First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
How much of the plant is burnt?.. if it's just one or 2 leaves it's okay because it's expected with MG.... be patient and if you see more of it ... flush it. Have you flushed it before?

And get used to the lower leaves of the plant looking like shit, its going to be the case throughout... i noticed it in my grow too.. just the bottom 3/4 leaves would be burnt or droopy.
yeah man its natural for the most lower leafs to fall die n fall off n shit there lookin fine man im guessin ur gunna get a single cola plant but GL

Ok, I know that after flowering for awhile the leaves will yellow and die off and what not. But I noticed this the very first day of lights for their 12/12 cycle......Does it really happen that fast?I'd say ALL but the new growth leaves tips look burnt. Not droopy or dying. Just the tips are burnt......

I'll take a pic of it so you can see and get a better idea of what I'm talkin about......

And to answer ur ? Green- I haven't flushed them yet........ I'll go take a pic and load it up here so you can see...........



Well-Known Member
Ok, so I just watered them with just straight water- no nutes.......Gunna slowly flush them out over the next few days and see if that helps.

The experimental plant has burst into life over the course of a day- growin another inch inch and a half....... Already workin on it's 7 pattern!

I think I'm gunna add the vits to all 4 plants and see how that goes- since the vit plant as of now hasn't suffered any problems........

We'll see......and for all those ridin dirty with me u'll see too!:hump:


Well-Known Member
it happens even befor flower man its a natural thing

Ok, cool.

But I'm flushin them out just for a lil piece of mind I guess. Plus I wanna get out all the veggin ferts before I start the flower ferts too.......

We'll see what happens-good lookin out!


Well-Known Member
So I trimmed all the f'd up shit off of my ladies just cuz it looked like shit......Flushed them and they bounced right back........

Plant number three is lookin wretched don't know what I'm gunna do with her just yet..... she just barely has any life in her......... lost cause maybe....but I may just let her go all the way thru just for the hell of it...... Gunna raise my lights today cuz my two big ones are gettin real close to them......

And I think tomorrow I'm gunna give them some flowerin nutes for the first time.........Just gunna give them all the vit/nute mix...since my one vit plant has been doin so good on it other than bein short n small- she's healthy as hell- she's the only one that hasn't had any problems so far.........

That's the update...I'll put some more pics up in a lil while....till them- PEACE!


Well-Known Member
Subscribed!! nice grow man, ur set up is sick too, ur plants are looking awesome aswell! im loving the purple tint they getting at the moment, u know what strain they mighta been? Any bad growths or discoloration i get on my leaves i just wait to see if it repairs after effecting the problem and if not then i trim it off, takes stress off the plant and boosts up the growth from what iv noticed.

hope all goes well thru flowering man and u get 4girls!
Jah Bless and Good Luck for the rest of your grow!!


Well-Known Member
Hows it goin with the grow so far?
I was just lookin over some me the recent pics you posted, how tall are the plants? Seemed really small... Whatve you got planned in terms of LST..?


Well-Known Member
Hows it goin with the grow so far?
I was just lookin over some me the recent pics you posted, how tall are the plants? Seemed really small... Whatve you got planned in terms of LST..?
What's up Green!?! Yea, two of my four are small. However, my Vit plant has grown like CRAZY- she's about 4 inches tall maybe 5, but shes bushy as hell! My biggest one, the one always in the first pic spot is about 7 or 8 inches tall. I am LST'n them all all the way thru. Her side growth is goin crazy too. THey aren't very big at all, but they should be gettin bigger here now in flower...... I checked on them this mornin and man, even tho they aint very tall, they are suprisin the hell outta me. Hell I'm surprisin myself! I don't expect them to be too big, I've only got like 1.75 lights per plant. Haven't been able to get more lights, so this is def a trial run to see what I can do with what I have. And I'll know what I can do when I add more lights and have some quality seeds......

Subscribed!! nice grow man, ur set up is sick too, ur plants are looking awesome aswell! im loving the purple tint they getting at the moment, u know what strain they mighta been? Any bad growths or discoloration i get on my leaves i just wait to see if it repairs after effecting the problem and if not then i trim it off, takes stress off the plant and boosts up the growth from what iv noticed.

hope all goes well thru flowering man and u get 4girls!
Jah Bless and Good Luck for the rest of your grow!!
Hey Manik! Thanks for stoppin by. Thanks for the comps on my set up. Wish I could get it a lil better. But this is just a trial run just to get the feel for it all. At least before I drop any money on some quality seeds. I noticed the purple tinit too on my plants. I think it's just the lighting, but it'd be nice to have some kinda purple strain. They are def indica dominant tho.... I waited to see if the damage repaired itself, but no luck, so I just trimmed all the shit off and from the looks of them now- they are thankin me for it.... their growth has increased rapidly.......
Hope I get four ladies too- fingers crossed! I figure I should be done flowerin around the end of January beginning of February at the latest......givin them a big time frame since I don't know what they are exactly- hell they may even be done sooner considerin the indica in them? Who knows- Anyways stay tuned, I'll be puttin pics up on Thursday as their first week of flowerin ends........

Till then!


Well-Known Member
Sounds good bro... Just make sure your pots are of good size... don't want them getting root bound n shit... and plus healthier roots = a healthier plant.
Goodluck.. looks like you know what you're doin man :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good bro... Just make sure your pots are of good size... don't want them getting root bound n shit... and plus healthier roots = a healthier plant.
Goodluck.. looks like you know what you're doin man :)

Hahaha- Yea I know a lil sumthin sumthin when it comes to this shit here.... Thanks Pop's!

They are doin f'n great! They are bushier, taller, thicker, fuller- the works.

Watered them yesterday. Gunna water them again on Thursday as well as post pics of their first week in flower. Figure once a week I'll put new pics up. And they are on a 3 day waterin cycle. They are suckin the water up like CRAZY- plus that big ass window fan I got in there dries it up pretty quick.

Question for u Green...... What's the guesstimated time frame an indica dominant strains takes to mature?
I'm guessin that's what they all are judgin by the leaves. And the couch locked munchy smoke they produced.

Oh yea one more- When u watered urs did you water them until the water came out the bottom, or did you only do that when you flushed them?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha- Yea I know a lil sumthin sumthin when it comes to this shit here.... Thanks Pop's!

They are doin f'n great! They are bushier, taller, thicker, fuller- the works.

Watered them yesterday. Gunna water them again on Thursday as well as post pics of their first week in flower. Figure once a week I'll put new pics up. And they are on a 3 day waterin cycle. They are suckin the water up like CRAZY- plus that big ass window fan I got in there dries it up pretty quick.

Question for u Green...... What's the guesstimated time frame an indica dominant strains takes to mature?
I'm guessin that's what they all are judgin by the leaves. And the couch locked munchy smoke they produced.

Oh yea one more- When u watered urs did you water them until the water came out the bottom, or did you only do that when you flushed them?

Well you seem to know how to schedule your watering cycle.. so not too much to worry there... but I was a little paranoid and didn't wanna over or under water... so I would just flush (water comes out the bottom) every 5 - 7 days and that would be the end of that :p lol.

Well by the pics they definitely dont lool like a Sativa lol... but if those are Indica, then it should on average take them 6 - 8 Weeks in flowering... Sativas take about 9 -11 Weeks give or take a week.. Just make sure you've got your maginifying glass to have a look at those trichs.
Which shouldn't be too far away.

Goodluck! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Well you seem to know how to schedule your watering cycle.. so not too much to worry there... but I was a little paranoid and didn't wanna over or under water... so I would just flush (water comes out the bottom) every 5 - 7 days and that would be the end of that :p lol.

Well by the pics they definitely dont look like a Sativa lol... but if those are Indica, then it should on average take them 6 - 8 Weeks in flowering... Sativas take about 9 -11 Weeks give or take a week.. Just make sure you've got your maginifying glass to have a look at those trichs.
Which shouldn't be too far away.

Goodluck! :weed:
Hell, I water them till the water comes out the bottom evey time. Just because that's how dry it gets. I think I'd rather let them get dry and fill 'em up than run the risk of overwatering them with less water but more days. Know what I mean?

So, I'll just estimate a figure of 7 to 10 weeks.....something in between the both of them..... Don't have a magnifying glass but I got a SUPER ZOOM on the new cam so maybe I'll get to see it like that, maybe even get some good pics....... No signs of sex just yet, but maybe I'll see something on Thursday or by this weekend? Who Knows?

I'm in no hurry-LoL


Well-Known Member
Pics comin in the am- stay tuned! Two of them have blown up like crazy, but the other two seem to be strugglin.....grrrrrrrrrr!
Pics tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Week 1 Flower:

:weed: So after the ladies first week in flower no signs of sex just yet. One looks a lil like it's gettin nutz, but it's hard to tell at this point. So I'll let it go to see what develops. Don't wanna pull anything premature.

My big girl is doin pretty damn good for only have 1 3/4 lights on here. So it just gives me an idea as to what I can do when I get more lights and some quality seeds..... I'll be able to put some nice grows under my belt then!

They will be watered again tomorrow. Soil is barely moist today. So come tomorrow it'll be nice and dry and ready for some liquid love-hahaha!

First 3 pics are of my big girl..... then they follow in order to youngest......



Well-Known Member
They look good... I personally believe you could have probably let them veg for a bit longer, cuz a few of the pics look slightly premature... but that's nothing flowering can't fix... just gonna take you a little longer to see any clear signs of thc production.
Goodluck... and it's all an experience.


Well-Known Member
LOOKING GOOD! looking very good man! once it goes into flower then shit really gets exiting, i hope all goes well and good to hear your babies took well to the trimming and such. best of luck and all females!


Well-Known Member
don.... i can see(if im correct) that pic1 the plant is in A form of Low stress training...
i have a question...
everytime I make that corkscrew wire, and feed it onto my plants for training.... it really fucks the leaves up... it will like pinch them and it coversup all the shoots where new growth is on the stem, is this the same effect your having, and if not... im curious on your method of LST..


Well-Known Member
just in my opinion Nodacci - i think struggler may be male, as for biggirl and little girl they look female, all the males that iv ever ended up growing hav looked almost identical to that (except for strian of course) with the strecthed stem and minimal branch growth bt i can be sure cuz of the photo, as for still surprised that shit worked...and looks like its stil working!

RUCKUS! - u could try string or cloth, sumthing soft, to tie to your plant on the areas where it wont effect growth and cuz its small it doesnt get in the way as much as wire does, then just tie the other end down how u want it.