Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
This shows the mental confusion and cognitive dissonance of so called "Christian" voters when it comes to Cheeto Jesus, maybe they should call themselves Trumpians. Instead of selling salvation they give out tickets for the highway to Hell. These people also want to be your moral masters and tell you what is right and punish what they "feel" is wrong, they want to control your bodies and minds and try to make laws to do so when they get power. Imagine trusting a known compulsive liar whose mendacity and criminality is proven daily right in front of their eyes.

What fuels such psychological desperation that reality is rejected and filtered to the point of being useless for one's own wellbeing and that of the community and country. When the evidence of their own eyes, the counsel of friends and family, even the counsel of religious leaders means nothing compared to the pearls of truth and wisdom that fall from the great leader's lips.

I think America needs a denazification program much like we imposed on the Germans after WW2, a program of civic education and outright challenging and suppression of shitty ideas! :lol: At least a domestic terrorist watch list FFS, these people are fucking dangerous and nuts, while yer at it revive the state hospital system for the insane and start locking some of these lunatics up

It certainly looks at this point like Trump will win the GOP nomination while on trial for J6 in DC or convicted, and the fact of his being disqualified from holding office or appearing on the ballot will be widely known. They will know Trump will be disqualified from the ballot when he applies, there will be many conservatives telling them during the primary's assuming Trump is not disqualified from them too. The primaries are months away and we will know before they begin, if Trump will be disqualified from them as well as the general election because some republicans will try to get him disqualified from the primary process but might not succeed.

New Iowa poll: Trump commands strong lead over DeSantis, despite indictments

138,430 views Aug 21, 2023 #Trump #Iowa #Politics
The first 2024 Iowa poll by NBC News and the Des Moines Register reveals that 42% of likely Republican caucusgoers say Trump is their first choice out of 14 different GOP presidential candidates, while 19% pick DeSantis. This advantage is driven by strong support from Republicans and evangelicals, with 65% not believing Trump committed serious crimes despite indictments. Steve Kornacki joins Morning Joe from the big board to break the numbers down.
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Ursus marijanus
FIFY, but on second thought a dissident refuses to go along with the prevailing reality... As in the brain refusing to accept the reality presented to it by the senses!
I don’t really think so. A dissident thinks we can do better than prevailing policy. In that vein, Socrates, Martin Luther and Leon Trotsky were dissidents. England had the Dissenters (a movement that was dissident to the original dissident, Martin Luther!) (ignoring that Jesus was a dissident), a fragment of which, the Puritans, left a mark on social and political life in US to this day.

So I associate the word not with à disagreement with reality, but with established norms. I imagine that makes every hippie, punk, and other counterculture adherent a dissident.


Well-Known Member
I don’t really think so. A dissident thinks we can do better than prevailing policy. In that vein, Socrates, Martin Luther and Leon Trotsky were dissidents. England had the Dissenters (a movement that was dissident to the original dissident, Martin Luther!) (ignoring that Jesus was a dissident), a fragment of which, the Puritans, left a mark on social and political life in US to this day.

So I associate the word not with à disagreement with reality, but with established norms. I imagine that makes every hippie, punk, and other counterculture adherent a dissident.
True, but they rebel against the prevailing reality, the status quo and sometimes shift the Overton window, but more often end up shot in the back of the head! They have to fight to get their view of reality accepted against prevailing beliefs or the norm. Trumpers aren't normal, or rather I fear that they are, but misguided and sucked in by having their character flaws used against them. They went cultish, which is to say their tribal propensities and conditioning were used against them to manipulate and control them with an alternative reality and even online social support system.

There is cognitive dissidence, but like Trump, it has a lot of help with an information infrastructure that disconnects them from not just reality, but from the larger society as well, including friends and family in some cases.


Ursus marijanus
True, but they rebel against the prevailing reality, the status quo and sometimes shift the Overton window, but more often end up shot in the back of the head! They have to fight to get their view of reality accepted against prevailing beliefs or the norm. Trumpers aren't normal, or rather I fear that they are, but misguided and sucked in by having their character flaws used against them. They went cultish, which is to say their tribal propensities and conditioning were used against them to manipulate and control them with an alternative reality and even online social support system.

There is cognitive dissidence, but like Trump, it has a lot of help with an information infrastructure that disconnects them from not just reality, but from the larger society as well, including friends and family in some cases.
The departure of the status quo from the optima of objective reality is the thing that drives dissidents. Calling it reality is incorrect and a bit jesuitical.

The term political reality is not about reality as we understand it, but established inequities. It is a common abuse of the term, and I’m suggesting you not propagate it.

Dissidence is very different from delusion.


Well-Known Member
Cash bail and the stipulations of keeping his typical keyboard menacing under watch.

Fuck around and find out :bigjoint:

So , any post ( re-truth or otherwise ) can forfeit his bail and move to a lock up. Hallelujah :mrgreen: .

I felt a great disturbance in the MAGA, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. “

Now let’s see if Jabba the Trump can keep his slime hole quiet.

* laughter intensifies



Well-Known Member
I don’t understand your commitment to Cornel West. He may be a brilliant man but he has no experience with Washington politics or any practical understanding of how to operate the levers of government.

Biden’s experience is the reason he was able to pass important legislation through a hostile Congress. Biden has proven to be more than a capable president and if anyone can’t see that, they have their heads up their asses.

It looks like you’ll have a choice between Biden or trump in 2024. Any vote for an alternative candidate is a vote for trump. You will have the same impact on the future of your country voting for Professor West as the deplorables will have voting for trump.

You might as well pick yourself up a red hat.
Just no. I have a choice to vote for the candidate of my choice.

I will not vote for the architect of modern mass incarceration. I will not vote for the man who outlawed bankruptcy as a cure for student debt.

If the Democratic Party wants my vote, it's on them to serve my interests.

Your blanket assertion that any vote for anyone other than a Democrat is a vote for Trump is illogical, no matter how many other people might agree with you.
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Well-Known Member
not really if you read my post its clear

are you a. a user whos recently started reusing the political section having problems maintaining conversation without arguing?

no? than it isnt you
Well, look- I'm recently back in the section. I strongly disagree with others' opinions sometimes. However, as I was given the rules, I may disagree without making it personal. Correct?

I DO want to follow the rules; I am not here to skirt them.


Well-Known Member
This shows the mental confusion and cognitive dissonance of so called "Christian" voters when it comes to Cheeto Jesus, maybe they should call themselves Trumpians. Instead of selling salvation they give out tickets for the highway to Hell. These people also want to be your moral masters and tell you what is right and punish what they "feel" is wrong, they want to control your bodies and minds and try to make laws to do so when they get power. Imagine trusting a known compulsive liar whose mendacity and criminality is proven daily right in front of their eyes.

What fuels such psychological desperation that reality is rejected and filtered to the point of being useless for one's own wellbeing and that of the community and country. When the evidence of their own eyes, the counsel of friends and family, even the counsel of religious leaders means nothing compared to the pearls of truth and wisdom that fall from the great leader's lips.

I think America needs a denazification program much like we imposed on the Germans after WW2, a program of civic education and outright challenging and suppression of shitty ideas! :lol: At least a domestic terrorist watch list FFS, these people are fucking dangerous and nuts, while yer at it revive the state hospital system for the insane and start locking some of these lunatics up

It certainly looks at this point like Trump will win the GOP nomination while on trial for J6 in DC or convicted, and the fact of his being disqualified from holding office or appearing on the ballot will be widely known. They will know Trump will be disqualified from the ballot when he applies, there will be many conservatives telling them during the primary's assuming Trump is not disqualified from them too. The primaries are months away and we will know before they begin, if Trump will be disqualified from them as well as the general election because some republicans will try to get him disqualified from the primary process but might not succeed.

New Iowa poll: Trump commands strong lead over DeSantis, despite indictments

138,430 views Aug 21, 2023 #Trump #Iowa #Politics
The first 2024 Iowa poll by NBC News and the Des Moines Register reveals that 42% of likely Republican caucusgoers say Trump is their first choice out of 14 different GOP presidential candidates, while 19% pick DeSantis. This advantage is driven by strong support from Republicans and evangelicals, with 65% not believing Trump committed serious crimes despite indictments. Steve Kornacki joins Morning Joe from the big board to break the numbers down.
I agree that America needs a deNazification program and it needs to start with law enforcement;



Well-Known Member
Just no. I have a choice to vote for the candidate of my choice.

I will not vote for the architect of modern mass incarceration. I will not vote for the man who outlawed bankruptcy as a cure for student debt.

If the Democratic Party wants my vote, it's on them to serve my interests.

Your blanket assertion that any vote for anyone other than a Democrat is a vote for Trump is illogical, no matter how many other people might agree with you.


Staff member
Well, look- I'm recently back in the section. I strongly disagree with others' opinions sometimes. However, as I was given the rules, I may disagree without making it personal. Correct?

I DO want to follow the rules; I am not here to skirt them.
within reason, if the thread just becomes You arguing with everyone over and over picking over sentiments arguing, than it is no longer a discussion its just you taking over the thread with arguing .and that of course goes for everyone im just saying you because we are talking together

we do need to tone down how we talk to people here, because just because something isnt a direct "fuck you" doesnt mean it isnt meant like one


Well-Known Member

Steve Schmidt explains who benefits most from Donald Trump skipping Republican debate | The Warning

7,524 views Aug 22, 2023 The Warning
Steve Schmidt breaks down the decision by Donald Trump to skip the Republican debate on Wednesday, instead choosing to sit down with Tucker Carlson. Steve explains how this is an opportunity for Chris Christie and Tim Scott to prove they are viable contenders for the nomination, as opposed to Ron DeSantis.