How much does genetics really matter for seeds? How much of it is a scam?

Any schwag from California from back in the day was better than today's weed whether grown indoors or commercially.

However I've had some really bad schwag from places like Washington Square Park, West Philadelphia that was worse than a 20 dollar dispensary eight. In general however, most of the cartel schwag was better than today's weed, especially the high grade mids stuff.
I've had a totally different experience. To each their own.
High for 6 hours from a .20/grm pin joint.
Triangle kush x blackberry kush
Strain called Triple Nova by cannaventure

I smoke morning noon & night for 15 days before tolerance set in...the high only lasted 3 hours after that. Narcotic
Let's be real here for a moment. There is very little bad weed out there right now. I would hope everyone remembers schwag, because I sure do, and even the worst weed I have ever grown, as over fed and early harvested as it was, it was still pretty damn good compared to that shit.

The bar is higher, as are tolerance levels, but one has to fuck up pretty bad at some stage to get totally bunk, shitty weed...

Now, if we are talking about the truly great stuff? It's one of those "you know it when you have it" things. There's weed that I like, weed that I love, and weed I have grown really well, but I have never grown out a grail. That's one of my bucketlist items in this lifetime, finding an 11/10 banger from seed (preferably haze or haze adjacent sativa)

Sorry man you must live in a very nice place if you get better than before weed, I haven't seen it in dealers or the med market in my country, simply non existent.
We had killer strains before 2018, now it's all gone.
If we are real real, there is very little good weed out there right now, not in my country, not in AMS, not in Thailand, Not in the states...
I went to all those places in the last 2 years, things are not looking good to say the least.
Even the farmers in marocoo are suffering, when I visited last year I was shocked, don't bother dreaming about that super banger marocoo hash from 2005, it's gone.
I got something about 5 years ago from a buddy who got it from a Rastafarian he knew . My buddy butchered the strain name into something like "k-whap" . It was and still is the best weed I've ever smoked since we had our original '79 Hindu Kush . Turned a grown man into a giggling puffy eyed pile of mush . We bought 6 more ounces and Mr Rasta disappeared off the face of the earth . It's out there , it's just being held by people like my old partner and that Rasta who don't roll with the crowd .
Growing your own weed will always Trump street weed...unless you are super lucky to meet the right person.

I met a rasta outside of a club in Cleveland who had some peppery time warp weed. Didn't get a strain name just remember that pepper hit ...

I spend a lot of time with local street dealers an they never have the fire. Its Runtz --true enough but it's buzzy yeah I'm kinda high for 2 hours weed.

That shit drives sales...because you need an Oz every 10 days
Crazy how tolerance "don't" work when you encounter a real, fire pheno hahaha
I think people just have so short memory.. it's confusing them.
Also most people think we are talking about guys like you mentioned, but no... We're talking about the same market, same growers more or less, same clones (they claim) same seeds (they claim) but not the same product...
It's across the board, not one grower here or a commerical op there, it's everywhere !
But, you need to source the good stuff because it's still out there Indeed, I know cuz I smoked some and grew some, very rare to encounter it but when you do, you know :eyesmoke:
That's why I grow... to put fire in the streets.
Gotta battle the MIDS Epidemic...

$150 @ seed pack is up there.
But the FIRE is worth it.
90 days to harvest ....that's a short while.
But the FIRE is worth it
Keeping mother plants eats up space...
But the FIRE is worth it

I can crush the streets with FIRE
Mids is going to sit for a while.
Don't mention ugly weed...GOD it sits 4ever.
I had quit before the term schwag came around.
If you've ever smoked dirt weed you know what bad weed is all about.
We had good weed too, Oaxacan, Columbian, sometimes some vietnamese smuggled in by a returning soldier.
That stuff was good for it's time but the stuff I'm growing now is a lot stronger. The results of haphazard and sometimes genius outlaw growers doing their thing for so many years. Doing what good farmers do making their crop better.
It's all about genetics at this point. Choose wisely.
That's why I grow... to put fire in the streets.
Gotta battle the MIDS Epidemic...

$150 @ seed pack is up there.
But the FIRE is worth it.
90 days to harvest ....that's a short while.
But the FIRE is worth it
Keeping mother plants eats up space...
But the FIRE is worth it

I can crush the streets with FIRE
Mids is going to sit for a while.
Don't mention ugly weed...GOD it sits 4ever.

Thinking about doing a 100 seed reg or a 50 seed female pheno hunt. Wonder what's the minimum tent space I need for this. Also would help to have the right seedmaker. If I can buy a pack of seeds from every time I hear a recommendation and I bookmarked all those seeds, I would be spending thousands at least. So considering would it be better to buy 10 packs each from like 10 different "reputable" seed makers and their plant OR just find the right breeder and do a 100? That's 200 plants with the backups. LOL I can get seriously DEA'ed for that I believe without a grow license. Or if it's a "for sure" breeder just do like 20 or 30 (2 or 3 packs of seeds) and do 40 to 60 total with all the backups. Shit that is still a lot of growing.

It's easy to see why it's so much easier and cost effective to just get tuned to a hookup that has the true fire and did the pheno hunt for you.

That is if you are lucky enough to find someone like that instead of most growers who just want to sell anything.
Thinking about doing a 100 seed reg or a 50 seed female pheno hunt. Wonder what's the minimum tent space I need for this. Also would help to have the right seedmaker. If I can buy a pack of seeds from every time I hear a recommendation and I bookmarked all those seeds, I would be spending thousands at least. So considering would it be better to buy 10 packs each from like 10 different "reputable" seed makers and their plant OR just find the right breeder and do a 100? That's 200 plants with the backups. LOL I can get seriously DEA'ed for that I believe without a grow license. Or if it's a "for sure" breeder just do like 20 or 30 (2 or 3 packs of seeds) and do 40 to 60 total with all the backups. Shit that is still a lot of growing.

It's easy to see why it's so much easier and cost effective to just get tuned to a hookup that has the true fire and did the pheno hunt for you.

That is if you are lucky enough to find someone like that instead of most growers who just want to sell anything.

At max I am talking 3 --4x4 tents...16 buckets in each.
48 clones
An apache tech at600 and --2 blackdog 800w leds
I think about raids & robbery way too much
I had quit before the term schwag came around.
If you've ever smoked dirt weed you know what bad weed is all about.
We had good weed too, Oaxacan, Columbian, sometimes some vietnamese smuggled in by a returning soldier.
That stuff was good for it's time but the stuff I'm growing now is a lot stronger. The results of haphazard and sometimes genius outlaw growers doing their thing for so many years. Doing what good farmers do making their crop better.
It's all about genetics at this point. Choose wisely.
We called it ditch weed. ha
A guy I used to sell weed to and deer hunt with came back from I think Kansas with a truck bed full of that shit sometime around the late 80's early 90's . He was a big time coke dealer but didn't know jack about weed . Thought he hit it big before I told him it was just wild hemp .
That's why I grow... to put fire in the streets.
Gotta battle the MIDS Epidemic...

$150 @ seed pack is up there.
But the FIRE is worth it.
90 days to harvest ....that's a short while.
But the FIRE is worth it
Keeping mother plants eats up space...
But the FIRE is worth it

I can crush the streets with FIRE
Mids is going to sit for a while.
Don't mention ugly weed...GOD it sits 4ever.
The ugly weed thing is a motherfucker though, because some of the best sativa smoke out there is pretty damn ugly. I know the struggle though, my mentor threw out a killer white widow because his enviroment was tuned for his real cash crop, and the widow foxtailed like crazy, but while we had her, she was a blast.

Sorry man you must live in a very nice place if you get better than before weed, I haven't seen it in dealers or the med market in my country, simply non existent.
We had killer strains before 2018, now it's all gone.
If we are real real, there is very little good weed out there right now, not in my country, not in AMS, not in Thailand, Not in the states...
I went to all those places in the last 2 years, things are not looking good to say the least.
Even the farmers in marocoo are suffering, when I visited last year I was shocked, don't bother dreaming about that super banger marocoo hash from 2005, it's gone.
Pre 2018 weed? Maybe its because I live in the middle of the US and it takes a while for everything to get here, but I dont feel like much has changed since 2018, except the introduction of dispos, but that stuff is for people who paid $70 an eighth in college and see $45 for mids in nice packaging as a steal. It appears to mostly consist of cookie crossed to cookie crosses, with an OG or Kush thrown in the name for variety.

Have you grown any old school gear?
Any schwag from California from back in the day was better than today's weed whether grown indoors or commercially.

However I've had some really bad schwag from places like Washington Square Park, West Philadelphia, that was worse than a 20 dollar dispensary eight. In general however, most of the cartel schwag was better than today's weed, especially the high grade mids stuff.

There's a ton of bad weed out there. I know it sounds crazy but I believe the Feds destroyed the real narcotic strains from the mass market before legalization through coordinated raids and busts. What's left are just the remnants and they are impossible to find. That's why everyone complains the weed is not good anymore.
That does sound crazy, mainly because quite a bit of that weed is still out there, theres entire threads dedicated to old school funk across ICMag, Overgrow (new and old), mr nice forums, here, and plenty of other forums. Escobar, Hempy, TomHill, shantibaba, and the late Nevil are/were members on these forums, some of them are quite active. Those are just the people who were really there and in the scene, theres dozens of other folk who seem to be in the clique of those who make fire, and in turn share cuts, who I have no reason to believe are full of shit.
That does sound crazy, mainly because quite a bit of that weed is still out there, theres entire threads dedicated to old school funk across ICMag, Overgrow (new and old), mr nice forums, here, and plenty of other forums. Escobar, Hempy, TomHill, shantibaba, and the late Nevil are/were members on these forums, some of them are quite active. Those are just the people who were really there and in the scene, theres dozens of other folk who seem to be in the clique of those who make fire, and in turn share cuts, who I have no reason to believe are full of shit.

It's there according to the Internet. I guess the possibility that it's there is the reason why we are here trying to grow and spend our hard earned dollars on this hobby. Apparently it's not being shared in the commercial industry. Can't find good weed in any dispensary. Can't find street weed anymore. Just impossible to find in general. But supposedly you can pheno hunt it I guess? Either way I will find out unless someone decides to mail me some fire. I spend hella money on weed from the dispensary. If you got the fire and you're a dependable source you've got a steady buyer trust me ;)