? How about all parties can be "wrong" and held accountable?
Long story short, what's a guy like me supposed to do when it comes to voting? I'm guessing most here would say don't vote this time around or vote blue. Unless there is some sort of moderate democrat, I just don't see it. Just too much on the left that I strongly disagree with that overshadow the things I agree with.
Sigh. Wish there was another option.
Take it easy on me! Just looking for a normal conversation with my friends on the other side of the aisle.