Fascism and the Republican Party

In my opinion an abortion after 4-5 months is extreme. I know these typically are for rare cases usually for health of the mother. I could be wrong on that but I just think if it’s more then 4-5 months there better be a damn good reason. Birth control, morning after pill have at it.
I think we align on that.
However I dislike (always Republican) lawmakers constraining or criminalizing a choice that belongs to the woman. The following is what happens when religious extremists get a voice in government.

In my opinion an abortion after 4-5 months is extreme. I know these typically are for rare cases usually for health of the mother. I could be wrong on that but I just think if it’s more then 4-5 months there better be a damn good reason. Birth control, morning after pill have at it.
Unless a person is the one who is pregnant, it's none of their business what a woman choose to do regarding their medical decisions.
In my opinion an abortion after 4-5 months is extreme. I know these typically are for rare cases usually for health of the mother. I could be wrong on that but I just think if it’s more then 4-5 months there better be a damn good reason. Birth control, morning after pill have at it.

your thoughts::

A Florida woman, unable to get an abortion in her state, carried to term a baby who had no kidneys. Deborah Dorbert's son Milo died in her arms on March 3, shortly after he was born, just as her doctors had predicted he would.
I think he tried to have a discussion but backed out when he found it taking more time than he wanted to spend. Some of the things he said reminded me of this:

Too many voters today are easily conned, deeply biased, impervious to fact and bereft of survival instincts. Contrary to myth, frogs leap out of heating pots. Stampeding cattle stop at a cliff edge. Lemmings don’t really commit mass suicide. We’ll find out about Americans in 2024.

While liquor was fuzzy about beliefs, he was NOT, as was said in the quotation above, "bereft of survival instincts". He was asking questions and taking answers. He was not just going to follow the herd off the cliff. Neither are many people like him. "We'll find out about Americans in 2024". Depending on how many more are out there are like @The-Liquor I'm feeling pretty good about America, post 2024. Maybe we can go back to arguing over policy like affirmative action instead of worrying that our next vote will be our last. That would be nice.
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This will be a mistake on my part haha.

I consider myself a conservative but tend to agree with liberals on certain issues as well. With that being said I'm not tribal I will not defend any politicians of either party when they fuck up. I think that's what drives me nutty about both sides is their ability to turn an obvious fuck up and defend it. Trump is a shady pos, doesn't change my personal "conservative values just means I'm a conversative and trump is a fuck. Afghan withdrawal was a joke, you can say it, doesn't make you less of a liberal but for some reason people feel the need to defend either side at all cost. For some reason people seem to think their political party actual cares about them haha.

If it's acceptable on one side it must be acceptable on the other, if its criminal on one side it must be criminal on the other and I think that's what we're is people reverting back to tribe mentality to make excuses for their "Side". The yeah well trump did this, well Biden did that. Cruz said this, yeah well what about what Maxine said? How about all parties can be "wrong" and held accountable?

Long story short, what's a guy like me supposed to do when it comes to voting? I'm guessing most here would say don't vote this time around or vote blue. Unless there is some sort of moderate democrat, I just don't see it. Just too much on the left that I strongly disagree with that overshadow the things I agree with.

Sigh. Wish there was another option.

Take it easy on me! Just looking for a normal conversation with my friends on the other side of the aisle.
i think you're much too cynical.
I think far fewer people get into politics to get rich than people assume.
I think most democrats and more than half of republicans got into politics because they care about what happens to the country...It's just that what the democrats and the republicans consider to be good for America are almost diametrically opposed.
i won't deny that some people are mercenary and get involved in politics for the money and power, but i think there are much less people like that, than there are people who at least think they're making a difference.
But ask yourself this. Are both parties behaving the same way? Did the democrats try to reverse the will of the people and overturn a legitimate presidential election? Are the democrats stealing state legislatures with gerrymandering and voter suppression, and then trying to pass laws that will keep them, a minority, in power against the will of the people?
Question, do they do the same for Russian citizens, or is it just another racist act to entertain the base? If they banned Russians, I suppose Trump could be in difficulty. They can still own stocks in American corporations, right? Corporations can buy land, so it is rather meaningless and completely ineffectual which make them incompetent. Besides, who wants to buy land that will be underwater and can't be insured soon, or even at present.


Hospitals that denied an emergency abortion broke federal law

3,439 views May 6, 2023 #KatiePhang #Hospitals #Abortion
Mylissa Farmer and her attorney, Michelle Banker, join Katie Phang to share Farmer's experience of being denied emergency medical care at hospitals in Missouri and Kansas due to strict abortion bans. They also discuss the first-of-its-kind investigation in which the Biden administration found that these hospitals had broken the law.
Was a poor choice for me to post here. I’m bowing out dudes! Sorry for offending anyone.
Maybe it's time to evoke the 14th amendment on ole Tommy, he appears to be motivated by civil war grievances, so treat him like a civil warrior, that is what the 14th amendment was for after all, to bring assholes like this into line or put them in prison. Let a DC jury decide if he is an insurrectionist based on his J6 words, actions and behavior. If there are members of congress caught up in the J6 seditious conspiracy case, he would be one of the targets. Having a system of government that gives an induvial like this the power to single handily fuck the US military is idiotic and definitely needs to be changed in an age of treasonous senators. Maybe he will demand an apology for the civil war and his state's defeat next, perhaps compensation for the loss of slaves, since the 14th amendment is being ignored anyway.

Hang Bill Barr!

In a surprise turn, Bill Barr speaks the truth: says Trump's "a horror show" & will "deliver chaos"

32,780 views May 6, 2023 #TeamJustice
In a surprise twist, former Attorney General Bill Barr is caught, red-handed, telling the truth. When asked by Geraldo Rivera if Trump is fit to be president of the United States, Bill Barr is uncharacteristically truthful and candid, saying Trump is "the last person" who could actually achieve anything on the policy front, and describes Trump as "a horror show" who "will deliver chaos" if he returns to office.

If lifelong Republican and devoted Trump lackey Bill Barr has publicly denounced Trump, might it be that the Republican red tide might finally be turning?