OK, so heres the update that i promised to put up for you guys today, n in my opinion, shit is lookin way different from the last time we visited the growroom together (LOL). So lemme do a breakdown before i post the pics.
Everything is goin great man. Ive decided that im gonna give the 600w another week, maybe two, and then im throwing in the 1000w to finish everything up, and hopefully increase my yield by a good 15-20%. The way things are looking right now, i really think im gonna reach that LB mark, and if i dont, im gonna get damn close. I have some pretty nice sized nugs on my branches right now as it is, n by the time theyre done their gonna be like 4 times bigger than they are now, if not even BIGGER, due to the 1000w switchout. Hopefully that switch will push me over the 1g/w goal that i had with the 600w light (of course not shooting for 1000g, im lookin to get somewhere around 600g -- even if i get that in wetweight, ill be happy). If i can pull it off, then ill be one happy motherfucker, especially cuz this is my first serious grow.
The pics -- The first shot was taken about a half hour ago cuz i forgot to get a tent shot, but i couldnt fit everything into the damn pic. Oh well, once again one of those problems thats not too bad to have, eh?
BlueCheese #2 - she still has the fattest buds on her, Although not the most buds, i think shes gonna be up there as far as the higher yielding plants in my grow. Her colas are starting to connect,and shes just lookin tastier by the day. i cant fuckin wait for her calyxes to swell up and for her colors to come out.
WhiteBerry - Still a superstar, even though not at the top of the class. Her nugs are nice n plump, and also are beginning to connect from node to node, giving me an idea of how big the tops are really gonna get. Just a thing of beauty man, i cant believe i only grew one of these, seriously, lol.
Northern Soul - Same deal man, i wish i would have started more than one of her. i would be satisfied just growin out Bluecheese, Whiteberry, n Northern Soul man. The way that this plant is turning out, shes gonna make me a very happy father. Shes tall as hell, and most of her bud growth is on top, but once i get some more light penetration with the 1000w, hopefully all of her bottom budsites will start blowin up too. If not, then when its harvest time, shes gonna be one of the plants that i just chop the tops off and let the bottoms develop for another 2 weeks. Either way shes gonna be a high yielder IMO.
BlueCheese #1 - Really an unexpected pheno in this plant. She turned from short n really bushy, to tall n lanky, n just really random growth everywhere. Its partly my fault because i let the plants veg for too long and this is one of the plants that started to form new branches in the internodes, so the node-to-node flower connection really isnt happening everywhere with her, but it IS happening still. Even if this girl is all popcorn nuggets, theyll be some nice ass nugs man. Id rather have 1000 popcorn nugs than 1 big cola anyways man. thats just me though
Twilight - Really i dont know what to say about her. Shes not doin badly or anything, she just doesnt have alot of leaves on her. Her tops were SUPER SUPER tall, so what i did was go about halfway down her main branches, and i pinched the stem until it popped, and then bent the branches over, and positioned them to where a couple bare patches on the plant next to her are propping them up until they heal and are strong enough to grow horizontally on their own. I actually did the same thing with one of the branches on BlueCheese #1 too. its workin out pretty damn good, cuz as soon as i did that, both plants had a little spurt in flower production. Well see how well Twilight turns out, and im still waiting and hoping to see a hint of purp in her, mainly because a TON of her leaf stems are deep deep purple, and since theres nothing wrong with the damn plant, that should mean i have some purp action on my hands, right??
Widows are FINALLY ready to flower. It took fuckin FOREVER to get them to where they needed to be, but i finally put them into flower permanently, with them at a height of around 8-9 inches tall, with 5-6 nodes on each plant., That should give me a respectable plant thats a couple feet tall at minimum, and will gimme a nice big babyleg sized cola hopefully
no complaints with the Widows at all.
***pics were missing from my pictures file, so i must have deleted them by accident. Ill take a couple snaps tomorrow morning when the lights come on, before my camera goes byebye for 10 days.***
The 20 oz cup plant that i have goin right now, is fuckin crazy. Shes only fuckin 3 inches tall, and has 4 nodes, lol. im gonna top her tomorrow i think, if not tonight, and see how she responds. I think ill flower her within the week. Once again, im just doin this shit for kicks, so whatever happens happens with her.
***Same deal with the 20 oz cup***
My Red Diesel is doin good, but still not really growing at all. Still only has one set of true leaves above the cotelydons. But shes green as shit, and lookin really healthy, so im not gonna question it. Even though its only little still, i fed her her first nutrient watering the other day, and she didnt burn at all, so she must like it. Hopefully ill get a growth spurt in a couple days - the Widows did the same thing man, i dont get it - i guess theres somethin wrong with the top cab that makes all my shit in there grow super slow.
***Nothing worth showing off yet, shes just a set of leaves. ill take pics in a couple weeks. Im flowering her for 10 weeks, so no rush ***
- N there we have it. I hope you guys enjoyed the update, and sorry that I cant take more pics, but i did everything in a hurry, and as best as i could cuz i had to help with a couple people packing cuz theyre leaving tomorrow to go to Cali for 10 days. I hope that im doin good for just ending my 3rd week of flowering. Cant wait to see them at week 5, the same time you guys are gonna see them next
Thanks guys,