Will my girlfriend pass her drugtest on Jan 1st?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we are taking every precaution...yesterday (dec 9) was the last day she smoked (we were daily smokers up until about a week ago, then she dropped down to only 2 times over the past week before tuesday)...and this is what she is now taking every day to get clean, what do you guys think??
Sonne's #7 detox formula (will start taking on Friday the 12th)
500mg Niacin
5 Fiber (psyillium) pills 3 times a day
Womens one-a-day
3 Cranberry pills
8-10 glasses of water
jogging 15 minutes
Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program (google it if you are curious, will begin taking this Saturday the 13th)

She weighs about 105-110...and is going to eliminate sugar and reduce fat intake.

Based on this info she should be good to go by Jan 1st, but what do yall think??

Also, do you think sitting in a sauna or something would help??


Well-Known Member
geez man...she must really have to pass that drug test. sounds like you're doing all you possible can.


Well-Known Member
Make her execise more, and eat more NOT less. U must increase metabolism to get the canabinoids out from the body.


Well-Known Member
lmao dude you have like 3 weeks... chill, even if she didnt do a DAMN thing she would more than likely be ok.

just incase, have her take 500mg of Niacin, its a vitamin, you can buy it from walmart or basically anywhere they sell vitamins, it fludhes out the body, it might make her burn up and itch for a day but thats good, it means its working.

I used to go to a school that would test us randomly and I smoked, took niacin for two nights in a row, and a week later got tested and was clean.

best part of niacin is that its just a vitamin, so it wont show up that she flushed her system or anything.

but seriously, she has 3 weeks, marijuana stays in your system for about 2-3 weeks at the most.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we are taking every precaution...yesterday (dec 9) was the last day she smoked (we were daily smokers up until about a week ago, then she dropped down to only 2 times over the past week before tuesday)...and this is what she is now taking every day to get clean, what do you guys think??
Sonne's #7 detox formula (will start taking on Friday the 12th)
500mg Niacin
5 Fiber (psyillium) pills 3 times a day
Womens one-a-day
3 Cranberry pills
8-10 glasses of water
jogging 15 minutes
Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program (google it if you are curious, will begin taking this Saturday the 13th)

She weighs about 105-110...and is going to eliminate sugar and reduce fat intake.

Based on this info she should be good to go by Jan 1st, but what do yall think??

Also, do you think sitting in a sauna or something would help??
oh, nvm... just read she is already taking niacin... well shit man, if you care about her at all. I would HIGHLY suggest you tell her NOT to take all of those... if she just takes 500mg's of niacin once a day for 2 weeks straight she will be 100% clean.

If shes not, I will personally send you what ever I yeild off the grow im currently growing haha.


Well-Known Member
depends on the drug test...mouth swab I know people who smoked the night before and passed, urine i know people who have passed and smoked 3 days before, hair she loses... she doesn't need niacin just have her drink plenty of water and cranberry juiced trust me man I know from experience and I smoke ALOT.


Well-Known Member
she should be fine as long as its not a hair test thats one hell of a detox regiment.

also ..... She weighs about 105-110...and is going to eliminate sugar and reduce fat intake

as a medical professional i perscribe her more fats, sugars and a god damn sandwhich.


Well-Known Member
she is taking niacin...any ideas on the sauna thought? It makes you sweat so damn much, that would have to help wouldnt it? She can't take any chances failing the test...bout to graduate and this is her first "real" job...any other thoughts or ideas?


Well-Known Member
Dude when i took my drug test i just drank alot of water and beer, for about a week before the test and no weed.

And i passed it, so i'm sure she'll be fine.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
wow! ya dont need all that. my roomie gets tested every month and she just takes detox pills the night before and detox drink that day. i feel she over does it but damn man your girl is gonna be pissing water!


Well-Known Member
wow! ya dont need all that. my roomie gets tested every month and she just takes detox pills the night before and detox drink that day. i feel she over does it but damn man your girl is gonna be pissing water!
yea that would totally be the easiest option...but she doesn't know if it will be on Jan 1st...she just knows it will be sometime after that, within the first week or 2 working...ps it IS a urine test


Well-Known Member
MJ Stays in your system for 60 to 90 days depending on your size. Becare full with the niacine that shit sucks. It makes you feel flush if you take to much of it. Your detox drinks will help Make sure you drink one day of. Good luck

It's such a shame that we can not smoke a little weed. I should go for a job fail my drug test on purpose and then cause a sceen if they don't hire me for that. lol For christ sake when are people gonna open there eyes.


Well-Known Member
MJ Stays in your system for 60 to 90 days depending on your size. Becare full with the niacine that shit sucks. It makes you feel flush if you take to much of it. Your detox drinks will help Make sure you drink one day of. Good luck

It's such a shame that we can not smoke a little weed. I should go for a job fail my drug test on purpose and then cause a sceen if they don't hire me for that. lol For christ sake when are people gonna open there eyes.

hair samples and spinal taps can only test that long (60-90 days). Mouth swabs can only test 24 hours.

urine samples are only effective for up to 36 days with no form of detoxification


Well-Known Member
sorry 420, but hair tests can detect alot longer then 90 days but their are legal issues surrounding how far back they are aloud to check


Well-Known Member
I should go for a job fail my drug test on purpose and then cause a sceen if they don't hire me for that.
Or sue them for discrimination. Everybody claims to be equal opportunity employers, but they don't offer equal opportunities for those who choose to smoke.


Well-Known Member
so it sounds like the general consensus so far is that according to that regimen I listed...by Jan 1st she should totally be fine passing a urine test...


Well-Known Member
sorry 420, but hair tests can detect alot longer then 90 days but their are legal issues surrounding how far back they are aloud to check
i didnt say they couldn't. homie^ said 60-90 days and the only test that can go that long are hair and spinal taps. hair test can detect for around 10 years. spinal taps i'm not that familiar with i just know that it can detect certain drugs for years. they not only have legal issues but legitimacy is a big issue on hair samples.


Well-Known Member
so it sounds like the general consensus so far is that according to that regimen I listed...by Jan 1st she should totally be fine passing a urine test...
yes absolutely! she may have such pure urine they ask her for another test because they couldnt get a clear sample! j/k she'll just piss really really clear while she passes her test