Epsom Salts (mag sulfate)


Well-Known Member
Anyone use mag sulfate at the of flower? I know sulfur can enhance terps but Ive been reading a lot more on what tobacco growers do to enhance the smoke for cigars and it has a lot to do with magnesium. Mag also helps with the color of the ash too. Mineral dense soils high in Mag can lead to whiter ash. It's a way to tell the difference in regions when comparing cigars. So I'm wondering if there some take away with how tobacco growers use this mineral to help flavor and quality of smoke and can be applied to growing bud.
I dont know about how it makes ash whiter stuff but I have used it up until week 6 or 7 if needed. For sulfur I just use sulfur and I agree it does increase thiols and just overall plant health. Sulfur is the 4 essential nutrient after NPK in my opinion. Manure and compost have a good amount of it. Gypsum is a good ammendment too. Sulfur will lower Ph as well so be aware of that, I think its 4.5 ph but I cant remember for sure.
White ash pertaining to the molecular make up of bud matter is a myth.

Its the heat of the cherry and the rate of combustion. Think about a fire pit. The ash at the bottom is white, the coals are black. The coals and charred wood haven't been completely broken down by fire/heat, while the ash at the bottom has been smoldering. The process of smoking does the same thing. If you rip a cherry, it super heats the plant matter. The only thing preventing this is poorly rolled or packed bowls, wet weed, or very resinous weed.
got a link?
Here’s one. There a couple more if you just google white ash magnesium in cigars
I dont know about how it makes ash whiter stuff but I have used it up until week 6 or 7 if needed. For sulfur I just use sulfur and I agree it does increase thiols and just overall plant health. Sulfur is the 4 essential nutrient after NPK in my opinion. Manure and compost have a good amount of it. Gypsum is a good ammendment too. Sulfur will lower Ph as well so be aware of that, I think its 4.5 ph but I cant remember for sure.
Thank you. I believe gypsum has a lot of calcium and mag and sulfur. I just dont grow in soil so I would need some like an epsom salt
White ash pertaining to the molecular make up of bud matter is a myth.

Its the heat of the cherry and the rate of combustion. Think about a fire pit. The ash at the bottom is white, the coals are black. The coals and charred wood haven't been completely broken down by fire/heat, while the ash at the bottom has been smoldering. The process of smoking does the same thing. If you rip a cherry, it super heats the plant matter. The only thing preventing this is poorly rolled or packed bowls, wet weed, or very resinous weed.
Very true. That's why all the dispo bud burns white. Dry as hell and no resin:)
How does this benefit you? Is this for joint health? I believe i seen something for like animals at older ages to supplement this.
I use it for detoxing the body and just overall health. We dont get enough sulfur these days in our food. It has many benefits including joint health.
The USP version is fine as long as it's pure magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. Some epsom salts USP for soaking will have other ingredients you do not need, just check the label thouroughly.
Other ingredients like what? The label only says mag sulfate usp. I know there is ones with lavender and eucalyptus but as far as I can tell the one I got is just mag sulfate usp